Call them in translate French
671 parallel translation
That's exactly what we call them in France.
On les appelle comme ça en France aussi.
There'll be my buddies. I'll call them in.
Mes copains seront là.
That's what we call them in the fish world : fins.
On les appelle comme ça chez les poissons.
- Call them in, Mac. - On the road!
- Rassemblez-les, Mac.
They're riding the line camp, I figured you wouldn't want to call them in.
Je n'ai pas cru devoir les appeler.
The United Nations have a special team for investigating phenomenon. I call them in.
L'ONU dispose d'une équipe spéciale Qui enquête Sur ce genre de phénomènes.
- They seemed so nice. Yeah, well, you just call them in and give them their walking papers.
Si le monstre nous rend visite, on saura le recevoir.
Sure, there's a time come to every man, on sea or land when he's sick of the lot of them cows, and wearing his heart out to meet up with some fine, decent girl and building a home to call his own, rearing up children in it.
Il arrive un moment où un homme en a marre de ces garces, où il lui faut une fille propre, un foyer et des gosses.
Orville, if them two girls in the common room don't punch out soon. Better call up and see if they're working overtime. Okay.
Si les deux filles à l'atelier ne pointent pas bientôt, va voir si elles font vraiment des heures sup.
I suggest something in crepe de Chine, with one of those ducky what do you call them? You know, revers.
Je vous suggère de la crêpe avec ces trucs mignons tout plein...
Then why don't you call the Neighborhood Patrol and tell them there are burglars singing in our cellar?
Maintenant, appelle la vigie de quartier, dis-leur que nous avons des voleurs dans notre cave.
They didn't call their men thieves and flog them in the bone.
Ils ne les traitaient pas de voleurs à tort!
If you don't call them back in the next 5 minutes, I'll cause a calamity or a scandal. - What's the difference?
Si vous ne donnez pas les ordres nécessaires, je fais un malheur ou un scandale.
Call some of the older boys and tell them to put me back in the cellar.
Allez chercher un autre garçon, je retourne dans la cave.
Selfish and shrewd, but able to look things in the eye and call them by name.
Egoïstes et rusés, mais capables de regarder les choses en face.
You can call it that in your language but I borrowed them in mine.
Appelez ça comme ça. Pour moi, il s'agissait d'un emprunt.
You know what we used to call them minnows like we threw in the stew last night?
Tu sais comment on appelle le fretin qui était dans le ragoût?
Call up the cops and tell them you got Gloves Donahue up in 214. - Who?
Appelez les flics, dites-leur que Donahue les attend.
Get to a phone, call the police in 10 minutes. Don't give them your name.
Appelez la police dans 10 minutes, ne leur donnez pas votre nom.
Do they call them that in FamaIicão?
C'est comme ça qu'on Ies appelle à FamaIicão?
Call headquarters and tell them to send out a tow car. And that we're bringing in a Mr. Marlowe.
Préviens le Central qu'on amène un certain Marlowe.
Riccardi escaped just as the police were ready to close in on him after they received an anonymous phone call which led them to discover the murdered body of one of their men today.
Riccardi s'est échappé juste au moment où la police allait le cueillir après qu'elle ait reçu un appel anonyme, qui lui a permis de découvrir le cadavre d'un de ses hommes.
You better call them in, Hunk.
Appelle-les, Hunk.
Put in a call for the fingerprint crew. Get them up here.
Appelle les techniciens pour les empreintes.
You can put in a voucher or whatever they call them.
Je l'ai dépensé pour le Service. Tu pourras faire une note de frais.
If you're hard up for companionship they have guys in town who do this for a living. Call one of them.
II y a à Paris des âmes-sœurs professionnelles!
This is the story of 2 days, he'd call them 2 ordinary days, in his life.
Ceci est l'histoire de 2 jours dans sa vie, que lui appellerais 2 jours ordinaires.
Call Gander tower. Tell them I want the runway cleared. Tell them I'm coming straight in on a direct approach.
Dites-leur que je veux la piste... en approche directe.
