When he was translate Spanish
32,770 parallel translation
No, wait, it's both, when he was being investigated for shooting an unarmed man.
No, espera, era ambos, cuando estaba siendo investigado por dispararle a un hombre desarmado.
Daddy said he had bad dreams like mine when he was in the children's home.
Papá me dijo que también tenía pesadillas... cuando estaba en el orfanato.
When he was 26, he was a part of a scheme that involved selling expired condoms.
Cuando tenía 26, fue parte de un plan que consistía en vender condones vencidos.
How was he different when he was in Atlanta?
"Te pillé, tio", o lo que sea. ¿ Cómo de distinto era en Atlanta?
Got him when he was four and a half months old, undernourished, but he had attitude.
Me lo dieron cuando tenía cuatro meses y medio, desnutrido, pero tenía actitud.
When he was forced to read a book from the beginning, he has little sense of the story until he is able to read it again from the end.
Cuando lo obligaban a que lea un libro desde el principio, la historia tenía poco sentido hasta que la podía leer desde el final.
Smith : In 2009, when he was just 14, Taylor stunned the world when he built a nuclear reactor in his garage and became the youngest person ever to achieve nuclear fusion.
En 2009, a los 14 años, Taylor asombró al mundo... cuando construyó un reactor nuclear en su garaje... convirtiéndose en la persona más joven... en lograr la fusión nuclear.
The Prince's step-mother never loved him. And that's why His Highness... sent the prince away for studies when he was a kid. So that he isn't affected by the ambiance at home.
La madrastra del Príncipe nunca lo quiso, así que Su Majestad lo mandó lejos para que estudiara y la negatividad en la casa no lo afectara.
It's Custer's Tiffany sword, given to him when he was made general.
Es la espada de Custer hecha por Tiffany, se la dieron cuando fue nombrado general.
When he was a teenager he was locked up at a juvenile detention.
Cuando era adolescente, fue enviado a un centro de detención
When he was a kid, I caught him smoking weed once.
Lo llené de moretones con un cinturón de cuero.
Uriel was so small when he was a child.
Uriel era tan pequeño de niño.
I mean, half of it's on microfiche and, like, papyrus, but I don't know, I thought it would help, you know, to figure out what your dad was working on when he was killed.
Me refiero, la mitad son microfichas y, como, papiros, pero no sé, pensé que podría ayudar, ya sabes, para descubrir en qué estaba trabajando tu padre cuando fue asesinado.
Well, you said that he smiled at you when he was released.
Bueno, dijiste que te sonrió cuando lo soltaron.
Tread on the shoes Duncan Watts was wearing when he was found dead.
Huella de los zapatos que Duncan Watts llevaba cuando fue encontrado muerto.
It is the very prison whose corruption John Decker was investigating when he was murdered 16 years ago.
Es la prisión con más corrupción que John Decker estaba investigando cuando fue asesinado hace 16 años.
I saved Asa when he was a boy.
Salvé a Asa cuando era un niño.
... she wrote to the famous killer when he was in prison, which begs the question...
"... intercambiaba correspondencia con el célebre asesino... cuando estaba en prisión. " " Circunstancia que plantea una nueva pregunta. "
I couldn't do it when he was alive.
Así le cuento todo lo que no le pude contar en vida, se lo debo.
Pete got him an apartment when he was 16 and basically just stopped seeing him.
Pete le consiguió un apartamento cuando tenía 16 y básicamente solo dejó de verlo.
Akhenaten hoped his son would continue this legacy, but his son was only nine years old when he took the throne.
Akenatón esperaba que su hijo continuaría este legado, pero su hijo sólo tenía nueve años cuando subió al trono.
"But when he fell down, he was not a frog but a prince with beautiful, friendly eyes."
"Pero cuando él cayó, no era un sapo sino un Príncipe con unos hermosos y amigables ojos".
Well, he must have seen me going into Amy's trailer when I thought she was Mum.
Bueno, debe haberme visto entrar al remolque de Amy cuando creí que ella era Mamá.
I think he was there when Torus tried to arrest me.
Creo que estaba allí cuando Torus intentó arrestarme.
He has a ton of experience and was highly recommended by the hospital. And when did you want me to run it by you?
Tiene mucha experiencia, lo recomendaron en el hospital.
When I was your age... Grandpa, sometimes he'd just... he'd just keep me out of school right down the pond near our house, and we'd just fish, you know?
Cuando tenía tu edad... el abuelo, a veces iba y me llevaba del colegio directo al estanque de al lado de nuestra casa, y nos poníamos a pescar, ¿ sabes?
I was on three episodes of this show where I played a very pivotal character for the lead character, and so I've been to a lot of "Knight Rider" conventions. And when I went there, I realized how much I loved this car, and I said, "I got to have it."
Salí en tres episodios de esta serie... donde era un personaje muy esencial para el protagonista... así que he ido a muchas convenciones de Knight Rider... y cuando fui, vi lo mucho que quería el auto y decidí tenerlo.
When this old man retired, he was a patriot..
