And honey translate French
3,112 parallel translation
My God, Colonel's popcorn chicken and honey mustard sauce!
Des nuggets et de la sauce à la moutarde douce!
Chuck has a really good one with fire ants and honey.
Chuck en a une vraiment bonne sur les fourmis et le miel.
And honey, someday... Someone is gonna be sucking gallons of our sludge off of that.
Un jour... quelqu'un enlèvera des litres de liquides dégoûtants.
And honey?
- Et du miel?
And second, I may be no angel, honey, but I am definitely not into the devil.
Ensuite, je ne suis pas un ange, mais je ne suis pas le diable.
Honey, they're just getting worse and worse. Ok.
Chéri, ils sont de pire en pire.
You want to talk about... Okay, so, honey, we're gonna go and leave the partners do their domestic thing.
- On va laisser les partenaires causer.
I know, honey, and I wasn't pressuring you.
Je sais. Je ne te mets pas la pression.
But don't worry, honey. I'll come right back and I'll tell you about it, too.
Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, je reviendrai vous en parler.
- Honey, you have the answer, and then you got the beginning part.
Les réponses sont là, il suffit de remplir les blancs.
When Winnie the Pooh got his head stuck in the honey tree his friends all grabbed onto him and pulled and pulled.
Quand Winnie l'ourson s'est coincé dans l'arbre à miel, ses amis l'ont tiré hors de l'arbre.
Honey, this is Ray Ernesto, - and he works for the mayor's office. - Nice to meet you.
Chérie, voici Ray Ernesto, il travaille au bureau du maire.
Honey. Can we please fix this? I miss you so much and I'm so sorry about what happened.
Chérie, on peut arranger ça?
I'll have two eggs, one over easy, one over medium... three sausage links, a cup of cottage cheese with a drizzle of honey... a fruit cup, unless it's mostly honeydew melon... in which case skip it and make it half a grapefruit... a glass of whole milk over ice... and a side of toast barely browned, closer to bread than toast...
Deux oeufs, un à la coque et un dur, trois saucisses, du fromage blanc avec du miel, des fruits au sirop... si c'est du melon, remplacez-le par un demi-pamplemousse. Un verre de lait glacé et un toast presque doré.
Sorry, honey. I wasn't listening, and I won't be listening now.
Désolé, je ne t'écoutais pas mais maintenant je t'écoute.
And I love your gung-ho attitude, but, honey, you just got over a breakdown.
Et j'aime ton enthousiasme, mais, chérie, tu te remets à peine d'une dépression.
Okay, see, the thing is, honey, I mean, you're really hard to buy for, and I just never know- - Rangers tickets?
C'est vraiment dur de te trouver des cadeaux...
You and me both, honey.
Pour nous deux, chérie.
Sarah, honey, I'm sorry I didn't get your message before this, but not to worry, the cavalry is on its way, armed with pinking shears and a fully loaded pincushion.
Désolée de ne pas avoir eu ton message avant, mais ne t'en fais pas, la cavalerie arrive, armée de ciseaux à cranter et bardée d'aiguilles.
Yes, and this too, honey.
Oui, et ça aussi, chérie.
- I put honey and lemon in it.
- Au miel et au citron.
It's a long story, honey, and it's fine.
C'est une longue histoire. C'est bon.
And, honey, I am sorry about your table.
Et, chérie, je suis désolée pour la table de ta cuisine.
I said, "honey, don't do that," and I offered her some chapstick.
Je lui ai dit d'arrêter, et je lui ai proposé un labello.
And then I went and bought this little honey.
Puis, je suis allé acheter ce petit jouet.
Honey, I need you to put down the game and eat. I can't.
Chéri, arrête de jouer et mange.
"I'll tell you about stress and tension." Honey.
Je vais t'en parler, de la pression.
Oh, honey. And you are even more handsome. [Chuckles]
Et toi, tu es encore plus beau.
All right, Haley, honey, go and have fun, but don't get in anybody's car... and be back in time for your grandfather's birthday dinner, okay?
D'accord, chérie. Vas-y et amuse-toi bien. Mais ne monte pas en voiture et reviens à temps pour le repas d'anniversaire de papy, d'accord?
Does that work for you, honey? Um, just you and I tonight?
Ça te va, qu'on soit qu'à deux?
Honey, his name is Walt Warren, and he's a very nice man.
Son nom est Walt Warren, et il est très gentil.
Well, I got something way cooler than 23 boxes of Cap'n Crunch, a honey-baked ham, and soy milk.
J'ai un truc bien plus cool que des céréales, du jambon et du lait de soja.
And let's face it, honey.
Acceptons-le, trésor :
Fix your hair up pretty like Beyoncé and, who knows, honey, maybe a black guy will do you.
Arrange tes cheveux comme Beyoncé Et, qui sait, tu tomberas peut-être un noir
You are really good, and you may play your dad, but not me, honey.
Tu es très douée. Tu as peut-être eu ton père, mais pas moi.
But the sofa is a pullout, and one of you can share my bed. Oh, honey, don't worry.
Mais on a un clic-clac, et une de vous peut partager mon lit.
Mandy, honey, uh, where did you get all that new clothing and bags and shoes and wonderful accessories?
Mandy, chérie, où as-tu eu tous ces nouveaux vêtements, ces sacs, ces chaussures et ces jolis accessoires?
Okay, honey. Booze is booze. Booze is, you know, uh, whiskey and vodka and you know, uh, spirits.
La bibine, c'est le whisky, la vodka et les spiritueux.
And no offense, honey, but I can't picture that in the bedroom.
Je n'imagine pas ce que ça devait être au lit.
Black Forest Ham on honey oat with chipotle sauce, banana peppers and jalapenos?
Jambon Forêt Noire sur pain d'avoine, avec sauce chipotle, - piment et jalapeños?
Well, honey, if there's one thing our financial reversals of the last year have taught us, it's that life is short, and you should grab all the joy you can find when you find it.
- Chérie, s'il y a une chose, que nos revers financiers de l'année dernière nous ont appris, c'est que la vie est courte, et qu'il faut saisir toute la joie que l'ont peut y trouver.
[cheers and applause] - Honey, that was so great!
C'était génial!
Honey, besides you and the boys,
Chéri, à part toi et les garçons,
What if somebody sees you? Honey, just for a minute, could you look past the science and the fear a... and you tell me, isn't there some part of you that's thought, maybe we were given these gifts for a reason? Oh, honey.
Et si quelqu'un te voyait?
Honey, every two years, we come here, they cut me open, and I watch it take ten years off of your life.
Chéri, tous les deux ans, on vient ici, ils m'opèrent, et je te regarde vieillir de dix ans.
Honey, I know the difference between A shark and a crocodile.
Mon petit lapin, je fait la différence entre un requin et un croco.
Honey, deeper and Tell me you love me.
Enfonce la plus loin et dis moi que tu m'aime.
Honey, quit futzing with the gown and come out here.
Chéri, arrête avec la blouse et viens là.
Slow. Nice and slow, honey.
Doucement, chérie.
And I said, "Honey, where were you three years ago?"
J'ai dit "où étiez-vous il y a 3 ans?"
Honey, I'm so far behind with Christmas already and to try to fit in a department party....
J'ai déjà du retard pour Noël, alors ajouter une réception...
honey 25805
honey pie 20
honeymoon 40
honey bunny 38
honeycutt 17
honeybun 16
honey bun 24
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
honey pie 20
honeymoon 40
honey bunny 38
honeycutt 17
honeybun 16
honey bun 24
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here's the kicker 17
and here it is 109
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here's the kicker 17
and here it is 109
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41