So were you translate Spanish
22,354 parallel translation
So were you.
Al igual que tú.
So you were really giving it to her.
Así que le estabas dando caña.
You were lying so still, I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead.
estabas tan quieta, sólo quería asegurarte de que no estabas muerta.
- You were doing so well.
- Lo estabas haciendo tan bien.
You were so cute, huffing'and puffin'.
Eres tan linda, frailecita.
So yeah, were you looking for directions or something?
Entonces, ¿ estaba buscando una dirección o algo así?
And when it was felt that the full and awful details of the crime should not be broadcast abroad for fear of panic and so the newspapers were injuncted, all this you recall?
Y cuando se decidió que la totalidad de los detalles desagradables del crimen no debían proclamarse por temor al pánico y se prohibió su publicación en los periódicos, ¿ recuerda todo esto?
You were careful to use the same angles as you did in the video, so they would match, including the final shot to the head.
Usted fue cuidado de usar los mismos ángulos como lo hizo en el video, por lo que se correspondería, incluyendo el último tiro en la cabeza.
So, we were hoping, Tiffany, that you could...
Esperábamos, Tiffany, que pudiera...
So then why were you charging at Cuba's golden boy
Así que ¿ por qué estabas cargando al niño de oro de Cuba
So you were here all the time?
¿ Así que estuviste aquí todo el tiempo?
Alexander's body was found in the workshop, but I don't think you were strong enough to have carried it far, so it must have happened nearby.
El cuerpo de Alexander fue encontrado en el taller,... pero no creo que usted fuera lo suficientemente fuerte como para cargarlo tan lejos, así que debe haber ocurrido cerca.
Well, look. You guys were all so busy.
Bien, todos ustedes estaban tan ocupados.
How come you were being so horrible to me?
como ibas a hacerme eso a mi?
So, is that what you were looking for when you went to her house, the accounts?
Entonces, era eso lo que estabas buscando cuando fuiste a su casa, ¿ las cuentas?
Because you were the one who was intimate with her and so you'd know Mary better than anyone else.
Porque eras el que intimaba con ella y la conociste mejor que nadie.
And you were right, so well done.
- Y tenías razón, bien hecho.
- Well, they had your keys and they were trying to get into your apartment, and they got scared off, so... then they must have assaulted you in the courtyard.
Bueno, tenían tus llaves y estuvieron intentando entrar en tu departamento, y se asustaron, así que... entonces deben haberte agredido en el patio.
Uh, so a crime was committed last night, and your name was mentioned. I was wondering if you could tell me where you were.
Se cometió un crimen, nos mencionaron su nombre. ¿ Podría decirme dónde estuvo?
Oh, my God, you were so sad.
Dios mío, estabas muy triste.
Emil shut off the security system so he could get proof that you and your contractor were shacking up.
Emil apagó el sistema de seguridad para poder obtener la prueba de que usted y su contratista estaban teniendo relaciones.
You were doing so well.
Te estaba yendo bien.
Hell, I beat you so much you were scared to look at a damn crack pipe.
Diablos, te golpeé tanto que temías mirar una pipa para crack.
Anyhow, we'll use hypnotherapy to bring you back to when you were 6, and we'll find out what made you so happy.
Como sea, usaremos la hipnoterapia para llevarte de regreso a cuando tenías 6, y descubriremos que te hacia tan feliz.
You were living in London at the time, so it seemed plausible.
Usted vivía en Londres en el momento, por lo que parecía plausible.
So even though, you know, looking back, maybe there were some signs.
Así que aunque, ya sabes, al mirar hacia atrás, tal vez hubo algunas señales.
You guys were so mad at each other.
Ustedes eran tan locos el uno al otro.
You were so strong when their dad went to prison.
Fuiste tan fuerte cuando su papá fue a prisión.
So, why were you fired?
- Trabajé allí 2 años... pero como no tenía visa... - ¿ Por qué te despidieron?
So, the police were questioning you? Yes.
- ¿ Te interrogó la policía?
Okay, well, we know that you were in thailand, So korea's not a stretch.
Sabemos que estuviste en Tailandia y Corea está cerca.
Eddie would tell you anything If he thought you were gonna kill him, So what made you believe him?
Eddie habría dicho cualquier cosa para seguir vivo, ¿ por qué le creíste?
And, everyone, we are so glad That you were all able to join us.
Sí... y estamos felices de que nos acompañen.
And you were so rude over the phone.
Y estabas tan grosero por teléfono.
So, wait, you were in the car when it happened?
Asi que, espera, estabas en el carro cuando sucedio?
You should have seen the crowds in the square. There were so many.
Si hubierais visto la multitud en la plaza.
If you were a murderer, would you be so foolish as to transfer the proof of your guilt from an old bag to a new one?
Si fuerais un asesino ¿ seríais tan tonto como para pasar la prueba de vuestra culpa de una alforja vieja a otra nueva?
So you just decided, on your own, that you were going to show her what you really look like?
¿ Así que decidiste, por tu cuenta, que ibas a mostrarle tu verdadero aspecto?
So, when were you gonna tell me about the bad stalk?
Entonces, ¿ cuándo ibas a hablarme de la caña en mal estado?
You were so focused.
Estabas muy concentrada.
So remember we were having that whole conversation about how I needed, you know, my own space, my own way into my spiritual whatever,
Acuérdate de cuando tuvimos aquella conversación sobre cómo necesitaba mi propio espacio, mi propia forma de entrar en todo el tema espiritual,
- So what were you doing?
Kristina has been in and out of hospitals for the last five years. Every time, we were afraid that she wouldn't make it so I know what you're feeling now.
Kristina ha estado dentro y fuera de los hospitales en los últimos cinco años. así que sé lo que estás sintiendo ahora.
If I were you, I would answer my question so you don't have to answer his.
Si fuera tú, respondería a mi pregunta para no tener que responder a la suya.
You were squeezing my hand so hard.
Me apretabas la mano tan fuerte.
I figured you were in there romancing, so I went over to Danny's house.
Supuse que estabas de cortejo, así que fui a casa de Danny.
So you felt like you were stuck?
¿ Te sentiste atrapado?
I am so glad you were able to come.
Me alegra mucho que haya podido venir.
You were so scared, and yet I was always there to catch you.
Tenías tanto miedo, pero aun así yo siempre estaba ahí para cogerte.
So, I told her that you were white, which is the only reason I didn't want you living across the street.
Así que le dije que eras blanca, y esa es la única razón... por la que no quería que vivieras cruzando la calle.
He talked about all sorts of things, from sharp edges on interiors, to gearboxes that could be pushed into reverse while you were going along and so on and so on.
Hablaba sobre gran cantidad de cosas, desde bordes filosos en los interiores... Hasta cajas de cambios que encajaban reversa mientras andabas y demás
so were we 18
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
were you hurt 19
were you close 42
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you hurt 19
were you close 42
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you followed 58
were you in love with her 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
you got it 4932
your 1839
were you in love with her 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
you got it 4932
your 1839
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
your hat 64
youn 21
yourself 387
your own 34
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
your hat 64
youn 21
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601