But soft translate French
551 parallel translation
What are they like? One's real nice, sort of faded, but soft, like silk.
Une est en soie.
But soft. Methinks I scent the morning air.
Mais je sens le souffle du matin.
If the lunar surface is nothing but soft dust, that would account for the robot's silence wouldn't it?
Si la surface lunaire n'est que de la poussière légère... ça expliquerait le silence du robot, n'est-ce pas?
But listen, young man, you hold it gently with your soft hands, you must not torment it, you clasp it, gently and softly.
Écoute, jeune homme, de tes mains, si douces et tendres, tiens-le doucement, ne le tourmente pas. Tiens-le, bien serré, tout doucement.
" He was wrapped up from head to foot, and the brim of his soft felt hat hid every inch of his face but the shiny tip of his nose ;
" ll était emmitouflé de pied en cap et le bord de son feutre ne laissait voir de son visage que le bout luisant de son nez ;
But real soft.
En sourdine.
Then something wonderful happens because his voice at first is soft, but slowly it becomes stronger... because she... she is present.
Sa voix qui était si faible reprend de la vigueur parce qu'elle est... à ses côtés.
We want this people not to become soft... but to become hard and, therefore... you must steel yourselves for this in your youth.
Nous ne voulons pas que ce peuple devienne faible... mais qu'il s'endurcisse, ainsi... vous vous endurcirez dès votre jeunesse.
I've been too soft with you... but that shall be mended.
J'ai été trop bon avec toi. Cela va changer!
I can't tell the color of your hair, but it's soft and fragrant.
Je ne vois pas la couleur de vos cheveux, mais ils sont doux et ils embaument.
But, soft.
Mais doucement.
There is no trace of missing chauffeur... but in soft earth near car, discover this.
Aucune trace de chauffeur... mais dans terre meuble près voiture, trouver ceci.
I could bury him in the arbor where the ground is soft... but how will I get him out of here?
Je pourrais l'enterrer sous la charmille... mais comment l'y amener?
Look, if you and I were out on a beautiful lake in a canoe, just drifting along, but soulfully, underneath a million stars and a great big moon with a soft breeze blowing a perfume of a lot of roses around, do you think... I mean, could you...
Ecoutez, si on était tous les deux dans un canoë sur un lac splendide... dérivant doucement, mais avec mélancolie... sous un million d'étoiles et une grosse lune... avec une douce brise apportant le parfum de toutes les roses autour... pensez-vous- - Je veux dire, pourriez-vous- -
I went a little soft in the tunnel, but out here in the clear, cold light, I realize that you two deserve each other.
Je me suis un peu affaibli dans le tunnel, mais ici, à la lumière crue, je vois bien que vous êtes faits l'un pour l'autre.
But my Nathoo was soft and plump.
Mais mon Natu était doux et grassouillet.
I knocked, but it seemed deserted. I'd like a soft drink.
Je croyais qu'il n'y avait personne...
The soft shoulders had a date, but she thought she could fix that... and was going to check right back.
Mais l'épaule avait rendez-vous et devait se libérer.
I've never had the pleasure, but I've always had a soft spot for Navy men.
Enchantée. J'ai toujours eu un faible pour les marins.
It's awful for us to leave these guys here in their undershirts. But we gotta go meet those dames in their soft silk dresses. Duty is duty!
C'est-y pas désolant, ces gars condamnés à rester en maillots de corps, alors que là-bas attendent des femmes en robe de soie?
Tonight it is soft and sad... but then it was loud and ugly, and my head ached with the noise.
Ce soir elle tinte doucement mais alors elle m'assourdissait et me donnait la migraine.
But the clouds is sunny and soft.
Mais les nuages sont doux et lumineux.
I guess all this running around in the cold and everything has got me kind of soft in the head, but i like you.
Je ne sais pas si c'est d'être resté dans le froid qui m'a ramolli le cerveau, mais je vous aime bien.
But your heart's soft.
Trop tendre.
I don't know... but it's a - it's a soft blow to strike.
Je ne sais pas. Mais c'est... C'est un coup faible à porter.
The American keep cattle but they are not soft or weak.
Les Blancs soignent du bétail et ne sont pas efféminés.
Put them in soft beds, lay them on fur rugs, at the foot of a staircase but we could never throw them from a car like cigarette butts.
