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To save you translate Spanish

12,113 parallel translation
I'm here to save you, Laird!
¡ Vengo a salvarte, Laird!
Think I was just trying to save you a trip to the pay phone?
¿ Crees que te lo di para evitarte usar el público?
You may not believe this, but I really want to save your life.
Usted no puede creer esto, pero realmente quiero para salvar su vida.
I tried to save you from a false god.
Traté de salvarte de un falso dios.
Woman, some things are obvious, by how she looks at you, how she talks to you, by how she put the entire Ministry in danger to save you.
Mujer, esas cosas se notan, por cómo te mira, por cómo te habla, por cómo puso en peligro a todo el Ministerio por salvarte.
And your father never wanted you to know he killed her to save you.
Y tu padre nunca quiso que tú supieras que la mató para salvarte.
You don't understand, I need you to save me just as much you need me to save you.
No entiendes que necesito... que me salves, tanto como tú necesitas que te salve.
- Well, I got to save you...
Que les reservé...
I was trying to save you.
Trataba de salvarte.
I'm sorry I came late to save you.
Lo siento por tardar tanto en venir a salvarte.
I'm giving you the opportunity to save your Machine, which you so clearly love and loves you in return.
Le estoy dando la oportunidad de salvar a su máquina, a la que obviamente quiere y ella le corresponde.
Because she didn't have enough money to save you!
¡ Porque no tenía dinero suficiente para salvarte!
You had a bunch of scabs cross our picket lines to save your business.
Hizo que unos vagabundos cruzarán nuestro piquete para salvar su empresa.
You want to save a pup from drowning.
Quieres salvar a un cachorro de ahogarse,
Maybe it was wrong of me to interfere like that, but why don't you let me save your company?
Quizá no debí interferir así pero permíteme salvar tu empresa.
Your friend, whom you exhausted yourself to save, will be executed unless you unlock the system now.
Su amiga, por la que se ha agotado salvándola, será ejecutada a menos que desbloquee el sistema... ahora.
You know Sterling is somewhere in this house, risking his life to save ours.
Ya sabes Sterling está en algún lugar en este casa, arriesgando su vida para salvar la nuestra.
" do you want to save some money?
¿ quieres ahorrarte algo de dinero?
They think you'll hand yourself in to save him.
Creen que te entregarás para salvarle.
You shouldn't have come with me to save Maite.
No debiste venir conmigo a salvar a Maite.
You all have to save the lives of famous people, but you can't do anything to save the lives of your children or your parents.
Ustedes tienen que salvar la vida de gente ilustre, pero no pueden hacer nada por salvar la vida de sus hijos o sus padres.
That's why you want to save her.
Por eso quiere salvarla.
If you go through again and save her, you will have never come to the Ministry.
Si usted vuelve al pasado y la salva, jamás habría entrado en el Ministerio.
Do you want to use your double vote or should we save up time?
¿ Quieres ejercer tu doble voto o nos ahorramos el tiempo?
that you help me... to save a friend who is no longer with us.
que me ayude a... a salvar a un amigo que ya no está entre nosotros.
You wanted to save me.
Querías salvarme.
But if you pull her out before she has a chance to save her sister, she will never look at you the same way again.
Pero si la saca antes de que tenga la oportunidad de salvar a su hermana, nunca le volverá a mirar de la misma manera.
I helped save my niece out of a sense of duty, which does not extend to you.
Ayudé a mi sobrina por sentido del deber, que no se aplica a ti.
Hardly seemed fair for you to sacrifice your wife in order to save mine from Savage's future.
No se veía justo para ti que sacrificaras a tu esposa para salvar a la mía del futuro de Savage.
Isn't this one of those situations where, you know, we should say something to save him the embarrassm...
¿ Deberíamos decir algo, quizás para salvarlo de...? - ¡ No!
The four of you have been hired to track down Archumen and save the princess.
Los cuatro que han sido contratados para localizar a Archumen y salvar a la princesa.
You get me to the infirmary, I save your life.
Si me llevas a la enfermería, te salvo la vida.
Please give her a chance if you want to save her the only way is to lead her to her reincarnation into human as you're a mortal you have to give up your life to do that
Por favor, dele una oportunidad. Xuanzang, si usted quiere salvarla el único modo es hacerla reencarnar en un humano. Pero, como tú eres un mortal debes renunciar a tu vida para lograr eso.
I put you in the spotlight because I want to fill the seats, to save souls.
Yo te puse en primer plano porque quiero llenar asientos para salvar almas.
You just have to save some for me and Dad.
Sólo hay que ahorrar un poco para mí y papá.
You pay me hourly to save money.
Me pagas por hora para ahorrar dinero.
- Do you know, do you understand what I had to give up to save that money?
¿ Entiendes lo que tuve que sacrificar... para ahorrar ese dinero?
Come on, you got to, you know, save the girl.
Vamos, tienes que, ya sabes, salvar a la chica.
You came to save me.
Viniste a rescatarme.
These Yankee warmongers will soon realize you cannot start a war to save a union.
Esos belicosos del norte pronto se darán cuenta que no pueden empezar una guerra para salvar la unión.
Um, you lovebirds need to save all of this for the stage.
Guarden este para el escenario, tortolitos.
If we were to eliminate the two men in front of you now, we would potentially save
Si elimináramos a los dos hombres que están en frente ahora, podríamos llegar a salvar
Terry, I can't save Carla unless you talk to me.
- ¿ Él? Terry, no puedo ayudar a Carla a no ser que me lo cuentes.
To the contrary, I'm gonna save all of you.
Al contrario, les voy a salvar a todos.
Sometimes you have to throw out a few rotten apples to save the lot.
A veces tienes que tirar unas pocas manzanas podridas para salvar la cosecha.
Unless you want to save him the time.
A menos que quiera ahorrarle tiempo.
But if you guys think that's one step closer to curing cancer, then, sure, yeah. He's gonna save millions of lives.
Pero si ustedes creen que eso lo acerca a curar el cáncer, entonces, sí, claro, va a salvar millones de vidas.
Tell the council our enemies are gathering, that your sister cannot rule, that you want to save the Shieldlands.
Dile al consejo que nuestros enemigos se están reuniendo, que tu hermana no puede gobernar, que quieres salvar las Shieldlands.
I don't need you to save anything!
¡ No necesito que lo hagas tú!
And, I might add, he prevented you from going to Santa Monica to find your son, so... save your sympathy for his victims.
Y, podría añadir, evitó que fueses a Santa Mónica a encontrar a tu hijo, así que... guarda tu simpatía para sus víctimas.
To save the one you love you're willing to sacrifice everything.
Para salvar a la persona que amas estás dispuesta a sacrificar todo.

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