As you were saying translate French
303 parallel translation
As you were saying... rather unfortunate the way that poor man round the corner, uh, died last night.
Comme vous disiez... quelle malchance! Cet homme tué hier soir...
As you were saying, sir.
Comme vous dites, bonhomme!
And now, my dear, as you were saying...?
Et maintenant, ma chère, que disiez-vous...?
As you were saying, sir.
Vous disiez, monsieur?
Now, then, as you were saying...
Donc, vous disiez...
As you were saying, you saw our convoy.
Vous disiez avoir vu notre flotte.
As you were saying, Mr. Stephens....
Comme vous disiez, M. Stephens...
As you were saying, Mr Beaumont.
Vous disiez, M. Beaumont.
semantics aside, you'rE going to forgive ME, as you were saying?
Sémantique mise à part, vous disiez que vous me pardonniez?
As you were saying, Paul.
Vous disiez, Paul.
While you were in high school, you wrote me a letter saying you were going to leave the house.. After finishing'Morning in Kyeongseong', you even gave me that plastic thing telling me you'd show me the first.
tu m'avais écrit une lettre disant que allais quitter la maison... tu m'as même donné ce truc en plastique en me disant que tu me le montrerais en premier.
Sounds very much to me as if you were trying to build up your own defense, if you'll forgive my saying so.
On dirait que vous êtes en train d'élaborer votre propre défense... si j'ose dire.
Miss Parrish, did you receive a card saying you were discharged as of the close of business today?
Avez-vous reçu une carte mettant fin à votre emploi saisonnier?
As you were saying?
Vous disiez?
- As you were saying?
- Vous disiez?
Almost like gravity. As if some force were saying, " Get back where you belong.
On dirait la loi de la pesanteur, ou une force occulte qui dirait :
Oh, as I was saying, Mellie Sewell told me that you were playing in a gambling game at the German embassy with the young Phili von Ramme and Sam Chandler, who is a relative of mine and who's always been a scandal.
Je disais donc, meille sewell m'a dit que vous aviez joué aux cartes à l'ambassade d'allemagne, avec le jeune phili von ramme et sam chandler, qui est un parent et a toujours fait scandale.
What were you saying, dear?
Qu'est-ce que tu as dit?
Tu as écrit que tu t'inquiétais pour Susan et que je devais venir.
You say that as if you were saying, "It's a nice day."
Tu dis ça comme tu dirais : "Il fait beau, aujourd'hui."
Every word, as if you were saying it now.
Mot pour mot, comme si j'y étais.
That doesn't mean I'm condoning what you've done, but at least you haven't excused your own actions by saying, as many men would, that these men were evil and should die, and that you carried out a legal execution.
Je ne vous excuse pas, mais au moins, vous ne vous justifiez pas, comme beaucoup d'autres le feraient, en prétendant que ces hommes méritaient de mourir et que ce n'était que justice.
hey Matsu, The people were saying that after three days in bed you had eaten up 16 bowls.
Matsu, on dit que pendant les trois jours pendant lesquels tu étais alité, tu as avalé 16 bols de nouilles.
You were saying you needed a partner.
Tu disais que tu as besoin d'un associé...
It was as if you were both talking to me. As if you were saying I couldn't really leave. Sooner or later, I would be back for good.
C'était comme si vous me parliez, Richard et toi, comme si vous me disiez que je pouvais pas partir pour de bon et qu'un jour ou l'autre, je reviendrais pour toujours.
Maybe it was the palm whiskey. But some of the things you were saying here before... just kept flapping back to me out of the night.
C'est peut-être le whisky aux palmes... mais tu as dit certaines choses hier soir... qui m'ont trotté dans la tête toute la nuit.
To come back to what we were saying What was it you heard about me?
Tu as parlé d'autres personnes il y a quelques instants.
Well, you know what you were saying about me this morning.
Tu te souviens de ce que tu m'as dit ce matin?
You were saying you need some money.
Tu as besoin d'argent?
