The night he died translate Spanish
615 parallel translation
My father told me the night he died... that a wise king removes the heads of those... who try to remove the crown.
Mi padre me dijo la noche en que murió... que un rey inteligente ha de cortar la cabeza de aquéllos... que tratan de quitarle la corona.
He even came to my house and saw Giuliano the night he died.
Incluso vino a mi casa y vio a Giuliano la noche en que murió.
Madam gave it to him the night he died.
La señora le dio esto a él la noche que murió.
Ever since the night he died. everything has changed.
Desde la misma noche que él murió, todo ha cambiado.
Greg, did you know that she was treated the night he died?
Greg, ¿ la noche que él murió, sabía ud. Que él la había tratado?
Did my father say anything to you the night he died?
¿ Dijo algo mi padre la noche antes de morir?
Eddie the night he died The Cruisers were killed with him.
La noche que murió Eddie Los Cruisers murieron con él.
Now, Laurie, please, tell us exactly what happened... between you and Mr. Baldwin the night he died.
Ahora, Laurie, por favor, dinos exactamente qué ocurrió entre tú y el Sr. Baldwin la noche que murió.
I want to know what Daddy said to you the night he died!
Y yo quiero saber qué te dijo papá la noche en que murió!
Tell my friend everything about us. About Senator Hilliard, the night he died.
Cuéntale a mi amigo de nosotros del senador Hilliard y de la noche que murió.
That's the way it was hanging the night he died.
Asi estaba la noche en que el murió.
- well... the only reason I'm even a teeny bit interested is your brother didn't register at the motel the night he died.
- Bueno... La única razón por la que estoy un poquito interesado es que tu hermano no se registró en el motel la noche que murió.
His poor brain got twisted by what he saw the night Jack Davis died.
¿ Qué le pasa? Se volvió loco por lo que vio la noche en que murió Jack Davies.
The way he came in the night Father died... Oh, I don't know.
Ya vio cómo apareció la noche en que mi padre murió y... no sé.
What time did you leave the ward after examining Higgins the night before he died?
¿ A qué hora dejó a sala después de examinar a Higgins la noche antes de que muriera?
He had an alibi the night Roslyn died. He said he was at the broadcast.
Tenía una coartada cuando mataron a Roslyn, dijo que estaba en la emisora y no pudo tomar el tren de las 8.
Unfortunately, he died during the night, sire.
Lamentablemente, ha muerto esta noche, señor.
He ain't het up about the miner who died sudden at the Palace last night.
Ni siquiera se preocupó por el minero que anoche murió repentinamente en el Palacio.
Fact of the matter is, last marshal died of a knife wound he got over at the Palace, checking up on a knife killing there the night before.
En realidad, el comisario anterior murió por herida de arma blanca recibida en el Palacio, investigaba un asesinato con arma blanca.
The night before your father died he told me what he did with that money.
La noche antes de morir, tu padre me contó lo que hizo con el dinero.
Even if he did ― Emily, a hundred people died in the untouchable quarter last night.
Aunque lo supiese... Cien personas murieron anoche en el barrio de los Intocables.
I slept in the old lady's bed who died last night.
He dormido en la cama de la vieja que murió anoche. Ah, no.
I trust he died peacefully, slipped away in the night.
Imagino que debió de tener una muerte dulce.
Died because he wanted a woman enough to bring me here alone at night... in spite of the hound of the Baskervilles.
Murió porque deseaba tanto una mujer como para traerme aquí de noche a pesar del sabueso de Baskerville.
He died last night, but it was 35 years ago that fate squeezed the trigger.
Murió anoche, pero fue hace 35 años cuando el destino apretó el gatillo.
Ever since the night the old man died, and I slept so soundly, Marie's actions have been most peculiar.
Desde que murió el viejo yo he dormido profundamente, pero las reacciones de Marie me sorprenden.
He died during the night, and our ship combed the area the following day.
Dijo que el barco se había hundido, y murió esa noche. Buscamos en la zona.
My Martha died the night he was born.
Mi Martha murió la noche en que él nació.
Everything that Blondie's done seems to work, except that he didn't turn up on the night that Fennan died.
Todo lo que ha hecho Blondie ha salido bien, excepto no aparecer la noche que muriò Fennan.
