Since you ask translate Spanish
521 parallel translation
Since you ask, if you ask, plenty.
Ya que lo pregunta, si quiere saber mi opinión, muchas cosas.
Since you ask me, it would be impolite to refuse.
Como usted lo pide seria descortés negarse
- Since you ask it of me.
- ¡ Porque usted me lo ha pedido!
I mean, since you ask no matter what anybody else says, I think you're a gentleman.
Ya que lo pregunta a pesar de lo que piensen los demás, creo que es un caballero.
Since you ask so nicely, I'll stay.
Ya que me lo pides tan amablemente, me quedo.
Since you ask, I'm putting the finishing touches to something that will cause a sensation.
Ya que le interesa, estoy acabando, dando los últimos toques a una cosa apasionante, que será sonada.
General, I regret intruding this upon your consideration, but since you ask me I have a son training now in a combat infantry division, assault.
General, no es digna de someterla a su consideración, pero ya que pregunta tengo un hijo entrenando en una división de infantería. Asalto.
" But since you ask me, here goes
Pero ya que me lo pides, aquí van
Since you ask me what I wish, Sir, that is my answer.
Ya que me preguntan lo que deseo, esa es mi respuesta.
My career's not going too badly at the moment, since you were kind enough to ask.
Mi carrera no va demasiado mal en este momento, ya que tuviste la amabilidad de preguntar.
I will, since you ask it.
Lo haré, ya que me lo pides.
You fill my life since so many beautiful days how this came to be, I'd like to ask you.
# Llenas mi vida de días tan hermosos # cómo ha sido posible, me gustaría preguntarte.
And since after the execution you will all be anxious to write your stories I'll ask you to do it now.
Y justo antes de la ejecución, podréis escribir vuestros artículos, aunque os pediría que lo hicieseis ahora.
Now, I've taken an awful lot from you since I've been here and you're the last man I'd ask anything of unless it meant a great deal to me.
He tenido que aguantar muchas cosas de usted desde que llegué y es la última persona del mundo a quien pediría un favor a no ser que significara mucho para mí.
Now, since I'm about to make an abrupt departure, I'd like to ask you to do a favor for me.
Bien, ya que estoy a punto de hacer una salida abrupta, me gustaría pedirle que me hiciera un favor.
Since then, I would have died rather than ask you for anything.
Desde ese día, preferí haber muerto antes que pedirle algo
- Since you ask so nicely...
- Si me lo pide tan amablemente. - Gracias.
You've been trying to ask me ever since we arrived.
Querías preguntármelo desde que llegamos.
Since you didn't ask for mine, I must have yours.
Puesto que usted no me pide un autógrafo, quisiera tener el suyo.
"Since you didn't ask for mine, I must have yours."
"Puesto que usted no me pide un autógrafo, quisiera tener el suyo".
But since you wrote the show, I can ask you instead of Mr. Miller.
Pero como Ud. Escribió la obra, puede responderme.
Since I've no wish to see that star fall, I'll ask you one question :
Nunca quisiera ver que esa estrella caiga. Te haré una pregunta más.
The news may be a little delayed in reaching him... since I must ask you to remain my prisoner.
Las noticias le llegarán con un poco de retraso, ya que debo pedirle que sea mi prisionero.
You ask me, he'll make the worst record of any cadet since Ulysses S. Grant.
En mi opinión, será el peor cadete desde Ulysses S. Grant.
Well, since you bring it up, Toby, I haven't had the nerve to ask her.
Ahora que lo mencionas, Toby, no me he atrevido a pedírselo.
I've always wanted to ask you, since you play on so many sides why we don't come out any better.
Siempre te he querido preguntar, desde que juegas en tantos bandos el por que no nos va mejor.
Well, since you're so well-Acquainted with the ghost, why not ask him?
¿ Y qué tiene de malo ser un Canterville?
Since you are so ecstatic over the whole arrangement, may I ask you whether you expect me to bathe under that?
Ya que está tan contenta con el arreglo, ¿ le puedo preguntar si espera que me bañe debajo de eso?
- I'm sorry, Miss, but since you have, so to speak, taken care of things, since it's late, I ask permission to return back.
Pido perdón a la señorita, pero ya que la señorita ha, por así decirlo, provisto, pido permiso para volver a entrar en la sede.
May I make so bold as to ask how you have done so well since you and me were out on those lone shivering marshes?
¿ Puedo preguntarte cómo ha ocurrido? ¿ Qué pasó desde nuestro encuentro en aquellas temibles ciénagas?
I was gonna ask questions, but since you signed that the less you know, the better.
Iba a hacerle algunas preguntas, pero ya que ha firmado eso cuanto menos sepa, mejor.
And you. Ever since we came here, over all our troubles, it's been, "Ask Mr Dean, ask Mr Dean." There was just no-one else you could ask.
Y usted... desde que llegamos aquí, respecto a todos nuestros problemas dicen, " Pregunte al Sr. Dean.
In view of these facts, and especially since today is Christmas Eve we're all anxious to get home I ask that you sign the commitment papers without delay.
