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Try to sleep translate Spanish

881 parallel translation
Now try to sleep and don't have any bad thoughts. Okay. - Goodnight, darling.
Mira a dormir no los pensamientos negativos entender buenas noches mi amor
Oh- - Oh, but, Franz, you must try to sleep now.
Pero, Franz, ahora debes intentar dormir.
Try to sleep, Cat.
Intenta dormir, Cath.
Please try to sleep now.
Por favor intente dormir ahora.
You promised me you'd try to sleep.
Me prometiste que intentarías dormir.
Try to sleep.
Trata de dormir.
- Do try to sleep, Bob.
- Intenta dormir, Bob.
I understand... Now try to sleep a little.
Lo comprendo hijo mío, pero ahora duerma.
Try to sleep darling.
Acuéstate pronto, debes de estar muy cansada.
Try to sleep!
¡ Intenta dormir!
Don't excite yourself, try to sleep.
No te alteres, intenta dormir.
Then one night, you try to sleep those darn pumps start pounding in your ears.
Y una noche tratas de dormir y esas bombas resuenan en tus oídos.
Now, meanwhile, you must try to sleep.
Mientras tanto, debes tratar de dormir.
Try to sleep. Goodnight, Emma.
Procurad dormir.
Try to sleep.
Intenta de dormir.
Yeah, I lie in my bunk with my clothes on and try to sleep, but every time that engine slows down, my heart speeds up.
Sí, me acuesto con la ropa puesta y trato de dormir... pero cada vez que el motor desacelera, se me acelera el pulso.
Now close your eyes and try to sleep.
Ahora cierra los ojos e intenta dormir.
Darling, try to sleep.
Querido, intenta dormir.
Why not settle back and try to sleep?
¿ Por qué no descansas e intentas dormir?
Try to sleep a little. If I'm going to meet my maker...
Quiero estar preparado para cuando esté delante del Creador.
Now try to sleep.
- Vamos intente dormir. Y el Señor dijo :
- Try to sleep.
- Intente descansar.
You'd better try to sleep this off unless you want that nurse doing it.
Acuéstate, si no quieres que te vea la enfermera.
I had to try to sleep.
Tenía que dormir.
Let's try to get some sleep.
Tratemos de dormir.
Open up your eyes and open up your lips Why don't you try to get some sleep, precious?
¿ Por qué no tratas de dormir, preciosa?
Oh, please try to go to sleep.
Por favor, trata de dormirte.
Cover yourself with this blanket and try to sleep
Vamos envuélvete con esta manta.
Try to get some sleep.
Intenta descansar.
Try to get some sleep.
Intente dormir.
Now you're going to try to get some sleep, aren't you?
Ahora vas a tratar de dormir un poco, ¿ sí?
You'd better try to get some sleep.
Será mejor que intentes dormir.
I'd try to get a little sleep, it'll make you feel quite well.
Yo intentaría dormir un poco, se sentirá mejor.
Try to get some sleep.
Trate de dormir.
Well, I can't sleep, and when I try to eat, I can't, because I've got a great, big, cold cannonball right here in the pit of my stomach.
Bueno, no puedo dormir, y cuando intento comer, no puedo, porque tengo una grande y fría bala de cañón justo aquí, en la boca del estómago.
Why don't you shut up and try to get some sleep?
¿ Por qué no te callas y tratas de dormir?
Try to go to sleep now.
Trata dormir ahora.
No, I think you'd better try to get some sleep.
No, creo que sería mejor que intentase dormir un poco.
Try to lie still, and maybe you'll go to sleep.
Si te acuestas y piensas en otra cosa, quizá duermas.
Please try to put it out of your mind now, darling, and get some sleep.
Por favor, trata de olvidarlo por ahora, cariño, y duerme un poco.
Look here, darling, why don't you forget about this tonight and try to get some sleep?
¿ Por qué no lo olvidas esta noche y tratas de dormir?
Try to put it out of your mind Marie and go to sleep
Intenta apartarlo de tu mente, Marie. E intenta dormir.
Por la noche, duermo o lo intento.
Calm down, sir. Lie down and try to get some sleep.
Cálmese e intente dormir.
Try to get some sleep.
Intenta dormir.
I'd like to try to get some sleep tonight.
Ahora quiero intentar dormir un poco.
Why don't you try to go to sleep?
Trata de dormir.
Why don't you try to get some sleep, then?
¿ Por qué no intentas dormir?
- Will you try to get some sleep?
- Procura dormir un poco.
Break it up. Let's try to get some sleep.
Tratemos de dormir.
Why don't you go up and try to get some sleep?
- ¿ Por qué no duermes?

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