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We know him translate Spanish

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Clay... as we know him, is gone.
Clay... tal como lo conocimos, se ha ido.
That's how we know him.
Así es cómo lo conocemos.
We know him.
- Lo conocemos.
We know you saw him, Curtis!
¡ Sabemos que Ud. lo vio, Curtis!
Him, we don't know.
No Io sabemos.
- Why would we tell him? - I don't know!
¿ Por qué le diríamos?
You know what, Eddie, maybe we'll untie him and let him go.
¿ Sabes qué, Eddie, que tal vez le vamos desatamos y lo dejó ir.
Or better yet, why don't we just let him know and his fucking uncle, fucking who put us up to this!
O mejor aún, ¿ por qué no dejamos que lo conocen y su puto tío mierda que nos metió en esto!
~ We all know who killed him.
- Todos sabemos quién lo ha matado.
You know, it occurred to me that we only ever had Andre's word that his wife left him all those years ago.
Saben, me vino a la cabeza que solo teníamos la palabra de Andre de que su mujer lo abandonó hace tantos años.
Let me reassure you, we'll have him back here before you know it.
Les aseguro que lo tendremos de nuevo aquí antes que lo sepan.
I have to digress for a second and say, when Janis was in Big Brother, Peter didn't do any drugs, you know, so out of respect to him, we kept it toned down a lot, you know.
Tuve que, ya sabes, recordar cuando Janis estaba en Big Brother, Peter no tomaba drogas así que por respeto, nosotros nos mantengamos tranquilos en eso
We can say what we will about Flint, and I've said my share, but the world knows his name, they know him.
Podemos decir lo que queramos de Flint, y yo he dicho lo mío, pero el mundo sabe su nombre, lo conocen.
As soon as we find him, we'll let you know.
Tan pronto lo encontremos, te lo haremos saber.
"As you pass judgment on one of our sons and consider sending him to his fate in the United States, know we, the Extraditables, will pass judgment on you and bring a sentence far harsher."
" Cuando juzguen a uno de los nuestros y evalúen dejarlo a merced de Estados Unidos, sepan que nosotros, Los extraditables, los juzgaremos a ustedes, y nuestra sentencia será mucho más dura.
We don't know anything about him.
No sabemos nada de él.
Victor Abbott may have killed my wife, but we both know who let him out.
Víctor Abbott... es posible que haya matado a mi esposa, pero ambos sabemos quién lo dejó escapar.
This is somebody whose mind is racing, filled with ideas and that's why, you know, we refer to him all the time.
Es alguien cuya mente estaba llena de ideas cinematográficas, y es por eso por lo que nos referimos a él constantemente.
The scene with the policeman. Of course, the framing of him staring into the car... Yes, we know with the glasses, he's scary.
La escena con el policía, claro, el encuadre de él mirando adentro del auto, sí, ya sabemos, con los anteojos de sol, es aterrador.
We can work together here, you know, eliminate him.
Podemos trabajar juntos, ¿ sabes? , eliminarlo.
Don't think you can impress him or me with your home remedies we know everything about constipation.
No pienses que él o yo puedes impresionarnos con tus remedios caseros. Sabemos todo sobre el estreñimiento.
Maybe I'll just casually bring it up to him and then he won't even know what we're talking about.
Tal vez solo mencione casualmente y el ni siquiera sabrá de que estamos hablando ¡ Ja!
What do we know about him? I mean, really what do we know about him?
Quiero decir, realmente ¿ qué sabemos de él?
You know, we all lost him.
Ya sabes, lo hemos perdido todos.
Yeah, she'll probably let him think he's running things for a while, but we all know that anyone who gets in the way of Elsa isn't long for this world.
Sí, probablemente le haga creer que él lleva las cosas por un tiempo, pero todos sabemos que nadie que se meta en el camino de Elsa dura mucho en este mundo.
Look, bud, you want to call him out, and maybe we can take care of this, you know, right here?
Mire, puede llamarlo y hablamos de eso aquí mismo.
Tell him... I don't know, just a little lie that will make him relax and then we... we'll figure it out.
Dile... no lo sé, alguna mentira para relajarlo y luego... veremos.
If something goes wrong... If something happens to Ajay then, we do not know him.
Si algo sale mal con Ajay, entonces no lo conocemos.
This asshole can't know we're on to him.
Este imbécil no debe saber que lo descubrimos.
I know it's time for another ose, but I want to let him sleep until we get home.
Sé que es hora para otra dosis, pero quiero dejar que duerma hasta que lleguemos a casa.
- He stares at her every time we go in there. - You know him?
- Se la queda mirando cada vez que vamos. - ¿ Le conoces?
So should we go talk to him? I don't know.
- ¿ Crees que deberíamos ir a hablarle?
I want you to know, how we proceed from this point further is critical if we want to catch him.
Quiero que sepas, cómo partimos de este punto más Es fundamental si queremos atraparlo.
You know... you didn't have to tell him we're divorced or that you didn't have money when the boys were young.
Sabes... no tenías que decirle que estábamos divorciados o que no tenías dinero cuando los muchachos eran chicos.
Well, like I told you, we barely know him.
Bueno, como te he dicho, apenas le conocemos.
- No, no, no, no, I was trying to get things to go back to the way they were- - get him back on the throne, and, you know, so we could get back to doing all the things that we love to do at Paddy's, you know, like, um, finding out what's at the bottom of a hole. Right?
- No, no, no, no, intentaba devolver las cosas a la normalidad... devolverle el trono, y así poder seguir haciendo las cosas que nos gusta hacer en el Paddy's, como, descubrir que hay en el fondo del hueco. ¿ verdad?
Ghost know we'll be coming for him.
Ghost sabe que iremos por él.
You know, if we have an AMBER Alert, at least then we can keep tabs on him and we can keep looking for the kid.
Ya sabes, por si tenemos una alerta por desaparición Al menos podemos vigilarlo y seguir buscando al niño
And he wants us to come and get him now, but we don't know where to look.
Y quiere que lo encontremos pero no sabemos donde mirar
There's a lot of people we both know that think Fensky got what was coming to him.
Conocemos a mucha gente que cree que Fensky tuvo su merecido.
Okay, how do we know you didn't follow him out after he hit you?
Vale, ¿ y cómo sabemos que no le seguió después de la paliza?
We've been friends for years, but I didn't know what it'd be like to live with him.
Llevamos años siendo amigos, pero no sabía cómo sería vivir con él.
Which is exactly why we need to send the sketch out and see what hits we get from the other bureau offices. Someone may know him.
Y es exactamente por lo que debemos emitir este boceto... y ver qué coincidencias conseguimos de las otras agencias.
I let him know we were hopeful.
Le dije que teníamos esperanzas.
You know, we could use him as a wingman on a tail-hunting expedition.
Sabes, lo podríamos usar como ayudante en una expedición en busca de chicas.
I mean, what do we even know about him?
Quiero decir, ¿ qué sabemos de él?
Well, you and him both need to know that we are a band.
Bueno, tú y él tenéis que saber que somos una banda.
We know you didn't kill him.
Sabemos que no lo mataste.
Still, if someone we know hadn't spoke up for him, he'd be on his way to seven years'transportation.
Aún así, si alguien que conocemos no hubiera hablado por él, estaría de camino a siete años de deportación.
We both know he will continue to play, whether you encourage him or not.
Ambos sabemos que seguirá jugando, tanto si le animas como si no.
Yes, Tyler O'Neill is my main person of interest, okay, but we don't know for sure that that's him behind that mask.
Sí. Tyler O'Neill es mi principal sospechoso, vale, pero no sabemos seguro si está tras esa máscara.

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