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The thing that started the concept for the design was this photograph.
Lo que le dió el concepto al diseño fue esta fotografía.
I'd gotten into the idea of real experimentation in music with the new sounds of Europe, and it was this kind of hybrid thing that appealed to me so much.
Me metí en la idea de la real experimentación en música con los nuevos sonidos de Europa, y fue esta especie de cosa híbrida que me gustó.
And when was this?
¿ Y cuándo fue esto?
Whose idea was this place?
¿ De quién fue la idea?
When was this?
¿ Cuándo fue eso?
Turned out the common link was this hotel.
Resultó que el punto en común era este hotel.
[gasping] Was this your home?
¿ Era tu hogar?
But this was like, " I'm leaving, six o'clock.
Pero en realidad era, " Me voy, son las 6 en punto.
There was no press release saying expect a Bowie album on this date.
No hubo ningún comunicado de prensa que diga que pronto habría un álbum de Bowie en esas fechas.
He had different things on his mind he'd been ruminating over and it was all coming out now, it was like he was birthing this stuff.
Él tenía diferetnes cosas en su mente que había estado considerando y todo iba llegando, era como que estaba dando a luz a estas cosas.
I think that song was, for lack of a better word, a good piss take... in a way... on what fame has become, which is this out-of-control machine.
Creo que esa canción fue, perdón por la expresión, como echarse una buena meada de alguna manera por en lo que se ha convertido la fama, que es como una máquina fuera de control
This was the only way he could see, at that time, that he could be famous, become famous and become well-known.
Fue de la única forma que pudo ver, en aquel momento, que podría ser famoso, y reconocido.
You know, and I was thinking, this big-budget video, you know, and I was thinking, "I have to do this justice, you know, " it has to be this momentous video that's going to break "the silence of all these years," you know?
Y estaba pensando, en hacer un video de gran presupuesto, entiendes, y pensé, "Tengo que hacer justicia, sabes, tiene que ser en este momento, este video que va a romper el silencio de todos esos años."
So, the idea was that he wanted all this stuff in the studio situation, and we kind of arranged things around, and we talked about transparency and reflection, and as this was coming together, I said to him, " You know...
Entonces, la idea era que quería todas estas cosas en el estudio, y pusimos algunas cosas alrededor, y hablamos sobre transparencias y reflejos y mientras estábamos con esto, le dije, " Sabes
I think he wanted to release something that would cause a lot of ripples and question marks all around, and he was able to get that with this.
Creo que quiso grabar algo que cause muchos rumores y preguntas, y él era capaz de lograr eso con esto.
# As long as there's fire... # I knew this was about Berlin, and I thought it was really, really sweet, and quite nostalgic.
Sabía que era sobre Berlín, y me pareció muy, muy dulce, y bastante nostálgica.
I think he was really troubled by this trend of people going and shooting kids.
Creo que se preocupó por esta tendencia de matar a los jóvenes.
He really wanted to bring the audience into the mind of that killer, and that transition from the David that we know to this other character that he was inhabiting in this song was very shocking, really.
Quiso llevar a la audiencia a la mente de ese asesino y a esa transición del David que conocemos a este personaje, que no lo actuó, fue muy shockeante.
Being right there in front of him, and seeing him pull this out of himself - it was, er... It was quite terrifying just to watch.
Estar justo allí, en frente de él, y verlo ponerse así, trastornado-fue, bastante terrorífico.
Bowie was incredibly happy that we'd managed to keep this thing secret all this time.
Bowie estaba increíblemente feliz porque pudimos mantener el secreto todo el tiempo.
Of course, when this thing was released, there were all sorts of comments.
Por supuesto que cuando se publicó hubo toda clase de comentarios.
So, for me, the set list was my thread of what ideas I could come up with in collaboration with him to make this theatrical piece happen.
Así que para mí, el setlist fue mi hilo conductor para saber qué ideas podía tener y colaborar para crear una pieza teatral.
Let this be only coming from me, but I think part of the way I reacted, also, I felt that when he was saying that, I thought for a brief second that he looked scared, actually.
Tengamos en cuenta que yo estoy diciendo esto, pero creo que parte de mi reacción, también sentí que cuando dijo eso pensé por un segundo que estaba asustado.
I found out later that the week we were shooting was when he found out that this is...
Supe más tarde que la semana que estuvimos grabando fue cuando el supo que
It wasn't that he was out of breath - he was... like, hyperventilating, in a way, like, getting his energy up to sing this, to deliver this song.
No era que se quedaba sin aire sino que como que se hiperventilaba de una manera que gastaba toda su energía para cantar, para entregar la canción.
Remember that this was my own choice.
Recuerda que esta ha sido mi propia elección.
And it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.
Y era solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que algo como esto pasara.
So Esther was researching all this at Honore library.
Esther buscaba todo esto en la biblioteca Honore.
But this was no suicide.
Pero esto no fue suicidio.
Luis was this dude...
Luis era este tío...
This guy was the backup.
Él fue el respaldo.
I knew it was going to happen, and it made me think about my life and my work and how I wanted to be remembered, so I set about creating this installation.
Sabía que iba a pasar, y me hizo pensar en mi vida y en mi trabajo, y en cómo quería ser recordado, así que me puse a crear esta performance.
You know, I was in Homebase only this morning.
Saben, justo esta mañana estuve en una ferretería.
See, this is exactly what I was thinking.
- Verás, es justo lo que estaba pensando.
It was one of my colleagues getting a splinter in his finger that led me to solving this case.
Fue una astilla que se metió en el dedo de un colega lo que me llevó a resolver el caso.
Charlie was not stabbed in this bedroom.
Charlie no fue apuñalado en su cuarto.
He knew that once he'd got Elliot to sign the papers, it was time to force himself to leave this island again and resume living life without you in it.
Sabía que una vez que consiguiera que Elliot firmara los papeles... era cuestión de tiempo para forzarse a dejar la isla otra vez... y retomar su vida sin Ud. en ella.
This was meant to be a holiday romance, and I stupidly fell in love with her.
Se suponía que serían unas vacaciones románticas y estúpidamente me enamoré de ella.
This was no mechanical failure.
No fue una falla mecánica.
This was clearly sabotage.
Se trató de un sabotaje.
This was a terrible mistake.
Nos equivocamos.
I thought this was a "free sample" situation.
Creí que eran muestras gratis.
[Shiro] So this was Zarkon's home planet.
Era el hogar de Zarkon.
[Kolivan] Ulaz was a fool to divulge this location to you.
Ulaz no debió revelarles esta ubicación.
The Blade of Marmora said this prison was made just for Slav, but I'm showing two cells.
La Espada dijo que era para Slav, pero hay dos celdas.
This encrypted chip was in the outbound quantum entanglement chain.
Este chip cifrado estaba enganchado en la cadena de quántum.
This was Vilma's research. Now it belongs to me.
Fue la investigación de Vilma.
There are very good reasons why this practice was stopped.
Hay buenas razones por las que no lo hacemos.
I couldn't talk about this when my partner was there.
Yo no podía ser muy abierto sobre esto delante de mi colega.
So, I was like, " This guy is not gonna bully me.
Pensé : " Este tipo no me va a agredir.
I was excited for this trip before people started putting a damper on it.
Me emocionaba este viaje antes de que me lo estropearan.
was this your idea 19
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is weird 356
this is crazy 1291
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is weird 356
this is crazy 1291
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083