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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You heard wrong

You heard wrong translate Spanish

256 parallel translation
Well, you heard wrong.
Lo has oído mal.
- Well, you heard wrong.
Oíste mal.
You heard wrong.
Has oído mal.
- You heard wrong.
- Ha oído mal. Nosotros no.
You heard wrong. Chop suey's American, chow mein is Chinese.
El chop suey es americano, el chow mein es chino.
You heard wrong, cause I don't get up at all.
Le han informado mal porque yo por la mañana ni me levanto.
Well, you heard wrong.
Oíste mal.
You heard wrong.
Te has equivocado.
- You heard wrong.
- Ustedes oyeron mal.
- Well you heard wrong.
- Pues oyó mal.
- You heard wrong!
- ¡ Oíste mal!
Ah, well, then you heard wrong.
Pues eso no es cierto.
- Oíste mal.
well you heard wrong.
Estas equivocada.
Then I guess you heard wrong.
- Mira, papá, creo que- - - Un momento.
You heard wrong!
Escucho mal!
But I was called- - l said, you heard wrong.
Pero me llamaron- - dije, que usted escucho mal.
You heard wrong, mister.
- Ha oído mal, señor.
- You heard wrong.
Debes haber oído mal.
Maybe you heard wrong.
Tal vez escuchaste mal.
I heard you were indisposed. Well, you heard wrong.
- He oído que estaba enfermo.
You heard wrong.
Oíste mal.
You heard wrong, Willy.
Escuchaste mal, Willy.
I heard you talking and wondered if anything was wrong.
La oí hablar y me preguntaba si pasaba algo.
I heard you all right. I repeated it wrong.
Lo oí bien pero repetí mal.
I just heard what mccombs told you, but he's dead wrong.
Le habla William McAdoo. He oído lo que ha dicho McCombs. Pero se equivoca.
You heard your mother and father talking of the wrong that was done them.
Mi madre me habló del mismo modo.
I've heard all about you, John, and you're wrong, so wrong.
He oído todo sobre ti, John, y estás muy equivocado.
You mean you've never before heard of a wrong being righted.
¿ Nunca has oído de algo equivocado que se vuelve acertado?
You heard the wrong thing
Pues, has oído mal.
You've heard wrong.
Has oído mal.
Maybe you heard me wrong. I said we're going to the theater not going to be in it.
Tal vez me malinterpretaste, yo dije que íbamos a ir al teatro, no a estar en uno.
Say I heard you wrong.
Dime que te oí mal.
Well, I've heard that far too often, and you happen to be wrong.
Eso ya lo he oído muchas veces, pero se equivoca.
You have heard wrong!
¡ Tu información es anticuada!
Yes, I'd heard you were ill. Anything wrong with that?
También lo oí, ¿ qué hago ahora?
Maybe you heard it wrong or maybe he was kidding.
Quizás escucho mal o quizás él estaba bromeando, quién sabe.
Perhaps you've heard that Mrs. Dix is quite concerned that we don't attract well, the wrong sort of woman.
Habrá oído que a la Sra. Dix le preocupa que contratemos... ... bueno, a una mujer no apta para el puesto.
I've heard this story and you're telling it all wrong.
Yo conozco esta historia y la estás contando mal.
In spite of what you've seen and heard, Fighting is wrong.
A pesar de lo que has visto y escuchado aquí en los últimos dos días, pelear está mal.
You heard wrong.
- Te han informado mal.
escuchaste mal.
I must've heard you wrong.
Habré oído mal.
You had the choice of using what you heard. You just made the wrong decision.
Tenía la opción de usar lo que oyó.
So I heard wrong. So you haven't given up. well- -
Creo que me equivoque, crei que ya, se habia rendido.
- You heard me wrong.
- Me oyó mal.
And I've got a lot of witnesses that just heard you admit you were wrong.
Y tengo un montón de testigos que Lo han escuchado admitir que estaba equivocado.
Estamos aquí para celebrar el regreso a Limmeridge de Lady Glyde que está casi completamente restablecida y mi propio compromiso con ella.
Penny, I probably heard you wrong, but...
Penny, seguramente no lo habré oído bien, pero...
Well, maybe you heard wrong.
¿ No?
Come on, you've heard them. They grow up too fast, stay out too late, hang out with the wrong kind of people, have sex too young.
Vamos, ya los conoces, crecen muy deprisa, llegan tarde a casa, salen con la gente equivocada, conocen el sexo antes.

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