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Translate.vc / English → French / [ B ] / Believe me now

Believe me now translate French

1,084 parallel translation
How'bout it now, johnny reb? You believe me? I reckon you believe me now being as you can't move a muscle.
" Vous soldat, appelé au nom du Prince des Ténèbres,
Do you believe me now?
- Tu me crois, maintenant? - Dégage.
Do you believe me now?
Tu me crois, maintenant?
Do you believe me now, Micah Smith?
Maintenant tu me crois Micah Smith?
I know you'll never believe me now and it's my own fault.
Je sais que vous ne me croirez plus jamais.
So, you believe me now?
- Alors, vous me croyez, cette fois?
But now that I know who you are, you've just got to believe me.
Mais maintenant, il faut me croire.
Now you may not believe this but most of the cadets around here regard me as a creep.
Tu ne me croiras pas, mais la plupart des cadets me prennent pour un idiot.
Believe me, if we go back now... we'll have more than man-eating plants to fight our way through.
Croyez-moi, si nous repartons maintenant, nous aurons à combattre bien autre chose que des plantes mangeuses d'hommes.
If I give you the address right now, will you believe me?
Dis-lui que je soupire..
Now listen to me... thoughtful if you do not want, it will be war, and believe me, I have no desire.
Maintenant, écoute-moi bien... réfléchis si tu ne veux pas, ça sera la guerre, et crois-moi, je n'en ai pas du tout envie.
You'll know now, I don't blame you, believe me.
Je ne vous le reproche pas.
I lost them, what am I going to do now? They won't believe me?
On ne voudra jamais me croire.
Believe me, now is not the time... to get involved with them.
Crois-moi que c'est pas le mom... C'est pas le moment des affaires.
I don't believe it even now.
Je n'arrive pas à me l'imaginer.
And believe me, they have a lot more reason to dump me now than they ever had before.
Ils ont plus de raisons de se débarrasser de moi maintenant qu'avant.
Because if you were to tell me right now'Claudia I love you', I'd believe you.
Si tu me disais "je t'aime", je te croirais.
- Now do you believe me? - No.
- Tu me crois, maintenant?
- You believe now, eh, Fella?
- Tu me crois maintenant, Fella?
Now, Howard, tell me something. Did you believe everything Mr Cates told you?
Dis-moi, Howard, as-tu cru à tout ce que M. Cates t'a dit?
You believe it now, sir, don't you?
Vous me croyez coupable, maintenant?
But now you have to believe me, just this once.
Mais là, vous devez me croire, une seule fois.
I've sworn, now you must believe me.
C'est le serment d'un père. Vous devez me croire.
It's beyond nature. - Now do you believe me, now you've seen?
Vous me croyez, à présent?
I would like to marry you now, but it isn't possible, believe me.
Je voudrais t'épouser maintenant, mais c'est impossible, crois-moi.
Now, if you swear to me that this isn't true I promise that I will believe you.
Jure-moi que je me trompe et je te croirai.
Now, believe me, Mrs. Turner, I'm not going to look.
Je vous jure que je ne regarde pas.
Right here. Believe me, if it wasn't for the war, we'd be running things right now.
Croyez-moi, sans la guerre, nous serions déjà au pouvoir.
Sir, I know it's incredible, but you must believe me. Now, please listen to me.
C'est incroyable, mais il faut me croire.
Now that you've seen with your own eyes... do you believe me when I tell you... that's the home of Satan himself?
Maintenant que tu as vu, tu me crois quand je te dis... que c'est la demeure de Satan en personne?
Now, like I say when I tell you this, you just ain't going to believe it could've happened.
Je vous l'ai dit, quand je vous raconterai, vous allez pas me croire.
So now you believe me. But if I'd run away, everyone would have said I'd made it all up.
Si j'étais partie, ils auraient dit que j'avais tout inventé.
Now, if you will excuse me, I believe we're delaying the proceedings.
Veuillez m'excuser, nous retardons la séance.
Captain, now, i know this sounds crazy - believe me, i know it - but we found a canteen... well, i must have left it in the tank, sir.
Je sais que ça a l'air dingue. Je sais. On a trouvé une gourde...
I believe I'll ask you to excuse me for now.
Je vous demande de bien vouloir m'excuser.
Now, believe me.
I wish you'd try to believe that I've never been happier than I am right now.
Je voudrais que tu me crois, quand je dis que je n'ai jamais été aussi heureuse.
Now you believe me, don't you? .
Tu me crois maintenant?
Now do you believe me, George? Excuse me a minute. Gotta go down for air.
Je sais que ça fait prétentieux mais c'est un souvenir d'enfance très précieux.
I haven't got time to tell you now but believe me, it's very important.
Je n'ai pas le temps de te le dire, mais crois-moi, c'est très important.
Believe me, I know more about her than I can say right now.
J'en sais plus que je ne peux te dire.
Now, please believe me.
- Expect me to believe that now?
- Et je dois te croire?
Now do you believe me or not?
Tu me crois ou pas?
Now, I've been looking at your advertising, and believe me some of your ideas went out with hoop skirts.
J'ai étudié vos campagnes précédentes et croyez-moi, certaines de vos idées pourraient porter des robes à crinoline.
Well, my boy, now perhaps you'll believe me next time I tell you I know precisely where I am!
Mon garçon, peut-être me croirez-vous la prochaine fois que je dirai savoir où je suis.
Yes. Now do you believe me?
Maintenant, tu me crois?
Now do you believe me?
Tu me crois à présent?
Believe me now?
Tu as compris?
Now do you believe me?
Vous me croyez maintenant?
Now Abner will believe me.
Maintenant, Abner me croira.

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