And him translate French
143,475 parallel translation
I'm gonna do this new TV show with Chef Jeff where it's just me and him traveling around, eating good food.
Je vais faire une émission avec Chef Jeff où on voyage et on mange des super plats.
I hid the Wellspring ball in plain sight, made the Rainbow Bridge bloom, stole from the River Watcher so he'd be good and angry when Penny stiffed him.
J'ai caché la bille de la Source sur le plan, fait fleurir le pont Arc-en-ciel, dévalisé le Gardien de la Rivière, comme ça il serait parfait et en colère quand Penny l'embêterait.
Yes, because he went into a restricted area, which lethally poisoned him and puts him on strict probation, but most assuredly does not mean he's excused from work.
Oui, parce qu'il est allé dans une zone restreinte, qui l'a légalement empoisonné et l'a mis en probation assez stricte, mais ça ne veut certainement pas dire qu'il est dispensé de travailler.
And tell him what?
Pour lui dire quoi?
And speaking of Dale, you're not gonna be able to hire him,'cause he's not on our approved list of vets.
En parlant de Dale, tu pourras pas faire appel à lui. Il n'est pas sur la liste de vétos approuvés.
It means the second Colt and I get into an argument, you're sleeping with him without any protection.
Dès qu'on se dispute, tu couches avec Colt sans protection.
And I smelled it just to bring him back, I guess.
Je l'ai senti juste pour retrouver son odeur, je crois.
I taught him how to dance and shoot tequila.
Je lui ai appris à danser et à boire de la tequila.
I told him I was gonna hire my good friend Dale Rivers to be my vet, if they didn't like it, to go ahead and fire me.
J'ai dit que j'allais embaucher mon bon ami Dale comme vétérinaire. Ça leur a pas plu. Ils m'ont viré.
Break up with him and run.
Romps et sauve-toi.
First, you give Rooster the huntin'cabin and now you're givin'him a job where he works at a bar and he gets to drink all day?
D'abord, tu donnes le chalet à Rooster, et là, tu lui donnes un boulot où il pourra boire toute la journée?
I mean, when you were born, the doctor slapped you to make you cry and you just laughed at him and peed in his face.
À ta naissance, le docteur a dû te frapper pour te faire crier, et tu as ri en lui pissant au visage.
Or did you just make him feel like shit for getting fired and not having a job?
Ou tu lui as mis la honte pour avoir été viré et être au chômage?
Total combat, was psyched to play it, And then I found him, You know,
Total Combat ( paintball ), j'étais enthousiaste pour l'essayer et puis je l'ai trouvé vous savez sans vie.
And now he has a killer after him.
Et maintenant, un tueur en a après lui.
We take him down nice and easy.
- on le met au sol tranquillement.
Is gonna miss that. And that's when we get him.
Et c'est là qu'on l'aura.
We would not be at all offended if you wanted to leave us and go talk to him.
On ne t'en voudrait pas si tu nous quittais pour aller lui parler.
Tell him that and you're a dead man.
Te moque pas de lui.
Kill him and you will die slowly.
Tue-le et ta mort sera lente.
The only way to defeat Kjartan is to deny him food and freedom.
Pour faire tomber Dunholm, il faudrait l'assiéger.
You would need to surround him with men, with defences, and deny him what he needs to live.
Il faudrait les encercler, et les priver de tout ravitaillement.
He believes himself to be above each one of us and he is loved by the men... they will follow him.
Il se croit au-dessus de nous. Ses hommes l'aiment et le suivront n'importe où.
I was a sworn member of law enforcement, and I was duty-bound to turn him in.
J'étais un membre éminent du maintien de l'ordre, et j'avais le devoir de le dénoncer.
Stealthy pounded a few too many sake bombs, and I had to give him a lift home.
Stealthy s'est tapé un peu trop de saké, et j'ai dû le ramener chez lui.
Yeah, which, Hadley conveniently forgets to tell Danny and I when we spoke to him.
Oui, Hadley s'est arrangé pour oublier de le dire à Danny et moi quand nous lui avons parlé.
Why don't we talk to him and find out?
Pourquoi on irait pas lui parler pour vérifier?
And, if she loves him, then he is somebody.
Et, si elle l'aime, Alors il est quelqu'un.
As I did, I stretched out a hand and I clasped him by the cassock.
En tombant, j'ai tendu la main et je l'ai agrippé par la soutane.
And they go over there, and they try to talk to him, and he doesn't speak English.
Ils se pointent, essaient de lui parler, mais il ne parle pas anglais.
Cop just grabs him, slams him on the ground face-first, and he's paralyzed now.
Les flics l'attrapent, le collent face contre terre. Depuis, il est paralysé.
When I'm with Pino, I wish he could be you. But it's not. It's Pino, and I'm with him.
Quand je suis avec Pino, je voudrais qu'il soit toi, mais c'est pas le cas.
And he was like, "Ooh-whee. She's a feisty one." And I almost punched him in his face.
Et lui : "C'est une bagarreuse." J'ai failli le frapper.
And she was like, " I talked to him.
" Je lui ai parlé.
Bringing with him much hope and possibility.
Et emporte avec lui de l'espoir et des opportunités.
I think Ragnar is looking at me, and I can't disappoint him.
Je crois que Ragnar m'observe. Je ne veux pas le décevoir.
I care about your father, and I believe in him.
J'ai de l'affection pour votre père et je crois en lui.
And we will have to avenge him.
Nous allons devoir le venger.
Instead, if you want to stay alive, I would learn to respect and fear him.
Si vous tenez à la vie, respectez-le et craignez-le.
He loves me and I will give him the attention and affection that he needs.
Il m'aime. Et je vais lui donner l'amour et l'attention dont il a besoin.
Queen of Versailles, that's what he called me, and I'm going to show him how Queens welcome home their Kings.
"Reine de Versailles", c'est comme ça qu'il m'a appelée, et je vais lui montrer comment les reines accueillent leurs rois.
We must place someone else in his life, someone chaste and devout, who will show him the path of moderation.
Nous devons placer quelqu'un de chaste et de pieux près de lui qui lui montrera la voie de la modération.
Madame Scarron will befriend him and influence him with her modesty and piety
Madame Scarron deviendra son amie et l'influencera avec sa modestie et sa piété.
And impress upon him the benefits of marriage and fidelity.
Et lui rappellera les bienfaits du mariage et de la fidélité.
Go and see him.
Allez le voir.
Ours is a God of wroth, and we have angered Him much already.
C'est un Dieu de colère, et nous l'avons bien assez irrité.
Then you will tell him tonight that the King is arrogant, pigheaded and paranoid.
Alors, tu lui diras ce soir que le Roi est arrogant, entêté et paranoïaque.
And then you will tell him that the war is lost and my men are cornered like rats in a trap.
Tu lui diras ensuite que nous avons perdu la guerre et que mes hommes sont pris au piège.
Extract their names from him and show him the full force of my justice.
Soutirez-lui leurs noms. Et montrez-lui toute la puissance de ma justice.
Monseur Marchal and his men took him.
Monsieur Marchal et ses hommes l'ont emmené.
I'm going back right now and kill him properly this time!
J'y retourne tout de suite, et cette fois, je le tue.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here's the kicker 17
and here it is 109
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here's the kicker 17
and here it is 109
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41