Aren't they translate French
6,652 parallel translation
Building your big new HQ out at Kidlington, aren't they?
Ils s'occupent de votre nouveau QG à Kidlington, non?
But teenagers are, aren't they?
Comme tous les ados.
Childhood memories are strange, aren't they?
C'est étrange, les souvenirs d'enfance.
They aren't a figment of your imagination.
Ils ne sont pas le fruit de ton imagination.
Sometimes things are a lot more one-sided than we would like them to be, aren't they, Mr. Camp?
Des fois les choses sont beaucoup plus à sens unique que nous aimerions qu'elles soient, n'est-ce pas, Mr Camp?
Christening dresses are usually white, aren't they?
Elles sont plutôt blanches, non?
The ewings aren't who you think they are, mama.
Les Ewings ne sont pas ceux que tu penses qu'ils sont, mama.
The Ewings aren't who you think they are, mama.
Les Ewings ne sont pas ce que tu penses, maman.
If they're lies, my lady, aren't they best avoided?
Si ce sont des mensonges, ne faudrait-il pas les éviter?
These meetings aren't always going to be this early, are they?
Ces réunions ne se déroulerons pas toujours aussi tôt, n'est-ce pas?
They aren't compatible.
Ils ne sont pas faits pour vivre ensemble.
They said she left him because they aren't compatible.
Qu'elle l'avait quitté, qu'ils ne s'entendaient pas.
They had a disagreement and since then they aren't speaking?
Entre eux, une discussion a dégénéré, et ils ne se parlent plus.
These aren't blankets, but they'll be fine.
Ce ne sont pas des couvertures, mais ça ira.
- Aren't they amazing?
- Ils ne sont pas géniaux?
"They aren't going to have children, are they?"
"Ils ne vont tout de même pas avoir d'enfants, si?"
Aren't they?
Elles le sont?
Aren't they beautiful?
Ne sont-elles pas belles?
- They aren't here because they like you.
- Ils ne sont pas là parce qu'ils t'aiment.
We're especially good at finding patterns, even when they aren't really there- - something known as "false pattern recognition."
Nous sommes particulièrement bons pour trouver des formes, même quand il n'y en a vraiment aucunes- - chose connue comme "fausse reconnaissance de forme."
Aren't they all?
Ce n'est pas le cas pour tous?
I had this hero, but heroes aren't what they used to be so I got fascinated with a villain.
J'avais ce héros, mais les héros ne sont plus ce qu'ils étaient donc j'ai été fascinée par un méchant.
Two days off aren t a huge deal, are they?
Deux jours de RTT, ce n'est pas grand-chose.
Dogs are so predictable, aren't they?
Les chiens sont si prévisibles, non?
Those are mutually exclusive, aren't they?
Les deux sont incompatibles.
They aren't taking this seriously.
Ils ne le prennent pas au sérieux.
- No, they aren't coming to lunch.
- Non, ils ne viennent pas déjeuner.
If you think about it, aren't they really just the parents of a kid who happens to hang out with our kid?
Quand on y réflechit, ce ne sont pas juste les parents d'un gamin qui traîne avec notre fils?
The secrets of the chip are on that drive, aren't they?
Les secrets de la puce sont sur ce disque, n'est-ce pas?
Those aren't cubic zirconia, they're diamonds.
C'est pas du zircon, c'est des diams.
Aren't they rushing things?
Ils ne vont pas un peu vite?
No, they aren't.
Non, pas à mi-temps.
My feelings are irrelevant to her parole, aren't they?
Mes ressentis ne sont pas pertinents quant à sa liberté conditionnelle, si?
And I see them quite clearly in living color, like a big-screen movie, only they aren't really there.
Pas tout le temps, mais souvent. Je peux les voir très clairement et en couleur, comme sur un écran géant mais elles ne sont pas vraiment là.
They... they aren't mine.
Ce... ce sont pas les miennes.
Aren't they amazing?
Ne sont-ils pas incroyables?
Profiles aren't evidence ; they're opinion. This is hearsay.
Les profils ne sont pas des preuves, mais des avis, des ouï-dire.
Aren't they?
N'est-ce pas?
And even if they don't, you'll always think in the back of your head that they know something, but just aren't saying anything.
Et sinon, tu te demandes toujours s'ils savent, mais ne disent rien.
Children are such precious gifts, aren't they, Jana?
Les enfants sont un si beau cadeau, n'est-ce pas, Jana?
They're talking about me, aren't they?
Ils parlent de moi, n'est-ce pas?
I mean, they're talking to the girls and the girls aren't even in yet.
Ils parlent aux filles.
Ones who seem too good to be real, because they aren't real.
Ceux qui semblent trop beaux pour être vrais, car ils ne le sont pas.
DEA's just posturing, aren't they?
C'est juste une précaution, hein?
- Aren't they soft, it's like, kitties on your feet.
- Comme des chatons aux pieds.
The girls, they aren't Russian.
Les filles, elles ne sont pas Russe.
Aren't they all allowed into heaven?
Ne peuvent-ils pas tous rejoindre le paradis?
Colombian records aren't what they could be.
Les registres colombiens ne sont pas ce qu'ils pourraient être.
So concerned about status here, aren't they?
Tellement à cheval sur l'étiquette ici.
They say you guys are taking down everybody - - people who aren't even on our radar.
Ils disent que vous exécutez n'importe qui... même ceux qui ne sont pas sur vos tablettes.
Wait, why aren't they getting married?
Attends, pourquoi est-ce qu'ils ne se marient pas?
aren't they cute 23
aren't they beautiful 39
aren't they all 24
aren't they lovely 16
aren't they great 18
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
aren't they beautiful 39
aren't they all 24
aren't they lovely 16
aren't they great 18
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they aren't 58
they have 241
they are everywhere 27
they're 1306
they are beautiful 39
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they aren't 58
they have 241
they are everywhere 27
they're 1306
they are beautiful 39
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they are good 26
they are the same 17
they don't exist 52
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they are good 26
they are the same 17
they don't exist 52