For ten years, I serve them in the school. That I might earn the right to call myself a "Physician."
Pendant 10 ans, je les servis afin d'obtenir le titre de médecin.
In my opinion, Herr Doctor, these... I suppose we have to call them students.
En ce qui me concerne, Herr Doctor, ces... je suppose que nous devons les appeler étudiants.
I told them you'd call just as soon as you got in.
J'ai dit que rappelleriez.
All right, get them for me, and put the call through in my office.
Appelez-les et passez-les moi dans mon bureau.
They're down there in that cellar playin'games... and they won't mind me when I call them.
Ils sont à la cave, en train de jouer. Ils ne me répondent pas quand je les appelle.
I'm going to call the police and tell them... to start looking for that stick in the woods.
Je vais alerter la police pour qu'elle recherche ce bâton.
Look, anybody wants tickets to the Zale fight let them call me up. I'm in the book.
Si c'est pour des places pour le match, mon numéro est dans l'annuaire.
- Call me Emile. Would there be any value in my contacting philosophers in cities like Omaha and Detroit and... and acquainting them with empathicalism?
Croyez-vous que ce serait intéressant si je contactais des philosophes de Detroit pour leur présenter l'emphaticalisme?
You know, the guys in the corps, the ones who go to see the chaplain the night before an attack, have to eat fish on Friday, we call them mackerel snap...
Chez les Marines, ceux qui vont... voir l'aumônier avant les combats et qui mangent du poisson le vendredi... ce sont les "grailleurs à maquereau."
Call the children in. I want to get them dressed. And would you take that down for me?
Fais entrer les enfants et décroche ce tableau.
They come off of their airfields strung out in a line. Bandit trains they call them.
Ils décollent à la queue leu leu, d'où leur nom de " train ennemi''.
Now, people here call men in the next village foreigners and suspect them so why should they listen to us?
Ici, les gens du village voisin sont des étrangers dont on se méfie. - Alors nous, qui nous écouterait?
If I see any strangers here, I'm going to grab them, pull them in here, then roll them. Then I'll call you.
Si j'en vois un, je lui saute dessus, je l'emballe et je t'appelle.
" Down that way is the harbour, we're likely to find a taxi there. Or why don't we go back in and have them call us a taxi?
" Par là, c'est le port où nous trouverons peut-être un taxi... ou rentrons au café et demandons un taxi.
We, in turn, call them eskimos meaning'eaters of raw flesh'.
Nous, nous les appelons "Esquimaux". Ce qui signifie : Hommes qui mangent de la viande crue.
If I call them, they'll be here in no time.
Si je les appelle, ils viendront et régleront vite ton compte.
First, call... Reinhardt and Reinhardt custom tailors... and have them send up everything they've got in their shop...
Appelez Reinhardt et Reinhardt, les tailleurs : je veux tout leur stock.
All right, call it pulmonary embolism if you're talking to them. No, Fortunately, we got one of our own men to do the PM, so that's all right, and we'll keep you in the picture, sir. What?
Une autopsie est en cours, on vous tient au courant...
Find out what hospital he's in and call them.
Trouvez dans quel hôpital il est et appelez-les.
The big loser, they call them, but they always win in the end.
- Un ltalien? - Oui. Cela ne semblait pas du tout faire plaisir à Carlo.
In a minute I'll go out in the hall and call them.
Dans une minute, je sortirai les appeler.
Hey, joe, you know those swinging doors they got in western saloons - why don't you put them in here and then you can call this palucci's western saloon.
Joe. Pourquoi tu mets pas des portes battantes, comme au saloon? Tu pourrais appeler ça "Le Saloon de Polucci".
I'll call the school and tell them we'll be there in the morning.
Je vais appeler l'école et leur dire qu'on ira demain matin.
call them 128
call them back 19
call them off 25
ines 33
in fact 10253
internet 115
india 252
invite 16
invasion 24
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call them back 19
call them off 25
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interior 21
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inside 950
indiana 185
indian 84
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