To save him translate Spanish
2,472 parallel translation
I promise you. I did everything that I could to save him.
Te prometo que hice todo lo que pude para salvarlo.
I tried to save him.
Traté de salvarle.
She gave her life trying to save him.
Dio su vida intentando salvarle.
And if he got hurt, even if he got hurt hurting people, I would want his doctors to do everything they could to save him.
Y si hubiera salido mal herido, incluso por lastimar a otros yo querría que sus médicos hicieran lo posible por salvarlo.
What if some Fritz shoots him after we struggled to save him?
¿ Le disparará algun aleman después de haber luchado tanto para salvarlo?
Had I known that Ben was in the house, I would've tried to save him.
De haber sabido que Ben estaba en la casa, habría intentado salvarle.
John saw a man about to drown and went back to save him.
John vio a un hombre a punto de morir ahogado e intentó salvarle.
I was too late to save him.
Era demasiado tarde para salvarlo.
Yeah, and sam wants to try to save him.
Sí, y Sam quiere intentar salvarlo.
Do whatever you have to to save him.
Haz lo que tengas que hacer para salvarlo.
Charlotte asked me to save him.
Charlotte me pidió que lo salvara.
Add to that, you have the opportunity to save him.
Agrégale a eso, la oportunidad de salvarlo.
Now go to bed! - We've got to save him!
Tenemos que rescatarlo OH no demasiado riesgoso regresen a su dimension
You'll get a chance to save him.
Tendrás la posibilidad de salvarlo.
You have to pay a price to save him.
- Debes pagar un precio para salvarlo. ¡ Tu arma!
They just said they did everything they could to save him.
Sólo dijeron que habían hecho todo lo posible por salvarle.
I have to save him.
Tengo que salvarlo.
No, you're trying to protect him instead of trying to save him.
No. Estás tratando de protegerlo, en lugar de tratar de salvarlo.
You have to save him.
Tienes que salvarle.
I wasn't strong enough to save him.
No he sido lo suficientemente fuerte como para salvarle.
I wasn't strong enough to save him.
No fui suficientemente fuerte para salvarle.
Why couldn't you just tell me what I wanted to hear to save him?
¿ Por qué no me dirías sólo lo que quería escuchar para salvarlo?
My grandad tried to save him, but he couldn't.
Mi abuelo trató de salvarlo, pero no pudo.
Believe me, everyone who tried to save him that day isn't gonna forget.
Créeme, todos los que intentaron salvarlo ese día, no lo olvidarán.
I tried and failed to save him from conscription, but I will certainly attend his wedding.
Traté de evitarle la conscripción y fallé, pero voy a asistir a su boda.
I was trying to save him.
Trataba de salvarlo.
It means if I pull the bullet out it's either going to save him or kill him.
Significa que si extraigo la bala lo va a salvar o a matar.
We were able to save him.
Hemos sido capaces de salvarlo.
Jarvis is behind everything that's happened to your husband, but I have a way to save him.
Jarvis está detrás de todo lo que le ha pasado a tu esposo, pero tengo una manera de salvarlo.
Nick shot Sam, the man who tried to save him.
Nick disparó a Sam, el hombre que intentaba salvarle.
Another comes along to save him, and he drowns, too.
Y el que viene a salvar a ese también acaba hundido.
Yet she pays me to save him.
Aún así me pagó para salvarle.
She killed him, as he tried to save her.
Ella lo mató, cuando él trataba de salvarla.
We have got to go save him.
Tenemos que salvarle.
You want to curry favor with a D.A.... not just me, any D.A.... at least save him some time.
Quiere algún favor de un fiscal, no sólo yo, cualquier fiscal, ahórrale algo de tiempo al menos.
I begged him to save me.
Le pedí que me salvara.
If you try to contact him, I'll deny everything and lock you in the basement. - She can't sing to save her life. - No, but you can, can't you?
si tratas de contactarlo, negaré todo y te encerraré en el sótano no puede cantar ni para salvar su vida no pero tú puedes.. no?
If he wants to die, how can you save him?
Si quiere morir, ¿ cómo vas tu a salvarlo?
So you want me to persuade him to save his own life, sir?
¿ Quiere que le persuada para que salve su propia vida, señor?
The sequence in the hospital where Emma's realizing she needs to do whatever it takes to save her son and then ultimately thinking that there is nothing she can do, and when she goes to kiss him to say good-bye, it totally takes a new turn on true
La secuencia en el hospital en la que Emma se dá cuenta que necesita hacer lo que sea necesario para salvar a su hijo y últimamente pensar que no hay nada que ella pueda hacer, y cuando va a besarlo para despedirse, toma totalmente un nuevo giro con un beso de
Tell him to save his strength for the infection.
Dile que reserve sus fuerzas para la infección.
She was willing to sacrifice everything for him, and it won't save you.
Que estaba dispuesta a sacrificar todo por él pero eso no te salvará.
We were able to save two of them, but the other one bled out before we could get him back.
Pudimos salvar a dos de ellos. Pero el otro se desangró antes de que pudiéramos llevarlo de vuelta.
Listen, I want to save the truck stop as a special surprise for your dad, so no talking about backhoes or shark's teeth or Whit or any of that stuff until I can take him to the job site.
Escuchen, quiero guardar el Área de Servicio como una sorpresa especial para papá. Así que nada de hablar sobre retroexcavadoras, o dientes de tiburón, o de Whit, o cualquier cosa de esas... hasta que pueda llevarlo a la obra, ¿ de acuerdo?
It's not my job to fix him, to save the relationship anymore.
Ya no es mi trabajo atenderlo, salvar la relación.
I remind the girls of the seasons past, boston rob asked a guy to save his girlfriend, amber, then cut him loose the first chance he had.
Les recordaría a las chicas que en su temporada anterior Boston Rob le pidió a un hombre que salve a su novia, Amber. Y después se lo quitó de encima a la primera oportunidad que tuvo.
We have to assume she told him to stop you before you could save Martinez.
Tenemos que suponer que le ha dicho que te detenga antes de que puedas salvar a Martinez.
I'm a dying woman who's simply trying to see the right goddamn doctor and ask him if he has any advice on how to save my life.
Soy una mujer agonizante que simplemente quiere ver al correcto maldito doctor y preguntarle si tiene algún consejo sobre cómo salvar mi vida.
To try and save him from this, Nathaniel Branden introduced Greenspan to Ayn Rand.
Para alejarlo de esto Nathaniel Branden le presentó a Ayn Rand.
The story about him turning around to save the girl.
La historia de él dándose la vuelta para salvar a la chica.
Oh, I wanted to save it as an excuse to see him again.
Quise tenerla como excusa para verlo de nuevo.
to save the world 23
to save your life 21
to save my city 50
to save you 50
to save me 22
to save her 24
save him 126
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
to save your life 21
to save my city 50
to save you 50
to save me 22
to save her 24
save him 126
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
to say the least 206
to say good 30
to say goodbye 37
to say 74
to say what 25
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
to say the least 206
to say good 30
to say goodbye 37
to say 74
to say what 25