As it so happens translate French
102 parallel translation
Clay, as it so happens, I didn't kill Charlie Bell.
Clay, je n'ai pas tué Charlie Bell.
- As it so happens, Mrs. Lord... my husband hasn't come home this evening.
- Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé, Mme Lord... Mon mari n'est pas rentré.
WEll, as it so happens, I loathe graham crackers.
Heureusement que je déteste les biscuits salés.
As it so happens, I am a point ahead.
J'ai un point d'avance.
And as it so happens, I happen to have an in with the director on that particular episode.
Ça tombe bien, je connais bien le réalisateur de cet épisode.
- Yes, of course... as it so happens... an article came out just today in The Austral... the newspaper.
- Docteur, si vous voulez bien. - Oui, bien sûr. Il s'avère... qu'un article est sorti juste ce matin dans L'Austral, le journal.
A Japanese lieutenant. Right here in this district, as it so happens.
Un lieutenant japonais, dans ce quartier, ça arrive.
As it so happens.
- Ça arrive.
As it so happens, i'm more interested in how they describe themselves.
Ça n'est pas grave, je m'intéresse à la façon dont ils se décrivent.
I appreciate the gravity of the situation, commander, but as it so happens, we are busy.
Je me rends compte de l'urgence de la situation, commandant, mais nous sommes occupés.
Yes, I let him die because as it so happens, ms. Johnson, that's my job.
Oui, je l'ai laissé mourir, parce qu'il se trouve, Mlle Johnson, que c'est mon boulot.
Well, as it so happens, Mr. Kaplan's body does show signs of poisoning.
Pourtant le corps de M. Kaplan porte des symptômes d'empoisonnement.
So it happens with witchcraft as with the Devil ;
Il arrivait aux sorts ce qu'il advenait du Démon :
What difference does it make to the public what happens or how he does it so long as he catches him?
Quelle différence pour le public tant qu'il aide à l'arrêter?
It so happens that I'm making a little trip myself to the mainland, and it is as easy to arrange passage for two as for one.
Si je vais faire un tour sur le continent, ce sera aussi facile d'organiser un passage pour deux que pour un.
It must have seemed to you that you hold a very strong hand. But... A very important "but", it so happens that I hold a card which you did not even know to be in the pack.
Tu as cru jouer une bonne carte... mais il se trouve que j'en ai une qui est bien plus forte.
Who's bluffing now? It so happens that I was with Lionel less than an hour ago. And it was transparently clear from his demeanour and conversation that he had not the faintest suspicion that you and I had any relationship other than that of, as he would probably put it, old pals who used to roast chestnuts together round the jolly old nursery fire.
J'étais chez Lionel, il n'y a pas une heure et il était évident, d'après son attitude qu'il ne soupçonnait rien entre toi et moi, sinon des relations "de vieux copains" qui ont joué ensemble étant petits.
It just so happens that the dress I bought... that you picked out of Vogue that some woman happened to leave on the train... is exactly the dress that Addie Ross wore to the concert two weeks ago!
Cette robe que tu as choisie dans le Vogue oublié par une femme, c'est celle qu'Addie Ross portait il y a quinze jours!
It so happens you don't have a thing in the world to worry about. She didn't like me worth a bit.
Et tu n'as pas à t'en faire, elle me déteste cordialement.
I, too, as it happens, since you're so admirably qualifiied to give me... what up to now I've not been able to obtain :
Et, de ce fait, tu es bien qualifié pour me donner... ce que j'ai été incapable d'obtenir jusqu'ici :
In that case, as you think so little of him, as I gather from the way you treat him, it doesn't matter what happens to him.
Dans ce cas, si tu te soucies aussi peu de lui, et vu la manière dont tu le traites, ce qui va advenir de lui n'a pas d'importance.
Lucky for you, it just so happens...
Tu as de la chance, comme par hasard...
It so happens that humanity, as you call it, is not my concern.
Il se trouve que l'humanité n'est pas de mon ressort.
- So we need him, as it happens. - lt's good here, innit?
Alors, on a besoin d'lui, en fait.
Actually what happens is he goes off there, off camera, and just waits there so it looks as though he's gone down...
En fait, il sort du champ de la caméra et il attends à côté ça fait comme s'il était sorti...
It so happens at the moment I'm in the same financial position as yourself,
Il se trouve qu'en ce moment, je suis aussi démuni que vous.
" And perhaps, so it happens, as I've always wanted to have a sister.