When I want to go out, you were still as usual sad Also saying
Quand tu as su que je partais, tu t'es contenté de sourire tristement, en haussant les épaules, comme toujours, et tu m'as dit :
You are saying instrument failure as radical as you suggest went unnoticed until you were well past the neutral zone?
Vous dites qu'une panne d'instruments aussi grave est passée inaperçue?
As we were saying, little cousin, you just hang in there.
Comme nous le disions, chère cousine, tu dois tenir bon.
If you forgive my saying so, I am as fond of her as if she were my own daughter.
Si vous le permettez, je dirais que je tiens à elle comme à ma propre fille.
He deserves it. By the way, Pepi. What were you saying the other day,
Au sujet de ce que tu m'as dit, Pepi...
I mean, you're doing all these things, but are you doing them... because you really feel an impulse to do them... or are you doing them mechanically, as we were saying before?
Ces choses, est-ce que tu les fais parce qu'une force te pousse, ou bien est-ce purement mécanique?
But, uh, you know, the fear of unconscious impulses... or my own aggression or whatever, but, uh... if things get too quiet, and I find myself just, uh, sitting there... you know, as we were saying before...
de mon agressivité...
Well, as I was saying, I wouldn't be very eager as much about the atom bomb. if it were to kill you right out.
Comme je le disais, je ne m'inquiéterais pas autant si elle tuait sur le coup.
As we were having a stroll and I was drawing your attention to the sunbathing figures on the beach below us, you suddenly fell against me and stepped back, saying you suffered from vertigo.
Nous marchions... j'exerçais ma causticité... sur les "bronzés" quand vous m'avez agrippé... et vous avez reculé... prétextant un vertige!
Qu'as-tu dit à Yvette?
Don't you remember saying you were from New Orleans like Kathy?
Hier au déjeuner, tu as dit que tu venais de là-bas. Comme cette chère Kathy.
He'd be in the dressing room about now, and if I were MacGyver, I'd be saying to him, " Why didn't you follow the play?
Il doit être au vestiaire, et si j'étais MacGyver, je lui dirais : " Pourquoi tu n'as pas joué le jeu?
Are you saying that this was going to be a donation for the CIA as far as you were concerned?
Est-ce qu'il s'agissait d'un don à la CIA, d'après vous?
No, I'm just saying that it's a very tricky business... and if I were your accountant, I would strongly advise you against it... as an accountant.
Je dis juste que c'est un domaine risqué, et que si j'étais votre comptable, je vous le déconseillerais.
Oh, no, that's not what you were saying when you started taking me to these clubs.
- C'est toi qui m'as poussé à jouer.
Oh, David, you were in a wreck you're lucky they didn't revoke your license and now a bunch of art sheep are saying you're a master?
Tu as provoqué un accident. Tu as de la chance d'avoir encore ton permis. Et maintenant, une bande de moutons dit que tu es un maître?
As soon as we were alone together... you would flee, saying that you had something to do.
A peine nous étions seuls ensemble... tu t'enfuyais, disant que tu avais quelque chose à faire.
Could you put it more clearly? As is, we don't know what you were saying.
On ne comprend toujours pas.
So you're saying you've been guilty all these years... because you were a more conscientious student?
Tu as culpabilisé toutes ces années parce que tu étais un étudiant consciencieux?
You were saying, as big as life. You mean the Dyson Sphere?
Elle était énorme, vous voulez dire la sphère de Dyson?
While you were serving the main meal, could Meurig not have entered the kitchen, overheard what Aldith was saying, added the monk's hood to the dish and then crept away as quietly as he'd come?
Après la mort, cet émissaire espérait que l'objet se trouve encore en sécurité. Qu'il y ait une personne dans l'entourage de Tomas qui savait où l'objet était et son utilité.
You were always saying how you can't initiate change yourself.
Tu dis toujours que t'as du mal à faire changer les choses.
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as you 43
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as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as you are 36
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as you 43
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as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16