That'll be all translate Spanish
2,822 parallel translation
These are all wonderful books that have had a big impact on me. I'm sure they'll be useful to you further down the line.
Todos estos libros maravillosos que causaron impacto en mí, estoy segura que te servirán a tí.
We'll be asking those parents to sign up for all that pain again.
Les pediremos a esos padres que vuelvan a padecer ese sufrimiento.
It's the wedding dress that all the women in our family have worn,... and later it'll be yours, for when you get married.
Es el vestido de novia que hemos llevado todas las mujeres en mi familia, y luego será tuyo, para cuando te cases tú.
Yes, thank you, Bella. That'll be all.
- Sí, gracias, Bella.
That's all I've ever done... * I know we'll be just fine * * when we learn to love the ride *
Eso es todo... simplemente ser bueno contigo open up the sky this mess is getting high it's windy, and our family needs a ride
That'll be all for the moment.
Eso será todo por el momento.
That's all I'll ever be remembered for.
Eso es todo por lo que seré recordada.
There'll be a moment... When she dies, her face will relax and... All that pain that she was in, it'll be gone.
Habrá un momento... cuando ella muera, su cara se relajará y... y todo el dolor que siente, se irá.
♪ when all is gone ♪ ♪ the plantations, the treme ♪ ♪ and the vieux carre ♪
* when all is gone * * the plantations, the treme * * and the vieux carre * * you know, I'll be swinging to that music * * way up on higher ground * * where pops is blowin'"walk on" *
But I keep hoping that someday I'll be all here all the time.
Pero sigo esperando algún día estar completamente consciente todo el tiempo.
Okay, that'll be all.
Bien, eso es todo.
Eventually it'll shed its outer layers and all that will be left will be its cooling core, a faint cinder that will glow, well, pretty much to the end of time.
Eventualmente expulsará sus capas externas y todo lo que quedara sera su nucleo enfriado un pedazo de carbón débil que resplandecerá, bien, muy bonito al final del tiempo.
I mean, we'll be all dressed up, and I'm not gonna have a curfew that night.
Quiero decir, estaremos todos vestidos elegantes, y no voy a tener toque de queda esa noche.
If you breathe one word of Andrew's involvement in that incident, you'll be forced to pay me all sorts of money.
Si dices una palabra sobre Andrew y el incidente estarás obligado a pagarme una fortuna.
So we'll just write it all down and be thankful that the holiday isn't just about gifts.
Así que lo escribiremos todo y daremos gracias porque las Navidades no giren sólo entorno a los regalos.
Okay, well, first of all, maybe you're right that I'll be disappointed but I don't think so.
Bien, mira, primero que nada, tal vez sí me sienta decepcionado... pero no lo creo.
Underneath all of that bravado you're afraid you'll never be the hero you want to be.
Debajo de toda esa bravuconería tienes miedo de no ser nunca el héroe que quieres ser.
All that time I'll be stuck in my cell, unable to exercise.
Todo ese tiempo estaré encerrado en mi celda, sin poder hacer ejercicio.
When that death-sphere gets here, we'll all be blown to manwich meat.
Cuando la esfera de la muerte llegue aquí, Todos nos convertiremos en carne picada.
We'll be here all night while I try to figure out how you could interrupt that.
Pasaremos la noche aquí mientras trato de entender cómo pudiste interrumpirla.
And I'll never be able to do that if I keep hanging out with my ex-boyfriends all the time.
Y nunca podré hacerlo si sigo reuniéndome con mis ex novios todo el tiempo.
All I want to do is present you as my boyfriend to my mother so she'll be satisfied that I'm in a relationship.
Todo lo que quiero hacer es presentarte como mi novio ante mi madre así estará satisfecha de que esté en una relación.
I know your heart and all the rest of your body throbs for that gardener,... I also know you'll be unhappy, you won't be able to live up to expectations, Irene,... men are not content to walk with you arm-in-arm through the court,... and it's very hard to make with the sacrifices we have to,... with someone we don't love, believe me,...
Sé que tu corazón y el resto de tu cuerpo suspiran por ese jardinero, también sé que serás una infeliz, no vas a estar a la altura, Irene, los hombres no se contentan con pasearnos del brazo por la corte,
Now all you have to do is tell Dan and Nate that you'll be in the city next year.
Ahora tienes que decirle a Dan y a Nate que estarás en la ciudad el próximo año.
And then, as with all things that don't fit, you'll be sent back to where you came from.
Y entonces, como todas las cosas que no encajan serás enviada de vuelta a donde procedes.
Chuck will soon realize that it doesn't matter if the dress is couture if the girl is off-the-rack, and then, as with all things that don't fit, you'll be sent back to where you came from.
Chuck pronto se dará cuenta que no importa si el vestido es de alta costura, si la mujer no está a su altura, y luego que las cosas no encajan, serás enviada de vuelta a donde perteneces.
If he came here, I'll be out of your hair long before all that.
Si venía a aquí dejaría de molestarte antes de todo eso.
I'll be out your head long before all that.
