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You little thief translate Spanish

116 parallel translation
You little thief!
¡ Ladrona!
You little thief!
¡ Vaya frescura!
Why, you little thief!
¡ Vaya, ladron!
- You stole it, you little thief.
- Lo robaste, ladronzuelo.
Why you little thief!
¡ Pequeña ladrona!
You little thief!
- ¡ Ladronzuela!
But I saw you, you little thief.
Pero yo te he visto, pequeño ladrón.
Oh, you little thief...
Tú, ladronzuelo...
you little thief.
¡ Pequeña ladrona!
Take it off, you little thief!
¡ Quítatelo, ladronzuelo!
Hey, you little thief!
¡ Oye, pequeño ladrón!
Come here, you little thief!
¡ Ven aquí, ladronzuelo!
Come on, you little thief, cough it up.
Vamos, pequeña ladrona, dámela.
Get back here, you little thief!
¡ Vuelve aquí, ladronzuelo!
God damn it, open up, you little thief!
¡ Maldición, abre la puerta, ladrón!
Now I will show you something, you little thief.
Ahora te enseñaré algo ladronzuelo.
You little thief.
Tú, pequeña ladrona.
I've caught you, you little thief!
¡ Ya te tengo, pequeña ladrona!
- Hey, you little thief!
- ¡ Eh, tú, ladronzuela!
You little thief.
Tú maldita ladrona.
You listen, you little thief!
¡ Mira, pequeño ladrón!
I know that your mother gave you lunch money, you little thief.
Sé que tu madre te ha dado dinero para comer, ladronzuela.
You little thief.
Tú ladronzuelo.
- You little thief.
- Ladronzuela.
Why you cheap little thief.
Pequeño ladronzuelo.
And now, my little braggart... you can be a thief and a hero all in one.
Y ahora, pequeño fanfarrón, sé un ladrón y un héroe a la vez.
Does it not strike you as being rather odd... that a thief would bother to take an object of such... little value?
¿ No le parece muy extraño que el ladrón se llevara un objeto de tan escaso valor?
You dirty, little thief.
Sucio ladronzuelo.
And you are not without your own kind of corruption, are you, you innocent little thief?
No estás libre de corrupción, ¿ verdad, inocente ladronzuela?
Shine on to say so I want will you this several The little thief who guards law brings back a police station to just go
Si es así me llevaré a estos honrados ladrones a comisaría.
You don't mind, and you're a little thief.
Eres desobediente y una ladrona.
Yes, well, do forgive me, but you see, here is a personable young man. He filches a little here and there. A petty thief likes to show off to the girls.
Este era un chico fanfarrón, que hacía trampas aquí y allí y le gustaba impresionar a las jóvenes.
Hey, hold on, you hairy little thief. Come back with my apple!
Mañoso ladrón peludo, devuélveme mi manzana.
I fully intend to meet you at the pearly gates, little thief. Don't you dare disappoint me!
Espero encontrarte en las puertas del cielo, ladronzuelo, no me desilusiones.
No, not so easy, little thief... not such a diddle and a doddle as you thought. Your father tricked me once... and I shan't be tricked again. No.
Es grandioso... pero suenan las campanas, y la noche termina.
You're just a squalid little thief.
No eres más que un ladrón de poca monta.
After all your posturing, all your little speeches, you're nothing but a common thief.
A pesar de todas las pretensiones, de todos los discursos, no eres más que un vulgar ladrón.
Well, my friend, you're a little thief.
Amigos míos, son un poco pesados.
Well, a little thief against all these important persons, there's not much you can do, as I'm sure you would agree, except...
Un pequeño malhechor... contra gentes pudientes no consigue nada, ¿ no? Sólo...
You little thief!
Pequeña ladrona.
Why, you hairy little thief.
A ver, ladroncito peludo.
You're nothing but a dirty little thief.
No eres más que una pequeña y sucia ladrona.
Don't let this little taste make you a real thief
No dejes que esta pequeña prueba te convierta en un verdadero ladrón.
I suppose you're here... to tell me ya killed Salmoneus..., the little thief.
Supongo que viniste a decirme que mataste a Salmoneus ; ese ladronzuelo.
No, but you're a comely little thief.
No, pero es una linda ladrona.
What kind of little weird thief are you?
¿ Qué tipo de ladronzuelo raro eres?
I was on a train, razoring off her pocket little by little... gently, like an artist, you know... when suddenly a woman nearby starts screaming, "A thief! " Hey, look, a thief!
Estaba en un tranvía, cortando un bolsillo, poquito a poco, suavemente, como un artista... cuando de repente, una mujer se pone a gritar : " ¡ Un ladrón!
You wretched little thief give me back my poker!
Sal pequeño ladrón! Tráeme de vuelta mi atizador!
Piss off, you shitty little thief!
¡ Largo, ladroncillo de mierda!
Give me my frickin'paper, you hairy little thief!
Deme mi maldito diario, bestia peluda.
I hate that I'm turning you into a little thief.
Me odio por convertirte en una pequeña ladrona.

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