" Et peut-être, si cela se produit, comme l'avons toujours voulu avoir une sœur.
We are going to leave now and if the time improves as the weather report announced it with one monsoon of the southeast we should be back in about one week so all happens well.
Nous allons partir maintenant et si le temps s'améliore comme la météo l'a annoncé avec une mousson du sud-est nous devrions être de retour dans environ une semaine si tout se passe bien.
Every time I get so much as a snifter of a break, a glimpse of happiness, something inexplicably cruel and horrible happens, - and it blows up in my face.
Chaque fois que j'ai la moindre once de chance, une ombre de possibilité de bonheur, il se passe des choses étrangement cruelles et horribles et tout me pète à la figure.
You know all those wonderful youth centers he's got set up all over town? Well, it just so happens that he's using it as a front for a major drug operation.
Les merveilleuses maisons de jeunes qu'il a créées ne sont que des façades pour le trafic de drogue.
I should not like to go so far as to say that, miss, but I have been in communication with the Zynegean High Commission, and it so happens that the chief of the Umgali is in London.
L ne voudrais pas aller si loin dire que, mademoiselle, mais l ont été dans de communication avec le Haut Commissariat Zynegean, et il se trouve que le chef de la Umgali est à Londres.
Don't start a sentence with "no matter what happens." This was my idea... so it's not gonna work, I know.
Tu n'as pas confiance en mon plan?
Well, it just so happens, yes, but how did you know?
A vrai dire, oui. Mais comment t'as su?
It just so happens that I have your paper and I know why you won!
Je l'ai lue, ta rédac et je sais pourquoi tu as gagné.
It took us 18 hours to get to the hot zone, and by then, another 40 or so people had been exposed, which in this attack was an agent known as Soman nerve gas, or GD for short. And what happens to an individual who's exposed to Soman nerve gas?
On a mis 18 heures pour y accéder, et 40 personnes avaient été exposées à un gaz neurotoxique connu sous le nom de soman, ou GD.
"As it just so happens," i need the tribune.
Il se trouve que j'ai besoin du "Tribune".
As so often happens in a ball game, there are so many other undercurrents so many more things than meet the eye, and here we have it all.
Comme souvent dans le sport, il y a énormément de non-dits, de choses qui se font en secret. Et on a tout cela sous les yeux.
It just so happens that you have dibs on the first one.
Tu as le premier choix...
So it's very difficult, in those conditions, for it to be treated normally, as happens with other autonomies, including Catalonia.
Dans ces conditions, il est très difficile de réclamer un traitement normal, comme celui des autres autonomies.
Well, as a matter of fact, it just so happens on that note, since you mentioned it,
Eh bien, tu fais bien d'en parler. C'est un sujet que j'allais aborder, d'ailleurs.
And it happens just when everything seemed to her so dull and unpromising, as if her life was over.
Et cela se passe à un moment où sa vie est ennuyeuse, sans avenir, comme si elle était terminée.
It just so happens it was the only empty seat in the whole joint, and as a fellow abusive drinker, you are honour-bound by bar-stool protocol to listen to every last word out of my mouth.
Ecoutez, Balai-brosse, c'était le seul siège libre ici. En tant que compagnon de beuverie, vous devez respecter le protocole et boire aussi mes paroles.
Well, so long as it happens.
Ouais, du moment que tu le fasses.
As it happens, so am I.
Eh bien, je suis assez inquiet pour Ella.
Hey, genius, it just so happens you left a gaping hole in the infield.
Hé, petit génie, tu as laissé un grand trou dans Ie champ intérieur.
So, what happens when you get it?
Que se passe-t-il quand tu les as?
And as it happens we're suffering from... an acute shortage of leads in this particular case, so yeah, sure.
Et vu que nous souffrons... d'un manque cruel de pistes sur ce cas, donc ouais, bien sûr.
And as it happens, so am I.
Et il se trouve que moi aussi.
This sounds like a bad one, folks, so keep it locked on Forthaven WSVU 87.3 for all the news as it happens.
Ca a l'air vilain, tout le monde, alors restez à l'écoute de WSVU 87.3... pour avoir toutes les infos dés qu'elles arrivent.
Which, as it happens, is a place I've always wanted to hang out, so it's totally a win-win.
Un endroit où j'ai toujours voulu aller,
But it just so happens that the instruments are sort of there as well, so who knows?
Mais il se trouve que les instruments seront là aussi. Alors qui sait?
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53