On les met dans les lits moelleux sur des fourrures, au bas d'un grand escalier. Mais on ne les jette pas d'une voiture comme un mégot.
You beef at the decisions I make, but you're too soft to make them yourself.
Vous êtes incapable de prendre une décision.
When I started, I was soft in the belly, but now it's hard.
Quand j'ai commencé, j'avais le ventre un peu mou.
You're real fast with that gun, kid, but you're soft.
T'es rapide, gamin, mais trop tendre.
Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth unapt to toil and trouble in the world but that our soft conditions and our hearts should well agree with our external parts?
Pourquoi notre corps est-il délicat, frêle et tendre inapte aux durs travaux, aux fatigues du monde, si ce n'est pour que la douceur de nos coeurs s'harmonise avec nos dehors?
You are a little crazy but your hand is soft.
Vous êtes un peu folle mais votre main est douce.
Sounds goofy to me, but you know what a soft touch Peter is. Why?
Ca me semble étrange, mais tu sais comment Peter a le coeur sur la main.
A cat's paws are soft, but they hide claws.
Les pattes d'un chat sont douces mais cachent des griffes.
Can't recollect her hair too well, but couldn't have been near as soft or as black as yours.
Je ne me souviens pas très bien de ses cheveux, mais ils n'étaient sûrement pas aussi doux et noirs que les vôtres.
Our hands are not so soft but they can serve.
Nos mains ne sont pas si douces mais elles peuvent servir.
It's soft but it has a slap sound.
C'est un nom doux mais qui claque.
Yeah, he's going a little soft in the head, but I can say that.
C'est vrai, il ne tourne plus très rond. J'ai le droit de le dire.
But I always had a soft spot in my heart for a barefoot tenderfoot.
Mais j'ai toujours eu un faible pour les cloches.
Shattered by the soft, but deadly voices of guns, an insistent clamouring from a heavy barrage at the front two miles away.
Brisée par le bruit meurtrier des canons de la DCA. La clameur insistante des tirs provenant du front, à 3 km.
Soft, but it should be alright.
C'est risqué, mais je crois pouvoir.
But Admiral Hathaway isn't that soft.
Les punitions de l'amiral sont plus sévères.
They beat me six times with a stick but, I swear, always with soft sticks and lots of affection.
Ils m'ont battu comme plâtre six fois. Mais toujours avec du bois tendre, je le jure.
Your skin isn't very nice, but it is still soft and smooth.
Voyons, ta peau n'est pas formidable, mais elle est souple.
But why "soft"?
- Pourquoi, comment, on s'en fout!
After darkness comes dawn but the night wanted to last she jabbed, she stabbed then dawn came and she went to sleep in the soft grass, bleeding and the wolf ate her.
L'aube, bientôt après la nuit... Mais elle voulait durer. Elle tapait, elle piquait...
Can you imagine Allen coping with someone like de Groot? I know Allen's soft-hearted, but he's got guts, too.
Il est aussi gentil qu'il est courageux.
He says your heart is too soft to be a real Gypsy but he'll let you decide the matter.
Il dit que votre cœur est trop tendre pour être un Gitan... mais il va vous laisser décider de la chose.
I behave like a brute, but I'm as soft as swan's down inside.
Je me comporte comme une brute, mais je suis aussi tendre que le duvet d'un cygne.
But, soft!
Mais doucement!
Nobody spoke about it, but everyone in the house wore a common stamp of worry, of soft-heartedness and of knowing that something
Nul ne parlait de la chose mais tous les visages dénotaient une préoccupation commune, une pitié intérieure et la conscience de quelque chose de formidable,
soft 257
software 29
softly 298
softball 16
soft kitty 24
softer 16
softy 19
softie 32
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
software 29
softly 298
softball 16
soft kitty 24
softer 16
softy 19
softie 32
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
but so are you 19
but sometimes 291
but she's gone 43
but so far 188
but soon 162
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but so am i 35
but she hasn't 17
but sometimes 291
but she's gone 43
but so far 188
but soon 162
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but so am i 35
but she hasn't 17
but seriously 409
but so what 89
but she couldn't 19
but surely 93
but she can't 33
but sir 122
but she isn't 30
but something's wrong 18
but she 181
but she didn't 123
but so what 89
but she couldn't 19
but surely 93
but she can't 33
but sir 122
but she isn't 30
but something's wrong 18
but she 181
but she didn't 123