Estaré fuera de tu cabezas mucho antes que eso.
Patricia will be relieved knowing that Izzy will have a mother, knowing, in all likelihood, that you'll live an average lifespan.
Patricia estará aliviada sabiendo que Izzy tendrá una madre, sabiendo, con toda posibilidad, que vivirás un tiempo de vida medio.
Look, Alicia, I don't know what you're hearing, but that's all we'll be looking at.
Mira, Alicia, no sé qué es lo que has oído pero eso será lo único que miraremos.
With the department of justice, we'll be lucky if that's all that happens.
Con el Departamento de Justicia, seremos afortunados si eso es todo lo que pasa.
I don't know where the magic comes from and I'm terrified that one day I'll wake up and it will all be gone.
No sé de donde proviene la magia. Y me atemoriza despertar un día y que todo haya desaparecido.
♪ You can take a chance that it'll be all right ♪
# You can take a chance that it'll be all right #
And that's all you'll ever be.
Y eso es todo lo que llegarás a ser.
Hopefully, the next time Destiny drops out, we'll still be in range. All right, copy that.
Si Dios quiere, la proxima vez que la Destiny se detenga, aun estaremos al alcance.
That'll be all.
Eso será todo.
And that's how it'll be until all that coal is gone.
Y así es como será hasta que todo ese carbón se acabe.
if you pull that trigger, all you'll be is a selfish woman Who forced her 21-year-old daughter To bury her whole family in one day.
si aprietas ese gatillo, todo lo que seras es una mujer egoísta quién obligó a su hija de 21 años a enterrar a toda su familia en un día.
That'll be all for today.
Eso será todo por hoy.
He'll be to the family all that rick was not.
El sera para la familia todo lo que Rick no es.
That'll be all, Adele.
Eso será todo, Adele.
I think, in the meantime, all we can do is be there for her and not be judgmental so that if one day she wants to talk about it, she'll talk about it, and if she doesn't, she doesn't.
Creo, que ahora mismo, todolo que podemos hacer es estar ahí para ella y no juzgarla así que si algún día quiere hablar sobre ello, lo dirá, y si no, pues no.
Now that we have stage 3 at Sunset Gower Studio, this'll be the biggest production we've actually ever had in my company. And I'm really excited about it. Friday, we got to be in here first thing in the morning to receive all the collections for Fashion Week.
ahora que tenemos el escenario numero 3 en sunsent gower studio sera la produccion mas grande que jamas haya hecho mi compañia y estoy muy feliz por eso el viernes, tenemos que estar a primera hora para recibir las colecciones de la semana de la moda
That'll be all, Ruth.
Eso será todo, Ruth.
I wouldn't do that if I were you, or I'll put such a big hole in your guts your shit'll be plastered all over your neighbours'walls!
¡ Yo no haría eso si fuera tú, o te haré un gran agujero en tus tripas que tu mierda quedará toda regada por las paredes de tus vecinos!
All right, well, I don't think I'll be needing any of that "shit" for the playdate, so.
Muy bien, no creo que vaya a necesitar algo de esa "mierda" con los niños.
And so in a sense we all have to live like celebrities because there's that potential that we'll be treated like them.
Y por eso en un sentido todos tenemos que vivir como celebridades porque existe ese potencial de que seamos tratados como ellos.
If I could somehow go back there and, you know, make what was happening to you stop, if I could just... If I... you know, pick you up and just tell you that it'll all be okay.
Pero si tan sólo pudiera, de algún modo, remontarme hasta ese momento y poner fin a lo que le pasaba a usted si tan sólo pudiera tomarlo entre mis brazos y decirle que todo se resolvería.
Just make sure that you wake up Paige at 3 : 00,'cause if she sleeps any longer, she'll be up all night.
Asegúrate de despertar a Paige a las 3, porque si duerme más, no dormirá por la noche.
And she'll be relieved to know that this is all that's going on.
Y debe saber sobre todo lo que está pasando.
We'll be lucky to pay them at all. It's that bad?
Tendremos suerte si conseguimos pagarlos. ¿ Esta tan mal?
that'll be all for now 17
that'll be it 25
that'll be me 20
that'll be the day 55
that'll be 336
that'll be fun 52
that'll be nice 30
that'll be good 30
that'll be fine 69
that'll be enough 20
that'll be it 25
that'll be me 20
that'll be the day 55
that'll be 336
that'll be fun 52
that'll be nice 30
that'll be good 30
that'll be fine 69
that'll be enough 20
that'll be great 47
all right 154529
alla 16
allo 105
allons 38
allah 58
allez 130
allen 543
ally 996
allie 240
all right 154529
alla 16
allo 105
allons 38
allah 58
allez 130
allen 543
ally 996
allie 240
allison 744
allies 24
alley 49
allowed 24
allow 21
alligator 57
allan 201
ally mcbeal 31
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allies 24
alley 49
allowed 24
allow 21
alligator 57
allan 201
ally mcbeal 31
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all day 380
all this time 373
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all day 380
all this time 373