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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Weren't they

Weren't they translate Spanish

7,180 parallel translation
But they weren't wrong about one thing.
Pero en algo tenían razón.
No, they weren't.
- No lo están.
Maybe they weren't bogus after all.
Quizás no eran falsas, después de todo.
That's is what they weren't telling me.
Eso es lo que ellos no estaban diciéndome.
Your contractions weren't regular and they seem to have petered out.
Sus contracciones no eran regulares y parece que han desaparecido.
They weren't for me.
No eran para mí.
They weren't exactly gypsies, khanoum.
No eran exactamente gitanos, Khanoum.
They might have lacked education, but we weren't...
Podrían haber carecido educación, pero no éramos...
They told me you weren't there.
Me dijeron que no estuviste allí.
Even if we came to the conclusion that we weren't necessarily suited, they were still great.
Incluso si llegamos a la conclusión de que no fuimos los adecuados, aún así eran geniales.
They weren't returning to their old haunts, no one had to look them in the eye and explain away the new sideboard
Ellos no regresaron a sus viejos refugios, nadie los miró a los ojos ni les explicó nada de las casas.
Weren't they?
¿ Sí, verdad?
They weren't even in the apartment, just the building.
Ni siquiera estaban en el apartamento, solo en el edificio.
We felt they weren't right.
Es que no estaban bien.
They weren't cheap. - ( BICYCLE BELL RINGS )
No me salieron baratas.
If my engineers had just told me they weren't ready,
Si mis ingenieros me hubieran dicho que no estaban listos,
It was a big deal back then if they weren't married, you had to keep them out of sight.
Así eran las cosas entonces... si no estaban casadas, tenías... que mantenerlas fuera de la vista.
All these photos were taken over by the old barrel store, weren't they?
Todas estas fotos se han tomado en la vieja bodega, ¿ verdad?
He'd have just lied and said the letters were fake or they weren't reciprocated.
Me mentiría y diría que las cartas eran falsas, o que no había respondido a ellas.
" They weren't dressed up, they looked that way all the time.
No están disfrazados, así se ven todo el tiempo.
So, 20 years later, when they would've been of prime crime age, they weren't there.
Así que 20 años después, cuando hubieran tenido la edad ideal para delinquir, no existían.
When DHS told us about a worse threat, they weren't kidding.
Cuando los de Seguridad Nacional nos hablaron de una amenaza peor, no estaban bromeando.
Owner and daughter were out of town for the duration, weren't they?
El dueño y la hija estuvieron fuera del pueblo en el mientras tanto, ¿ no?
Those LPG heaters weren't sound, were they?
Esos garrafas de gas licuado no eran seguras, ¿ o sí? No había tenido la actualización.
~ But they weren't!
- ¡ Pero no lo estaban!
And then they weren't.
Entonces... - No lo fueron...
Her eyes were different then, weren't they?
Sus ojos entonces eran diferentes, ¿ verdad?
No, they weren't here.
No, no estaban aquí.
I thought I saw them, but they weren't there.
Creí haberlas visto, pero no estaban allí.
The men who took my beloved's legs- - they weren't your average psychopaths.
Los hombres que se llevaron las piernas de mi amada... no eran los típicos psicópatas.
They weren't abandoned and they're teenagers, now.
No fueron abandonadas y son adolescentes, ahora.
They weren't siphoning any money from the business, and there's no sign of any other source of income.
No estaban malversando fondos del negocio, y no hay señales de ninguna otra fuente de ingresos.
Because they weren't approved.
Porque no los aprobaron.
You know, how they weren't native to America and then that guy Eugene brought them over,'cause he wanted it to be like Shakespeare's time.
Porque no son autóctonos de Estados Unidos. Un tal Eugene los trajo porque quería recrear la época de Shakespeare.
Well, maybe people would have your back if they knew you weren't gonna turn it on them.
Quizá esas personas te defenderían si supieran que no ibas a traicionarlas.
I knew all them chemicals they feed you at school weren't no good for you.
Sabía que te harían mal esos químicos que te dan en la escuela.
Yeah, well, before Master Rex said that we weren't supposed to do carpentry, I talked to Tiny and Jo-Jo and they got their construction crew in here.
Sí, bueno, antes de que el Maestro Rex dijese que se no se supone que tengamos que hacer carpintería, hablé con Tiny y Jo-Jo y trajeron su equipo de construcción.
( Jenna ) I wouldn't have even been checking my texts if things were clicking with Brian, but they weren't.
No estaría mirando mis mensajes si las cosas estuvieran surgiendo con Brian, pero no lo estaban.
But they weren't out there that long.
Pero no habían estado sueltos tanto tiempo.
They weren't afraid of nothing.
Ellos no tenían miedo a nada.
You wish things weren't what they are.
Deseas que las cosas no fueran lo que son.
They weren't my people.
No eran mi gente.
And then they weren't.
Y entonces no lo eran.
- They weren't "those boys."
- Ellos no eran "esos niños."
They weren't.
Ellos no lo eran.
They weren't what?
Ellos no eran que?
- They weren't- -
- Ellos no eran- -
Tell me that they weren't your brothers!
Dime que ellos no eran tus hermanos!
They weren't Bran and Rickon!
Ellos no eran Bran y Rickon!
They weren't even born when I was teaching you.
Ni siquiera habían nacido cuando yo te daba clases.
And they weren't... wanking off.
Y no estaban... pajeándose.

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