He says it was his father's idea but he died the night before they left Cuba.
Dice que fue idea de su padre... pero que él falleció la noche antes de irse de Cuba.
Colonel Constantinescu, next to Arionoaia, the one you've asked the auger well... he died last night
el coronel Constantinescu, de Arionoaia, por el que me preguntaste una vez, pues la palmó anoche.
One companion died that very night of what he saw, and the other twain were broken men for the rest of their days.
Uno de los compañeros murió esa misma noche por lo que había visto, y los otros dos, fueron hombres destruidos por el resto de sus días.
On the third night, the night that he died, there is no dog-ear.
En la tercera noche, la noche en la cual murió no hay marca.
He died in the night, alone.
Murió de noche. Solo.
As for the boy from Cabaret Lido, Choei Mikawa, an alibi has been established between 3 : 00 and 5 : 00am on the night the victim died. He's therefore been released from custody today.
En cuanto a Choei Mikawa del caso del Cabaret Lidona Boy él tiene una coartada sobre su paradero a la hora de la muerte de la víctima, entre las 3 y 4 AM por ello, los liberamos hoy.
A pioneer of acid rock, Jerry Jervey died alone last night... at the age of 37 in a filthy ladies room backstage at the Penthouse Disco... minutes before he was to go on stage with his band, The Metal Corpses.
Pionero del rock ácido, Jerry Jervey murió solo anoche... a la edad de 37 años en un sucio aseo de señoras en la Discoteca Penthouse... minutos antes de salir a escena con su banda, The Metal Corpses.
Alex and I made love the night before he died.
Alex y yo hicimos el amor la noche antes de que muriera.
He couldn't sleep. He saw everything the night Bensoussan died.
Vio todo esa noche, cuando murió Bensoussan.
He snored all night, he said nothing, then in the morning he woke up and died.
De noche roncaba. No ha dicho nada. - Por la mañana se ha despertado y ha muerto. - ¿ De qué congregación era?
He died last night, killed in the line of duty.
Murió anoche, en cumplimiento de su deber.
The local doctor said that he'd died of a heart attack in the night.
El médico dijo que había muerto de un ataque al corazón por la noche.
The night before he died.
La noche antes de su muerte.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about the night Amanda Hunsaker died.
He estado pensando mucho en la noche en que Amanda Hunsaker murió.
One companion died that very night of what he saw, and the other twain were broken men for the rest of their days.
Un compañero murió esa noche por lo que vio... y los otros dos dementes para el resto de su vida.
- He died in the night?
- ¿ Murió por la noche?
- He died in the night.
Murió por la noche.
He died in the night.
Murió en la noche.
Anthony told me a few things the night before he died.
Anthony me dijo algunas cosas la noche antes de morir.
He died in the night.
Murió durante la noche.
So Len Fisher had to be in your Boys'Club on the day he died, the day, the night, you murdered him by electrocution on the brownstone street.
Asi que Len Fisher estuvo en su "Boys'Club" el día en que murió, el día, la noche, que usted lo asesino electrocutandolo en la calle brownstone.
When he died peacefully in the night that second time, I buried him up there in the pet sematary, where, as you saw, his bones still lie.
Cuando murió en paz de noche, por segunda vez lo enterré en el cementerio de mascotas donde yacen sus huesos, como viste.
the night of the murder 53
the night is young 64
the night of the fire 17
the night before 47
the night shift 17
the night before last 20
the night she died 20
the night 83
the night's still young 17
he died last year 22
the night is young 64
the night of the fire 17
the night before 47
the night shift 17
the night before last 20
the night she died 20
the night 83
the night's still young 17
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died in my arms 17
he died of a heart attack 24
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
the new yorker 37
the notebook 36
the new york times 60
he died in my arms 17
he died of a heart attack 24
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
the new yorker 37
the notebook 36
the new york times 60
the noise 65
the not 21
the nose 48
the next time i see you 21
the next one 38
the north 33
the no 36
the next thing i knew 36
the non 52
the north pole 16
the not 21
the nose 48
the next time i see you 21
the next one 38
the north 33
the no 36
the next thing i knew 36
the non 52
the north pole 16