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Try to understand translate Spanish

2,122 parallel translation
Try to understand!
¿ Le comprendes? Escúchale.
try to understand what I'm saying.. You don't need to make'Wedding night in a graveyard'.. You need to have a wedding night before you go to the graveyard.
tratar de entender lo que estoy diciendo... tu no necesitas hacer'Wedding night in a graveyard'... tu necesitas una noche de bodas antes de ir al cementerio
Abhi... why don't you try to understand?
Abhi... ¿ por qué no intentas entender?
Reva... you try to understand.
Reva... intenta comprender tú.
Try to understand me.
Trata de entenderme.
I try to understand how I might get better.
Trato de entender cómo sanar.
I'm told I'm not supposed to argue or question or even try to understand.
Me han dicho que no debo cuestionar, preguntar o aún tratar de entender.
- Try to understand!
¡ Trata de entender!
Try to understand!
¡ Trate de entender!
We, um... we try to understand them.
Nosotros, um... tratamos de comprenderlos.
I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend it long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand
I believe ( creo ) this is heaven to no one else but me ( esto es el cielo para nadie más que para mí ) and I'll defend it long as I can be ( y lo defenderé tanto tiempo como pueda estar ) left here to linger in silence ( abandonada aquí, rezagada en el silencio ) if I choose to ( si pudiera elegir ) would you try to understand ( ¿ tratarías de entender? )
I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand
I can be left here to linger in silence ( pueda estar abandonada aquí, rezagada en el silencio ) if I choose to ( si pudiera elegir ) would you try to understand ( ¿ tratarías de entender? )
- Try to understand what I'm going through!
- ¡ Intenta entender por lo que estoy pasando!
Please, Vanessa, just try to understand this.
Por favor, Vanessa, trata de entenderlo.
Don't try to understand it.
No intentes entenderla.
Try to understand?
- ¿ intenta comprender?
You must try to understand
Debe intentar entender...
Girls, try to understand.
Chicas, intentad entenderlo.
Try to understand Armand My.o son is not still ready for to see me with other man
Trata de entender Armand mi hijo todavía no está listo para que me vea con otro hombre.
Doctor, listen... please try to understand
Doctor, escuchar... Por favor, inténtelo entender
Do try to understand, Lt. Commander.
Trate de entenderlo, Teniente Comandante.
Come here, try to understand this.
Ven, intenta entenderlo.
Try to understand.
Intenta entender.
See, try to understand.
Mira, intenta entender.
Try to understand what I'm saying to you.
Trata de entender lo que te digo.
Try to understand my helplessness
Intenta entender mi impotencia
Try to understand, instead of playing Godfather!
Trate de entenderme, en vez de portarse como canalla!
Christa, please, try to understand.
Christa, trata de entender.
Try to understand.
Tú también intenta entenderla a ella.
- Don't even try to understand it.
- Ni siquiera trates de entenderlo.
Although he is just a child... I think we should try to understand... and respect his wishes on this.
Aunque es solo un niño creo que debemos intentar comprender y respetar sus deseos sobre esto.
Tom, try to understand,.
Tom, trata de entenderlo.
Please try to understand
No es por dinero. Por favor, intenta entender
Try to understand.
Trata de entender.
Try to understand other's problems.
Trata de entender los problemas de los demás.
Raj, why don't you try to understand?
¿ por qué no intentas entenderlo?
We try and understand the patterns and the structure and the logic to explain the way the world around us works. And this is really at the heart of the Riemann hypothesis.
Encontró una forma de calcular el volumen de una esfera cortándola en rodajas y aproximando cada rodaja a un cilindro.
I understand your weariness, but try to remember that I risked my life, that I compromised my position with the SVR to save you from certain execution.
Entiendo tu cansancio. Intenta recordar que he arriesgado mi vida, de que he comprometido mi posición con el SVR para salvarte de una ejecución segura.
- I understand, but that doesn't mean I need him to try on my glass... no, no, nyet!
- Lo entiendo pero eso no significa que quiera que se pruebe mis anteo... no, no.
- Just try to understand.
- Intenta comprender.
- Rory, if you need to talk about this... to try and understand why this is happening... then by all means, do not ask your mother.
- Rory, si necesitas hablar de esto... para tratar de entender por qué sucede... por favor, no le preguntes a tu madre.
Both girls agreed to try harder to understand each other.
Las dos acordaron tratar de entender a la otra.
separate from the other, but I'm going to try to make you understand how it has to be that way, um... I think that at this point, it's just... it's better for my game if we vote you out tonight, but it has nothing to do with friendship.
pero voy a tratar de hacerte entender de que tiene que ser asi... pienso que en este punto es... es mejor para mi juego si votamos por ti esta noche, pero no tiene nada que ver con la amistad.
Ma, try to understand.
Má, trata de entender.
Try at least to understand me.
Al menos intenta comprenderme.
Listen, I understand the courage it takes to walk across a room... and try to generate a relationship out of thin air.
Mira, entiendo el valor que se necesita para cruzar un cuarto... y tratar de generar una relación de la nada.
Rupert Sheldrake, who is a kind of heretical scientist who put forward the theory of a morphogenetic field in order to try and understand some of the spookier effects of consciousness.
Rupert Sheldrake, quien es una especie de científico hereje, ha propuesto la teoría de un campo morfogenético para probar y entender algunos de los atemorizantes efectos de la consciencia.
I understand, and I'll try to do better next time.
Lo comprendo, e intentaré hacerlo mejor la próxima vez.
When I try to correct him, to make him understand that he has to be careful that he should not disturb you know what he answers?
Cuando trato de corregirlo, de hacerle entender que debe estar atento... que no debe molestar, ¿ sabes qué me responde?
Well, He sent us a messenger so we could understand, so go to Him, pray, try.
ÉI nos envió a un mensajero para que lo comprendiéramos, acuda a ÉI, rece, inténtelo.
Chancellor, chancellor, chancellor I understand you've been under tremendous strain lately since the beginning of this whole terrorism business and we thought it would be a nice idea to try and help you relax. Girls?
Líder, sé que últimamente está viviendo momentos difíciles desde que empezó todo este problema del terrorismo y hemos pensado que sería una buena idea intentar que se relaje. ¡ Chicas!

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