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Shut that thing off translate Spanish

89 parallel translation
Shut that thing off!
Apaga eso.
- Shut that thing off.
- Apague esa cosa.
Shut that thing off.
Deja eso de una vez.
- Shut that thing off.
- Déjalo ya.
Shut that thing off!
¡ Apaga esa cosa!
Shut that thing off.
Apaga esa cosa.
Shut that thing off.
Haz callar eso.
Shut that thing off, will you?
Corta eso, ¿ quieres?
Shut that thing off!
¡ Apaguen eso!
Por favor, shut that thing off!
Por favor, ya puede descargar!
My name is talky tina, and i love you very much. Will you shut that thing off?
Mi nombre es Tina Parlanchina y te quiero mucho.
Shut that thing off.
¡ Apaguen eso!
Have you found a solution, a way to shut that thing off?
- Bien. ¿ Encontró una solución, una manera de desconectar esa cosa?
Shut that thing off, will you?
Apaga ese chisme, ¿ quieres?
Man, shut that thing off.
Apaga esa cosa.
- Shut that thing off, will you?
- Apaga esa cosa, ¿ verdad?
Will you shut that thing off?
Cielos. ¿ Puedes apagar esa cosa?
Shut that thing off!
Apága eso!
But you won't even be halfway through your aug before you hear this. Honey, shut that thing off. It's making too much noise.
Pero cuando apenas hayan empezado a taladrar su agujero oirán esto cariño apaga esa cosa hace demasiado ruido
Shut that thing off. Do you have mud in your ears, you big baboon?
He dicho que apagues eso es que tienes tapones en las orejas que contestan
- Allie, shut that thing off.
¿ Cómo diablos se apaga esto?
Shut that thing off.
Apaga esa luz.
You're gonna have to... You're gonna have to shut that thing off and...
Va a tener que... ¡ Vas a tener que cerrar esa cosa y -
Shut that thing off.
"Apaga eso"
Shut that thing off!
¡ Apague eso!
Shut that thing off. Commander Worf, prepare to launch torpedoes.
Prepárese para lanzar los torpedos.
I gotta shut that thing off!
Debo apagar esa cosa.
- Shut that thing off.
- Apaga esa cosa.
Shut that thing off and I'll tell you the truth, all right?
Apaga eso y te diré la verdad, ¿ vale?
It could lead to massive shock... and, Henry, could you please shut that thing off?
Podría producir un shock masivo y, Henry, ¿ Podrías apagar eso?
Harry, pull the speech processors if you have to, but shut that thing off.
Harry : arranque los procesadores de lenguaje si es necesario, pero haga que esa cosa se calle.
Now, how do you shut that thing off?
¡ ¿ Cómo se apaga esta cosa? !
- Shut that thing off.
¡ Apaga eso!
Shut that thing off.
Cierra esa cosa.
Shut that thing off.
Calla esas cosas.
Shut that thing off.
- Y ahora,...
Shut that damn thing off.
Apaga ese chisme.
Hey, shut that damn thing off!
¡ Eh, apague ese maldito cacharro!
- Shut that damn thing off!
- Apaga ese chisme. - Déjalo encendido.
Shut that damn thing off.
Apaga esa maldita cosa.
Shut that blasted thing off.
Apaga eso.
The general said shut that blasted thing off.
- El general dice que lo apaguen.
Shut that damn thing off!
¡ Apague esa cosa!
I said, shut that stupid thing off.
Dije, cerró esa cosa estúpida fuera.
Shut up and turn that thing off.
Cállate y apaga esa cosa.
Then shut up and wipe that stupid-looking thing... which you probably think is some kind of charming expression... right off your face, boy.
Pues cállate y quita esta cosa estúpida que ves como una expresión amable en tu cara.
- Aah! Shut that damn thing off!
¡ Apaga esa maldita cosa!
It went on and on and on just like that - the President not being able to shut this thing off.
" Continuaban y continuaban y continuaban - sin el Presidente der capaz de detener esto.
Look, leave me alone. And shut that damn thing off!
¡ Déjame en paz y apaga esa maldita cosa!
Shut that bloody thing off.
Apaga es maldita cosa.
Sure hope they shut down that gate before we have to set this thing off.
Espero que cierren la puerta antes de que tengamos que activar esta cosa.

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