As it turns out translate French
818 parallel translation
As it turns out...
Quand moi, je...
As it turns out, it wasn't hard to tell at all.
En fait, ce n'était pas si difficile à dire.
Yes... as it turns out we really didn't need you.
Oui... il s'avère que nous n'avions pas vraiment besoin de vous.
Look, as it turns out, the girl didn't kill herself.
Ecoutez, finalement, la fille ne s'est pas suicidée.
As it turns out, your assumption is correct...
Vu les circonstances, vos suppositions sont exactes.
But as it turns out, sir, he was also wearing these.
En fait... il portait ça.
Ex-con, ex-safecracker and, as it turns out, resident of Dismas Centre.
Ex-détenu, ex-perceur de coffres... puis pensionnaire au Centre Desmas.
Sweet, smiling, kitten-loving Larry, as it turns out spent one whole year as Bessinger's cellmate.
Le gentil qui aime les chats a, en fait, été... le compagnon de cellule de Bessinger pendant un an.
It's really fascinating, sir Well, as it turns out, the most fascinating thing of all, is these two words written by your Mr Pauley.
Mais il y a ces deux mots écrits par votre M. Pauley.
Your friends, as it turns out, are suspected of belonging to a clandestine organisation... planning the overthrow of our Emperor, ruling here by the grace of God and they mean anarchy.
Vos amis, comme il s'avère, sont soupçonnés... d'appartenance à une organisation clandestine : la planification du renversement... de notre empereur, régnant ici par la grâce de Dieu, et qu'ils veulent installer l'anarchie.
As it turns out, I have this affinity for beachfront property.
J'ai une certaine prédilection pour les propriétés pieds dans l'eau.
Anyway, um, as it turns out, it was the Arab ; although, I thought it might be the German.
- Non, pas du tout. En fait, c'était l'arabe, mais ça aurait pu être l'Allemand.
And as it turns out, they're right :
Et à ce que j'en vois, ils ont raison :
But, as it turns out...
Mais il s'est avéré...
Je ne sais pas... je pensais que vous pouviez peut-être vous en occuper seul.
Yeah, well, Fritz, as a matter of fact, as it turns out, I'm keeping her... Excuse me.
Tout semble indiquer, Fritz... que je vais la garder, excusez-moi... je vais la garder un peu plus longtemps que ça.
So as it turns out, this has become an engagement party.
Alors, cette soirée est devenue une fête de fiançailles.
She was also subletting Filippo. As it turns out she was in the car with Sherman McCoy when he had his little mishap.
Elle m'a aussi sous-loué Filippo, et... il s'avère... qu'elle était dans la voiture de McCoy lors de sa mésaventure.
As it turns out, and this is interesting that just before he had asked the Virgin, who loves,
Mais ce qui est intéressant, c'est que juste avant, elle avait demandé à la vierge, qu'elle adore,
- No as it turns out you were as crazy as her.
En fait, à ta façon tranquille, tu es aussi folle que Harriet.
As it turns out, the trick is not preserving life the trick is, maintaining the quality to which one is accustomed.
En définitive, cet artifice ne préserve pas la vie, il en préserve la qualité.
As it turns out, I may have some free time starting tomorrow.
Je risque d'avoir plus de temps libre à partir de demain.
- Well, we get to talking and as it turns out, the woman knew Gandhi.
- Ben, on parle un peu et il s'avère qu'elle a connu Gandhi.
That dame. A spy, as it turns out.
Cette poule, c'était une espionne.
- As it turns out, Delia can't go.
- En fait, Delia ne vient pas.
No. I said... I thought incorrectly, as it turns out, that I might... accidentally have become pregnant.
Non, j'ai dit... que je pensais, à tort... accidentellement être tombée enceinte.
As it turns out, I got an- - l do have a problem at my apartment.
Et j'ai effectivement... un problème à mon appartement.
I checked over the figures on those foreign bonds you bought, and as it turns out, you haven't made $ 43 million, you've lost it.
J'ai vérifié vos actions étrangères et vous n'avez pas gagné 43 millions. Vous les avez perdus.
I decided not to take the trip, as it turns out, so...
Finalement, je ne prends plus l'avion.
Easier said than done, as it turns out.
Plus facile à dire qu'à faire.
But as it turns out, everybody was quite happy to be where they were.
Mais en fin de compte, tout le monde était ravi d'être là.
Now here's as nice a Sunday as they turns out anywhere... and nobody making the right use of it.
Un si beau dimanche et personne n'en fait bon usage.
It turns out that she's not even making a record of those who are absent the pupils are taking advantage of this, and their grades are suffering as a result.
Il s'avère qu'elle ne relève pas les absences par conséquent les élèves en profitent et perturbent la classe.
Not everything turns out as you want it to.
C'est peut-être toi qui as raison.
One of my most valuable attributes as it now turns out.
Un trait particulier, apparemment.
Everything in life turns out as it should, you reap what you sow.
Que dans la vie, tout ce qui arrive est prévu d'avance, tu récoltes ce que tu sèmes.
The point is, if it turns out you don't like that room, then we can always move you in here, but I don't think it's worth doing until you've definitely decided that you don't like that one as much as this one,
Que... si jamais par hasard vous n'aimez pas votre chambre, on peut toujours vous donner celle-ci mais on ne le fera pas avant que vous ayez décidé que vous n'aimez pas l'autre autant que celle-ci.
When a man is a killer, arsonist, a cheat and a coward, it's hardly surprising if he turns out to be a liar as well.
Quand un homme est un tueur, un pyromane, un tricheur et un lâche, il est peu surprenant qu'il soit aussi un menteur.
Anyway, it turns out that she's mad as hell about this guy stealing her cat.
Elle est furieuse contre le gars qui a volé son chat.
The moon, it turns out, is gently swinging like a bell just as if it had been hit by an asteroid less than 1000 years ago.
Il s'avère que la Lune se balance doucement... comme si un astéroïde l'avait heurtée... il y a moins de 1 000 ans.
It turns out cremation is just as expensive as the non-torch method.
En fait, l'incinération revient aussi cher que le reste.
As it turns out, it wasn't such a bad thing to do.
En fait, c'était pas si idiot que ça.
If it turns out you're right, we could sell dealerships now, which sounds crazy.
Si tu as raison, on vendra des franchises. Mais rien n'est moins sûr.
It turns out, eventually, that the press had got hold of the wrong end of the stick, as per usual.
En fait, ces journalistes avaient tiré des conclusions hâtives.
I hope it all turns out as you wish.
J'espère que tout ira comme tu veux.
Aunt Juley regards this... now it turns out it's safe as houses, and Mr. Bast should never have left... at a greatly reduced salary.
Si c'est du solide, M. Bast n'aurait pas dû accepter un poste moins rétribué!
I'm disappointed in you, but it turns out... I had a wonderful time with Ruth Powers.
Tu m'as déçue, mais j'ai passé un très bon moment avec Ruth Powers.
That's wonderful, because... as it turns out, that's exactly the portion of my anatomy...
C'est merveilleux.
Well, honey, as it turns out, my blood tests are fine.
- Annie, calme-toi.
Bear, the Colombians are in LA, all upset about their money, and it turns out as a bonus that Yoyo was Escobar's nephew.
Les Colombiens sont là. En rogne. Et en prime, Yoyo était le neveu d'Escobar.
But it turns out I don't have as many thoughts as you think.
Mais j'ai pas trop trouvé matière à réfléchir.
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16