You guys go translate Spanish
5,161 parallel translation
You guys go.
Vosotros idos.
You guys go ahead and believe whatever you want to.
Vosotros seguid y creed lo que queráis.
No wonder you guys go easy on the eels.
No me extraña que no queráis saber nada de las anguilas.
I would have thought you guys go way back.
Okay, why don't you guys go over to her apartment and check everything... e-mails, calendars, her diary... and let's see if we can find anything there that'll connect her to our victim.
Vayan a su piso y revisen todo, sus correos, agendas, su diario... a ver si encuentran algo que la relacione con la víctima.
Well, then why don't you guys go out to dinner and get to know each other better?
En ese caso, ¿ por qué cenan juntos, para conocerse mejor?
You guys go play.
Ahora id a jugar.
Here you guys go.
Aquí tenéis.
Oh, yeah? Where'd you guys go?
¿ A dónde fueron?
You guys go wash up.
Lávense las manos, niñas.
You guys go get your PJs on.
Vayan a ponerse los pijamas.
- All right, you guys go.
- Bien, váyanse, muchachos.
You guys can let go now.
Ya podéis iros.
So, where do you guys want to go for lunch?
¿ A dónde queréis ir a comer?
You guys have my full support to go the whole yard on this, okay?
Ustedes tendrán todo mi apoyo, en todo lo que necesiten ¿ de acuerdo?
You go through guys like a chainsaw through puppies.
Tú tratas a los chicos como si fueran de usar y tirar.
You guys can go.
Chicos, podéis iros.
No, but thank you guys for forcing me to go out with her again.
No, pero gracias, chicas, por obligarme a volver a salir con ella.
Blaine, you guys, I can't go to New York with you.
Blaine, chicos, no puedo ir a Nueva York con ustedes. Tina Cohen-Crazy.
All right, guys, remember, everyone's gonna be watching to see what you're eating, so don't go crazy.
Bueno, chicos, recuerden, todos van a estar observando lo que están comiendo, así que no enloquezcan.
But if this went to a second trial, you'd have to go through hell again, and those guys could walk.
Pero si esto fuese a un segundo juicio, deberías pasar este infierno de nuevo, y esos tipos podrían terminar libres igualmente.
I'll go back in if you guys want, but I'm actually really hungry.
Volveré a entrar si queréis, pero de verdad tengo mucha hambre.
I saw what you guys had, how close you were from the get-go, and I saw how she saw you, and it was different than how she saw me.
Vi lo que teníais, lo amigos que fuisteis desde el principio, y vi cómo te miraba, y era diferente a la forma en que me miraba a mí.
Guys, before you hug and get cozy, can we go and have some fun?
Chicos, antes de abrazar y ser acurrucado, podemos salir y pasar un buen rato?
I should go, leave you guys alone.
Debería irme, no quiero molestaros.
Let's go, you guys.
Vamos, vamos.
We'll go in this door, you guys take the west door down the alley.
Nosotros entraremos por aquí y ustedes por la entrada oeste del callejón.
Maybe I can go with you guys to Houston?
¿ Podría ir con vosotros a Houston?
I'm gonna go ahead, and I will meet you guys at the party, all right?
Me voy a ir yendo y os veré en la fiesta, ¿ vale?
Got to go. See you guys.
Los veré luego.
Max, since you guys are getting serious, why not go on the pill, so every night you won't have to play "What can we turn into a condom?"
Max, ya que vais en serio, ¿ por qué no tomas la píldora? Así, cada noche no tendrías que jugar a "¿ qué puedo convertir en un condón?"
Martin, you guys, helped me out so much, because he's always encouraging me to go to the gym.
Martín me ayudó mucho, siempre me alentaba para que fuera a! gimnasio.
I go, "Listen, I don't know what you guys drink."
Y yo : "Escucha, no sé qué beben ustedes".
You guys can go now. Wait!
Podéis iros ya.
You guys, go.
Chicos, vayan.
What I want to do is go to the gym and lift weights, which is where I was headed before you guys stopped me.
Lo que quiero es ir al gimnasio a hacer unas pesas, que es a donde me dirigía antes de que me paraseis.
Chicos, vayan a entrar en calor.
Before we go, I got you guys a little something for helping me out.
Antes de seguir, tengo una cosa pequeña para ustedes por ayudarme.
It's poker night with the guys, and all I want to do is cash in my chips and go home to you, except you're not there.
Es noche de poker con los chicos, y lo único que quiero hacer es cobrar en efectivo mis fichas e ir a casa contigo, excepto que no estás ahí.
I mean, you're welcome, guys. I had to fuck a wife and take a punch, but now we get to go into the finals tomorrow without having blown our wad in the prelims.
De nada, chicos. ha costado follarme a una mujer casada y un puñetazo, pero estamos en la final de mañana sin desperdiciar nuestro esperma en los preliminares.
And you guys want me to go after Twilera because the dominatrix...
Y vosotros, chicos, ¿ queréis que vaya a por Twilera porque la dominatrix...
- Go, you guys, go!
-! Vayan, chicos, vayan!
Raylan, if I walk in there to see Darryl and you guys are sitting out front in your van, he's gonna smell it on me. - We hear anything, we go in.
- Si oímos algo, entramos.
And it seems like a shame to have it go to waste, if you guys are hungry.
Y sería una pena tener que tirarlo, si tienen hambre.
Well, let's all go home, you guys.
Bueno, vamos a casa, chicos.
You guys should probably go find out.
Chicos, deberíais ir a averiguarlo.
I mean, if you guys want to go to a wedding, you should probably sit down with us for a couple hours first, and then you could learn all of the different things you would need to know...
Quiero decir, si queréis ir a una boda, probablemente deberíais sentaros con nosotros durante un par de horas primero y luego podríais aprender todas las distintas cosas que deberíais saber...
Why don't you just go do the show for those guys, and then we can simulcast it overseas?
¿ Por qué no das el concierto a esos hombres, y así podemos transmitirlo al extranjero?
You guys seem to come and go whenever you want.
Parece que vosotros entráis y salís cuando os apetece.
Those guys tend to find you, and it doesn't usually go too well.
Esos tipos tienden a encontrarte, y normalmente no termina demasiado bien.
- So, you guys are all set to go?
- Entonces, ¿ tienen todo listo?
you guys go ahead 64
you guys good 32
you guys 4639
you guys are so cute 19
you guys are awesome 21
you guys are the best 48
you guys have fun 67
you guys are amazing 17
you guys rock 19
you guys are crazy 40
you guys good 32
you guys 4639
you guys are so cute 19
you guys are awesome 21
you guys are the best 48
you guys have fun 67
you guys are amazing 17
you guys rock 19
you guys are crazy 40