En vista de estos hechos... todos estamos ansiosos de ir a casa... le pido que firme la orden sin mayor retraso.
Since you know it, why do you ask?
— Si lo sabes, ¿ por qué lo dices?
To ask you if you've seen the man since you drove through Moorside with him yesterday afternoon.
Para preguntarle si le ha visto desde que ayer anduvo con él por Moorside.
Since you brought your lawyer, ask him if this doesn't sound like blackmail.
- Ya que has traído a tu abogado, pregúntale si esto no es chantaje.
There are no embarrassing questions you can ask me, Lieutenant, since I didn't kill her.
No hay preguntas embarazosas, porque yo no la he matado.
No, but since they cheat on you easily when they offer you something... You've got to decline and ask a different one
- No, pero como a ti siempre te engañan, cuando te dan algo tienes que rechazarlo y hacer que te den otro.
So, since you have been so good as to ask me for a dedication, Here it is.
"Como es un honor para mí que me pida una dedicatoria hela aquí."
Since I have, in principle, your agreement, sir, may I ask you what would be the amount in which I'd remain indebted to you for having defended my cause?
Como en principio estamos de acuerdo, estimado Dr. ¿ puedo saber cuánto voy a deberle por defenderme?
Since my means are limited, I can only ask your pardon... perhaps persuade you to accept, as a token of my regard... the last, uh, valuable left to me from a once formidable estate.
Ya que mis recursos son limitados, sólo puedo pedirle perdón... y quizá convencerla de aceptar, como muestra de mi consideración... el último objeto de valor que me queda de lo que fue un patrimonio formidable.
Sir Francis, since you may be too faint hearted to ask...
Sir Francis, ya que no se atreve a pedirlo...
Since I hope to join that monarchy, sire. I must ask you not to insult it.
Puesto que espero unirme a esa monarquia, sir, le debo pedir que no la insulte.
Since he's your guardian, I felt I should ask his permission... before asking you to marry me.
¿ qué le preguntaste? Ya que es tu tutor, me pareció que debía pedirle permiso... antes de pedirte que te casaras conmigo.
Since you have already divided the stranger among you, I will ask a welcome for him in our father's tent.
Como ya se han dividido al forastero entre ustedes, le daré la bienvenida.
Look, in case anybody should ask, you tell them I was here since 3 : 30 this afternoon, okay?
Oye, si te preguntan por mí,... diles que llevo aquí sentado desde las 15 : 30, ¿ vale?
Don't make a production out of it. They probably won't even ask you. But if they do, you just tell them I was here since 3 : 30, okay?
No montes un drama, quizá ni te pregunten,... pero si lo hacen, diles que llevo aquí desde las 15.30, ¿ vale?
It must be hard for you that he left here so soon since you came here to ask for his support.
Debe ser duro para ti que se fuera tan pronto, ya que viniste a pedirle apoyo.
Since I've come here, I've been dying to ask you... about that picture. May I see it?
Desde que llegué, muero por preguntarle... sobre esa foto. ¿ Puedo verla?
I've wanted to... ask you since the first time I saw you.
Quería decírtelo desde la primera vez que te vi.
Silly of me to ask since you didn't know him.
Es una estupidez preguntártelo, porque tú no le conocías.
since you asked 49
since you 27
since you brought it up 26
since you put it that way 19
since you left 20
since you're here 85
you asked for it 145
you asked me 62
you asked for me 32
you asked for my help 19
since you 27
since you brought it up 26
since you put it that way 19
since you left 20
since you're here 85
you asked for it 145
you asked me 62
you asked for me 32
you asked for my help 19
you ask too many questions 34
you asked 123
you asked me a question 21
you ask me 177
you asked me to 28
you asked to see me 72
you ask a lot of questions 51
you ask 150
you ask him 36
you ask her 30
you asked 123
you asked me a question 21
you ask me 177
you asked me to 28
you asked to see me 72
you ask a lot of questions 51
you ask 150
you ask him 36
you ask her 30
asked 24
asking 38
aske 51
ask me anything 71
ask me a question 31
ask your mother 32
ask me anything you want 22
ask me 205
ask her 221
asked and answered 66
asking 38
aske 51
ask me anything 71
ask me a question 31
ask your mother 32
ask me anything you want 22
ask me 205
ask her 221
asked and answered 66
ask your questions 26
ask away 74
ask your father 22
ask questions 22
ask me again 35
asking for help 16
ask questions later 24
ask me what 45
asking questions 54
ask you a question 17
ask away 74
ask your father 22
ask questions 22
ask me again 35
asking for help 16
ask questions later 24
ask me what 45
asking questions 54
ask you a question 17
ask her out 51
ask around 58
ask yourselves 19
ask him 412
ask yourself 98
ask her yourself 28
ask mr 28
ask anyone 59
ask him yourself 67
ask them 85
ask around 58
ask yourselves 19
ask him 412
ask yourself 98
ask her yourself 28
ask mr 28
ask anyone 59
ask him yourself 67
ask them 85