When he was young translate Spanish
632 parallel translation
Of course, he made merry when he was young. But you pay for everything.
Naturalmente, el abusó, cuando era joven y todo se paga.
Kihachi was so handsome when he was young.
Kihaci de joven era buen mozo
Hiro-chan was always such a good boy when he was young.
Hiro-chan siempre fue un chico obediente.
He was a good sheep dog when he was young.
Fue muy buen pastor de joven.
He was a little wild when he was young, but if you spoke to him kindly, he'd always blush.
- De pequeño era un poco revoltoso, pero bastaba con hablarle con delicadeza y se sonrojaba.
Women and ships stole him from me when he was young.
De joven me lo robaron las mujeres y los barcos.
That's pa when he was young.
Era papá de joven.
Giovanna, look, that's dad when he was young!
Ese es mi padre de joven.
I'll bet that old boy was a man to stand aside from when he was young and limber.
Menudo pájaro estaría hecho el viejo cuando era joven y ágil.
Only time he leaves is to dig chicks and try and find out how it was when he was young.
Algunas veces me lo presta y trato de averiguar cómo era cuando era joven.
Ohki must have been just like him when he was young
Ohki debía parecerse a él... cuando era joven.
That dates back to when he was young.
¿ Qué es eso? No sé, es algo de cuando era pequeño.
I knew him when he was young... when he brought the people together to fight.
Lo conocía cuando era joven. Cuando unió al pueblo para luchar.
You know what Paulie's father told him? When he was young, he says, "Mr. Brennan..."
¿ Sabe lo que le dijo su padre a Paul cuando era un chaval?
When he was young... and alive.
¿ Quién es? Mi marido, cuando era joven y estaba vivo.
He ought to be handsome when he was young
Debe de haber sido atractivo.
When I first met Garry he was just going through a divorce - a separation and divorce - and he had two young kids.
En mi primer encuentro con Garry, él estaba atravesando un divorcio, una separación y divorcio, tenía dos niños pequeños.
You see, when Horace was in London, he met a certain young lady.
Horace conoció en Londres a una joven...
Only photograohy of his wife when she was young and photograohy of little English village, where he lived once.
Sólo una fotografía de su esposa cuando era joven. Y otra de una casita en Inglaterra donde vivió tiempo atrás.
Her father was a very young man when he died of lung fever.
Su padre murió muy joven de fiebre pulmonar.
Your father died When he was young.
Cayó por Inglaterra Johnny.
When I was a young girl I looked the world into the eye and I decided I didn't like it.
Desde niña he visto el mundo como es y decidí que no me gustaba.
Young Carstairs was dead when the jewel was taken, otherwise he'd of put up a struggle and there were no marks of violence on the body.
Cuando robaron la joya, el joven Carstairs estaba muerto. De otro modo, hubiera habido una pelea y no hay signos de violencia.
He was coming up to get a buck off of Larry Young when Udo came along.
Larry Young le iba a dar un par de pavos cuando Udo se le abalanzó.
He says that guys who dress up like Santa Claus and give presents do it because when they was young they must have did something bad and they feel guilty.
Dice que los tipos que se visten de Papá Noel y hacen regalos... lo hacen porque cuando eran jóvenes... habrán hecho algo malo y se sienten culpables.
When the old master was still alive, he set them aside for the young master as a study.
Probablemente las recuerde.
And happy I am to think, sir, that I had some small hand in saving young Master Hawkins when he was within half a plank of death.
Y me siento feliz al pensar, señor, que ayudé a salvar al joven Hawkins cuando estaba con un pie en la tumba.
When Bear Ghost was young he thought only of war killing his enemies taking their horses.
Dice que : Cuando era joven, sólo pensaba en matar enemigos y robar caballos.
Did I ever tell you? When I was a very young man, I always wanted to go to sea.
¿ Nunca te he contado, que siendo muy joven soñaba con echarme a la mar?
The face of her husband, when he was a young man.
La cara de su esposo cuando era joven.
[I was about to leave, when, suddenly... ] [... I found a young priest facing me. He was white with fear and trembling.]
Cuando ya me iba... me encuentro a un curilla temblando de miedo.