Lograr un Estado en el que los ancianos no tengan que mendigar, eso es ser patriota.
See, my dad, he shot himself when I was off at school.
Mira, mi padre se disparó cuando estaba en la escuela.
I'll tell you, I was surprised when our Air Force attaché told me he'd just received a landing clearance request
He de decirle que me sorprendió cuando nuestro agregado del ejército del aire me dijo que había recibido una solicitud de aterrizaje
When Mario was born, I promised my wife that he would never be part of our thing.
Cuando Mario nació, prometí a mi esposa que nunca sería parte de nuestras fechorías.
They say when they found Symon, he was still alive.
Han dicho que cuando encontraron a Symon, seguía vivo.
How he could age people, and when he told me that the girl wearing her sweater was older, I...
Cómo puede hacer envejecer a la gente, y cuando me dijo que la chica del jersey era mayor, yo...
He was there when she died.
Estuvo allí cuando murió.
Okay, Julian, today when I was fighting Savitar, it... he and Alchemy, they had the same voice.
Vale, Julian, hoy cuando estaba luchando contra Savitar él... él y Alchemy, tenían la misma voz.
He was asking when you'd be around.
Preguntó cuándo estarías por aquí.
So when I heard that he was getting some sort of temporary leave, I knew that it was my chance to make things right.
Así que cuando me enteré de que le iban a dar una especie de permiso temporal, supe que era mi oportunidad de enmendar las cosas.
He was so young when I met him, I thought he must still be around.
Era tan joven cuando lo conocí, pensaba que todavía estaría por aquí.
Lucifer was bad enough when he had a plan, a motive.
Lucifer era bastante malo cuando tenía un plan, un motivo.
When I came out, he was on the ground.
Y cuando salí, estaba en el suelo.
I guess when the Archbishop's priests figured out he was possessed, they tried to keep it quiet, do an exorcism.
Supongo que cuando los sacerdotes del arzobispo averiguaron que estaba poseído, trataron de mantenerlo en secreto y hacer un exorcismo.
There's doubt that when Putin came back in and said he was going to be president, uh, that did change the relationship. We have to stand up to his bullying and... what's so interesting when you consider this uranium deal are the actions of a small Canadian investment firm called Salida Capital.
El presidente que hizo cambiar la relación que tenemos para hacer frente a su bolos y lo que es tan interesante si tenemos en cuenta este acuerdo es el uranio acciones de una pequeña empresa de inversión de capital canadiense llamada solita
He was being paid by a firm called Renaissance Capital, which has a long history of association with Russian intelligence services. What makes this speech stand out is not only the timing of when he's being paid, but the amount that he's being paid.
que estaba siendo pagado por una empresa llamada capital de renacimiento que tiene una larga historia de asociación con los servicios de inteligencia rusos lo que hace que se destaque este discurso no es sólo el momento de cuando se le está prestando
When he had the first tests, they said it was well advanced.
Cuando le hicieron las primeras pruebas dijeron... que ya era demasiado tarde.
When he left, you approached him, there was a fight.
Cuando se iba, se acercó a él, hubo una pelea.
After the Bin Laden raid, when the CIA had used a hepatitis vaccinator to verify he was living in that compound, did more people believe that the polio vaccine was actually harmful to them?
¿ más gente creyó que la vacuna para la polio hacía mal? Debido a eso, las especulaciones sobre la vacuna se acentuaron. Decían que usaban la campaña contra la polio... para realizar misiones de inteligencia.
I mean, he was so sweet, and he gave me his jacket when I was cold.
Es decir, era muy amable, y me dio su chaqueta cuando tuve frío.
Okay, I've been kind of annoyed ever since you moved in. And I think it's because when it was just Josh and me, I didn't care if I was a good person or not.
He estado algo molesto desde que te mudaste, porque cuando estaba solo con Josh no me importaba si yo era buena persona pero ahora que te mudaste he notado lo mucho que me he descuidado.
I was with his daughter when he crashed.
Yo estaba con su hija cuando él cayó en paro.
The president was very clear when he said that no one was to communicate with Escobar's people.
El presidente fue muy claro cuando dijo que no quería que nadie se comunicara con Escobar.
When Pablo was a little boy... he came home from school one day, very angry.
Cuando Pablo era niño volvió un día del colegio, muy bravo.
when he was born 18
when he was young 17
when he was a kid 17
when he died 111
when he dies 19
when he said 21
when he comes back 25
when he comes 26
when he came back 43
when he gets here 18
when he was young 17
when he was a kid 17
when he died 111
when he dies 19
when he said 21
when he comes back 25
when he comes 26
when he came back 43
when he gets here 18
when he wakes up 46
when he 34
when he gets back 21
when he says 21
when he's ready 23
when he does 75
when he left 30
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
when he 34
when he gets back 21
when he says 21
when he's ready 23
when he does 75
when he left 30
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was like 112
he was drunk 101
he was dead 174
he was angry 46
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was like 112
he was drunk 101
he was dead 174
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70