As it was translate French
17,137 parallel translation
'It was as true at Nonnatus House as it was anywhere.'
'C'était aussi à vrai à Nonnatus House que ça l'était partout ailleurs.'
♪ As it was in the beginning
I hope your fever dream was inspiration for your writing as much as it was for your work.
J'espère que ton rêve fiévreux était une inspiration pour ton écriture autant comme pour ton travail.
Cersei Lannister and Loras Tyrell will stand trial before seven septons as it was in the earliest days of the Faith.
Cersei Lannister et Loras Tyrell se tiendront devant sept Septons comme il se devait, dans les premiers jours de la Foi.
It was, as if, that moment I could see my future, right there!
C'était comme si, à cet instant précis, je pouvais voir mon avenir.
Plus, every time you visited my website this week, which was quite often, it was from an IP in Virginia.
Et à chaque fois que tu as visité mon site, ce qui était très fréquent, c'était d'une adresse IP en Virginie.
And he felt it was his duty as a human being to disclose it.
Il a pensé que c'était son rôle d'en parler.
You just said it was the right move to stay down here.
Tu as dit qu'il fallait rester ici.
I mean, isn't it as simple as the perp was looking for more baseball cards? Or hopped up on speed or whatever and went nuts with the vandalism?
Ou défoncé au speed, il a pété un câble et tout saccagé?
It was my first day as a ferryman, the first time standing on the shore, while watching Ma Li fall in.
C'est mon 1er jour en tant que passeur. Le jour où je me tenais sur la rive à regarder Ma Li se noyer.
As it turned out, he was saved the trip.
En fait, ça lui a été épargné.
I, I thought long and hard as to what to do, but then it occurred to me that my husband was an acquaintance of your brother and that perhaps through him...
J'ai longuement réfléchi pour trouver la bonne chose à faire, puis je me suis souvenu que mon mari était une connaissance de votre frère et que peut-être grâce à lui...
You got terrified and you couldn't handle the pressure because it was too tough for you.
Tu était terrifié et tu n'as pas pu supporter la pression parce que c'était trop dur pour toi.
But I don't think you understand my perspective, what it was actually like to have you just torn away like that.
Mais je ne crois pas que tu comprennes mon point de vue, ce que c'était quand tu as disparu.
As a hatchling, the doctors said that he had been diagnosed with soggy bones syndrome and that he was not gonna make it past, like, six months, but that was 20 years ago.
Quand il était bébé, les médecins ont dit qu'il avait le syndrome des os mous DIAGNOSTIQUE OSTÉOPOROSE et ne vivrait pas plus de six mois, 6 mois à vivre mais c'était il y a 20 ans.
As soon as I said it, I was kind of like, um, maybe not.
Dès que je l'ai dit, j'ai pensé : "Peut-être pas."
Son of a bitch was in the country same time as T.J. and he doesn't mention it?
Il était dans la même région en même temps que TJ, mais il omet de le mentionner.
We still don't know what exactly happened on the Anubis, but it looks as though Julie was the lone survivor.
Nous ne savons toujours pas ce qu'il s'est passé à bord de l'Anubis. Mais on dirait que Julie est l'unique survivante.
I thought it was wonderful how you dropped that ball.
Moi j'ai trouvé ça super que t'as lâché la balle.
It's just as beautiful as she said it was.
- C'est aussi beau qu'elle le disait.
You said it was towards Toledo.
T'as dit que c'? tait pr? s de Toledo.
It looks as if the coffin was smashed open with an axe.
On dirait que le cercueil a été fracassé à coup de hache.
It was easier as kids.
- Tu fais ton âge.
- We can only do it once, and, yeah, we had our shot at it, and it was as advertised.
- On pouvait le faire qu'une fois. Donc on a utilisé notre unique chance. Et c'était comme on nous l'avait vendu.
What you witnessed was the dawn of something as necessary as it is devastating.
Tu as été témoin du commencement de quelque chose d'aussi nécessaire que dévastateur.
What you saw was the wickedness and evil that laid beneath it.
Et ce que tu as vu, c'est la méchanceté et le mal qui se trouvaient en dessous.
When Flint was ready to wage war against you over the gold, I was the one who said you would manage it as well as anyone could.
Quand Flint était prêt à partir en guerre contre toi pour cet or, j'étais celui qui a dit que tu pourrais gérer cet argent mieux que quiconque.
Did I ever tell you I used to think the sea was called the see because it was nothing but water as far as the eye could see?
Je t'ai dit que je croyais qu'on disait "la mer" car on s'y sent bercé comme par sa mère?
Vernon was misdiagnosed as a child genius. He never got over it.
Vernon enfant a été déclaré surdoué à tort et ne s'en est pas remis.
It was as if she'd died, as if we both had.
C'est comme si elle était morte, comme si nous l'étions tous deux.
You make it sound as though leaving baby was a choice.
Vous dites que l'abandon de votre bébé était un choix
Given her recent stroke and the impairment she was left with, it looks as though we can avoid a postmortem.
Vu sa récente attaque, et les séquelles qu'elle avait, on va pouvoir éviter l'autopsie.
It was as though I heard Sister Evangelina's voice.
Comme si j'avais entendu la voix de Soeur Evangelina.
And prior to that, it was only ever prescribed as a sedative.
Et avant ça, ce n'était prescris que comme sédatif.
It's the same as it always was, and you know it.
C'est ce que ça a toujours été, tu le sais bien.
Did you see who it was?
As-tu vu qui c'était?
What, what was it then?
- T'as fait quoi, alors?
Didn't we talk about it was Salome's talent show was on the same day as my birthday? We had that conversation.
On n'avait pas dit que le concours de talent de Salomé tombait le jour de mon anniversaire, si je m'en souviens bien?
I mean, he was black as hell like him, but it wasn't him.
Il est aussi noir que lui, mais ce n'est pas lui.
You know you got it, Carl Black... and then you gave me this fake number... to call you for an invoice, and there was nothing.
Tu sais bien que oui, Carl Black. Et tu m'as filé un faux numéro pour t'appeler pour la facture, et il n'y avait rien.
It was you who filled out that application... - and accepted it, right?
C'est bien toi qui as accepté leur candidature?
What time it was when you saw them, as you put it,
à quelle heure tu les as vus, comme tu dis,
Other times, it was so heavy with struggle... that I had to back as far away as I could just to stand it.
D'autres fois, elle était tellement pénible... que je devais me reculer au plus loin pour pouvoir la supporter.
Looks like it was used as some sort of improvised torture chamber.
On dirait que ça a été utilisé. comme une sorte de chambre de torture improvisée.
The only thing that might be able to help you is that the gunpowder that was used as the explosive element has boron in it.
La seule chose qui pourrait être capable de t'aider est que la poudre qui a servi l'élément explosif contient du bore.
You loved it, it was a great party.
Tu as adoré, c'était super.
What I saw you do on that field that day, somehow, as I was watching, it became as if you were running for me.
Ce que j'ai vu, ce que tu as fais sur le terrain ce jour là, peu importe comment, lorsque je regardais, c'est devenu comme si tu courais pour moi.
It was unfair and beneath the both of us as professionals.
C'était injuste et au-delà de notre professionnalisme.
And did the second voice sound as if it was older, more mature than the first?
La deuxième voix était-elle plus âgée, plus mature, que la première?
You didn't say it was her life!
Tu n'as pas dit que c'était sa vie!
So, was it incest when we had baths together as little girls?
C'était de l'inceste, quand on prenait des bains ensemble?
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
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it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358