Even if he is right about her... he is doubly wrong about my client, because... if Harry K. Thaw found his bride... to be what the district attorney claims she is... was it not inevitable that something should have snapped in his young mind... when he saw the man who had turned her into his -
Aunque tuviera la razón sobre eso... está doblemente equivocado sobre mi cliente, porque... si Harry K. Thaw supo que su esposa... era lo que afirma el fiscal de distrito que era... ¿ no era inevitable que algo explotara en su mente joven... cuando vio al hombre que la convirtió en su?
I asked him how it was that he had lived so long... when everyone else in his village had died so young.
Le pregunté cómo es que había vivido tanto tiempo... mientras los demás morían tan jóvenes.
When I was waltzing with that young lieutenant, he was stepping all over my feet... and blushing like a June bride.
Cuando estaba bailando con ese joven teniente, el estaba pisoteando mis pies... y ruborizandose como una novia de junio.
Met a girl when he was a young ensign at Pensacola.
Conoció a una chica cuando era un joven alférez en Pensacola.
But Abel did very bad things when he was very young.
Pero Abel hizo cosas malas cuando era muy joven.
Even if I was very young when he left, I still remember something.
Además yo era muy pequeño cuando él se fue, pero aún me acuerdo de algo.
I got here long ago, when the century was young.
He llegado hace mucho, a principios de siglo.
And moved by an impulse of pity and decency, he was about to cover that poor, young body with a serape when Major Dabney entered, and Dabney, in blind fury and outrage, opened fire upon him, wounding him grievously twice.
Por instinto de piedad y pudor... iba a cubrir ese pobre y joven cadáver con un sarape... cuando entró el comandante Dabney, y Dabney... ciego de furia e indignación... abrió fuego contra él, hiriéndolo dos veces de gravedad.
You made him old before his time, pumping him full of what you consider worldly wisdom, when he was too young to see that your mind was so poisoned by your own failure in life, you wanted to believe every man was a knave with his soul
Le hiciste mayor antes de tiempo, llenándolo antes de tiempo de lo que crees sabiduría popular, cuando era demasiado joven para ver que tu mente estaba envenenada por tu vida fallida, querías que creyera que todo hombre pone su alma en venta
A firm believer in coexistence, Boris Vassiliev, a very gifted subject, was very young when he earned the nickname Trinitrotoluene.
Apóstol de la coexistencia Boris Vassilief, un sujeto con mucho talento... apodado desde la infancia "Trinitrotolueno".
May I crave leave to greet our young and learned friend, for I noticed him when he was first made Archdeacon.
¿ Puedo implorar que me permitáis...? Felicitar a nuestro joven y culto amigo, pues ya me fijé en él... cuando fue nombrado Archidiácono?
When he was a young boy, he had the mumps and that rendered him impotent.
Cuando era pequeño, tuvo paperas y eso le convirtió en impotente.
I knew the Buddha when he was a young lad.
Conocí al Buddha cuando era un niño.
He was a handsome young man when he joined his cavalry regiment - pale, delicate, looked like an angel. With the soul of a devil.
Era un atractivo joven cuando se unió al regimiento de caballería, pálido, delicado, igual a un ángel... pero con el alma de un demonio.
Well, when other young men were going to parties and dances, I'm afraid he was always tied up in the laboratory.
Cuando otros jóvenes iban a fiestas y a bailes... él no podía salir del laboratorio.
Even when I was young I didn't object to it.
En realidad nunca la he odiado.
When I was nearly fifteen... a young man courting my sister... found he liked me better.
Cuando tenía quince años, un joven cortejaba a mi hermana. Noté que yo le gustaba.
When my grandfather was young, he stuck a small branch in the ground, just for fun.
Cuando mi abuelo era joven, clavó una pequeña rama en el suelo.
I married Phillips Breckenridge when he was a promising young congressman.
Me casé con Phillips Breckenridge cuando era un congresista joven y prometedor.
He took me in when I was very young.
Cuando me recogió era muy joven.
when he died 111
when he was born 18
when he dies 19
when he was 88
when he comes back 25
when he said 21
when he came back 43
when he comes 26
when he 34
when he gets here 18
when he was born 18
when he dies 19
when he was 88
when he comes back 25
when he said 21
when he came back 43
when he comes 26
when he 34
when he gets here 18
when he was a kid 17
when he wakes up 46
when he gets back 21
when he says 21
when he does 75
when he's ready 23
when he left 30
he was young 27
when they 28
when we first met 137
when he wakes up 46
when he gets back 21
when he says 21
when he does 75
when he's ready 23
when he left 30
he was young 27
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43