We were young translate Spanish
1,148 parallel translation
We all had flings when we were young.
Todos hemos tenido aventuras de jóvenes.
When we were young, they would hire us to gather seaweed.
Cuando eramos jóvenes, nos pedían que recogiéramos algas.
We were young again.
Fuimos jóvenes de nuevo.
We were young and in love, and I was blowing in Charlie's ear.
Éramos jóvenes enamorados y yo le soplaba a Charlie en la oreja.
We were young and the war was on.
Eramos jóvenes y estábamos en guerra.
"We were young."
"Éramos jóvenes."
When we were young, he bought a traction machine to stretch us.
Cuando éramos pequeños, compró una máquina para estirarnos.
You and I were so close when we were young.
Eramos tan unidos cuando éramos jóvenes.
A dream we couldn't realize when we were young.
Un sueño que no podríamos realizar cuando éramos jóvenes.
When we were young and alive!
Cuando éramos jóvenes y estábamos vivos.
When we were young, he always bragged about his courage.
Cuando éramos pequeños siempre se fanfarroneaba de su valor.
There might have been another time when we were young, but I'm not sure.
Cuando éramos jóvenes, pero no estoy seguro.
That's when we were young.
Eso era de pequeñas.
Our father died when we were young and he left us some money.
Nuestro padre murió cuando éramos pequeñas y nos dejó un dinero.
You know what we should have done when we were young studs?
¿ Sabes lo que deberíamos haber hecho cuando éramos jóvenes apuestos?
We were young.
Eramos jóvenes.
And we were young and full of beans.
Y éramos jóvenes y resueltos.
We were young and in love...
Eramos jóvenes y enamorados...
It's a different world than when we were young.
Es un mundo diferente que cuando éramos jóvenes.
Even when we were young, he never kissed me, never was gentle, never tender.
Aún cuando éramos jóvenes, nunca me besó, nunca fue gentil, ni tierno.
- Remember when we were young?
¿ Recuerdas cuando éramos jóvenes?
% % we've heard the tales since we were young, % %
Escuchamos los cuentos desde que somos pequeños las canciones que se cantan.
Oh, well, none of us as young as we were, we must pay the penalty of advancing years, wouldn't you say, Colonel?
No somos jóvenes y la edad no perdona. ¿ No está de acuerdo, Coronel?
We were real close'cause we were orphaned so young together.
Estábamos muy unidos desde que nos quedamos huérfanos.
We were making a commercial. There was this young salesman.
Estábamos haciendo un anuncio con un vendedor joven y guapo.
Oh, we were so young then.
Ay, éramos tan jóvenes entonces.
We were so young.
Éramos mucho más jóvenes.
We were still young then.
Éramos jóvenes.
We were very young, and our dreams were all we needed.
Eramos muy jóvenes y sólo necesitábamos de nuestros sueños.
We were married very young.
Nos casamos muy jóvenes.
Mother planted this when we were very young.
Mamá las plantó cuando éramos jóvenes.
When we were little kids, and too young to understand John Kennedy said, "Ask what you can do for your country."
Cuando éramos niños, demasiadojóvenes para entender John Kennedy dijo : "Pregunten qué pueden hacerporsu país."
I think it's time we were off, young man.
Creo que es tiempo de irnos, jovencito.
( We were like young dogs let off the leash. )
( Éramos como cachorros a los que se les saca la correa. )
We were astonished to see a young lady beating at the pane.
Nos sorprendimos al ver a una joven golpeando en los cristales.
We were both too young, too... unaware.
Éramos demasiado jóvenes, y algo... inconscientes.
We were married young.
Nos casamos jóvenes.
They are from my wife... when we were very young.
Provienen de mi esposa, cuando eran muy jóvenes.
In the old country we were taught as very young children that there's no shame in supplicating yourself when you respect someone.
En mi país nos enseñaron cuando éramos niños... que no hay vergüenza en ponerte de rodillas cuando respetas a alguien.
Meyer, we've known each other since we were too young to fuck.
Meyer, nos conocemos desde antes de aprender a ponerla.
Dimitri did this to me when we were very young.
Dimitri me hizo esto cuando éramos muy jóvenes.
We have several vital questions to ask this young lady and I must confess that the case would seem to be a very black one against her if it were not for one thing.
Tenemos algunas cuestiones vitales que plantear a esta joven y debo confesar que el caso parecería estar muy negro para ella si no fuera por una cosa.
So we're here today to celebrate the divorce... of a young couple who probably got married a little too young, before they really knew what they were doing, and then realized they'd made a horrible mistake.
Así que hoy celebraremos el divorcio... de una pareja ; probablemente se casaron siendo muy jóvenes... antes de que supieran qué hacían... y luego se dieron cuenta del error.
We moved around a lot when the children were young.
Nos mudavamos mucho cuando los niños eran jovenes.
We were all young once.
Todos fuimos jóvenes alguna vez.
But you're much luckier than we were because now, with all the numerous and disfiguring diseases out there young men and women really have a chance to get to know one another.
Pero eres mucho más afortunado de lo que fuimos porque ahora, con todo las numerosas enfermedades allí afuera los jóvenes realmente pueden conocerse unos a otros.
- We were worried Martin was too young.
- Temíamos que Martin era muy joven.
Fortunately the potion I brewed the night we were hanged... will keep us alive and young forever.
Por suerte, la poción que cocí la noche que nos ahorcaron... nos mantendrá vivas y jóvenes para siempre.
They said we were too young, we didn't know each other.
Dijeron que éramos muy jóvenes, que no nos conocíamos.
We were on the roof on Monday, young Lisiek and I, and we saw the Herr Kommandant come out of the front door... and down the steps by the patio right there below us and... and there on the steps he drew his gun and he... shot a woman who was passing by.
Estábamos en el techo el lunes, Lisiek joven y yo, y vimos al comandante señor salir de la puerta principal... y bajar las escaleras de la terraza allí mismo, debajo de nosotros y y allí, en los pasos sacó su pistola y le... disparó a una mujer que pasaba por allí.
I mean, we were just both too young to settle down.
Éramos muy jóvenes para sentar cabeza.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were here first 26
we were friends 142
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were here first 26
we were friends 142