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Underwears translate Spanish

38 parallel translation
All his dresses, his underwears, threw it out of the window at a.m. 5.00 o'clock because it claimed that to have poisoned.
Ha arrojado sus ropas por la ventana creyendo que estaban envenenadas. ¡ Jehová!
Who confuses a pussy with underwears.
Que confunde un chocho con ropa interior.
I open it and it was... ah, ladies'underwears.
Lo abrí y había ropa interior femenina.
Those are some real cute little underwears you got on there.
¡ Qué calzoncillos tan bonitos Ilevas!
Madam, someone sent you some expensive underwears.
Señora, le han enviado lencería muy cara.
Idiot, everyone knows that I hate wearing underwears.
Idiota, todos saben que odio llevar ropa interior.
I love black underwears.
Me encanta la ropa "inferior" negra.
Louis, please change your underwears. They're filthy.
Louis, por favor, cámbiate de calzoncillos, están asquerosos.
Couldn't be those underwears?
No. No nos faltan razones para pelear.
Those are some real cute little underwears you got on there.
! Qué calzoncillos tan bonitos llevas!
Hereafter, Every foreigner will wear only our underwears
A partir de ahora, los extranjeros sólo llevarán nuestra ropa interior.
But I still want my underwears back.
Pero quiero mis colales de vuelta. -
You seem to be disarmingly uncomfortable right now so why don't you just give me my underwears back?
Pareces estar con muy poca voluntad ahora. por eso, ¿ porque no me devuelves mis colales?
It's full of underwears and stuff.
Esta lleno de cosas y ropa interior.
She pulls it out, and she's showing everybody me underwears.
Los sacó, y los empezó a mostrar.
I could buy me a thousand pair of dollar underwears.
Me puedo comprar mil calzones de un dólar.
You're wearing cologne, and are wearing new underwears,
Te has puesto colonia, y llevas ropa interior nueva,
I found some old underwears.
Encontré algún viejo underwears.
Go wear underwears.
Vaya a ponerse un slip.
"Always wear clean underwears'cause you never know what's going to happen"?
"Siempre lleva los calzoncillos limpios porque nunca sabes lo que va pasar"?
And now you will never see the crazy underwears I have on!
y ahora nunca habrás visto los locos calzoncillos que llevo puestos
Well... I got some dirty underwears. If it's conveninent...
Ya que vas ahí, lava mi ropa interior.
Hey, how'bout some underwears?
¿ Y algo de ropa interior?
When we were chicken fighting, your underwears.
Cuando estábamos en pelea de pollos, su ropa interior
I told you... wear seven underwears.
Te lo dije.... ponte siete calzoncillos.
I made a nest of my old underwears on which to lay my eggs, and I shall raise my young in this room alone.
He hecho un nido con mis calzoncillos viejos donde pondré mis huevos, y criaré a mi estirpe en esta habitación.
Now, I'm gonna need you to squats down like your underwears is done for, but you might still save the jeans.
Arrodíllese como si su ropa interior estuviese arruinada, pero aún pudiese salvar sus jeans.
I'm wearing two underwears right now.
Llevo dos ropa interior en estos momentos.
- She needs new underwears.
- Ella necesita ropa interior nueva.
I have Dolce Gabbana underwears.
tengo Dolce Gabbana ropa interior.
Lucky she left him his underwears.
Suerte que le dejó los calzoncillos.
Those underwears... They do not belong to Mr. Spence.
Esa ropa interior no es del Sr. Spence.
It's like you have a thousand socks, but no underwear in the underwears drawer.
Tienes miles de calcetines, pero nada de ropa interior en el cajón de la ropa interior.
She needs underwears and lip balm... Lip what?
Necesita ropa interior y bálsamo labial. ¿ Bálsamo qué?
Why are you wearing your best underwears?
¿ Estás usando tu mejor ropa interior?
Tatiana, your underwear needs more underwears.
Tatiana, tu ropa interior necesita ropa interior.
Dirty the dishes and leave your underwears around? - What's that?
¿ Ensuciar los platos y dejar los calzones tirados?
That's my underwears.
Esa es mi ropa interior.

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