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Translate.vc / English → French / [ C ] / Count them

Count them translate French

627 parallel translation
Count them if you don't believe me. All right.
Comptez, si vous ne me croyez pas.
I didn't count them.
- Je n'ai pas compté.
I can even count them.
Je peux même les compter.
You can count them on the fingers of one hand, my good woman.
Ils sont rares, ma bonne dame!
We haven't enough fingers in this room on which to count them all
On nous y mettons tous ici... nous ne pourrions pas les compter sur les doigts de nos mains.
I didn't ask you to count them.
Vous n'aviez pas à les compter.
I'll throw in the tools and the money for the doctor, and your guns and all the other little expenses... I won't even count them.
Les outils, l'argent pour le médecin... les flingues et tout le reste, que je ne compte pas.
Shall I count them on my fingers for you?
Dois-je les compter sur mes doigts pour vous?
One night, when I couldn't fall asleep, I started to count them.
Un soir, j'ai essayé de les compter.
Count them, 10.
You can count them.
On les compte, tu sais.
I suppose there's a limit to the sands of the seashore but who's going to count them? - Mm-hm.
Les grains de sables sont aussi en quantité limitée, mais qui va les compter?
Count them before you go to sleep, and your wish will come true.
Comptez-les, vos vœux se réaliseront.
Ain't had time to count them yet.
Je n'ai pas eu le temps de les compter.
Well, count them if you want to!
- Comptez-les si ça vous chante.
- I think they're all there. Count them, Jeff.
Comptez-les, Jeff.
Count them. $ 30.
Comptez-les. 30 dollars.
Look there, count them, They are 32 women
Regarde ça! 32! Compte-les!
- Count them off. - Right.
Comptez vos hommes.
- Count them up, curly.
- Comptez les points.
I didn't count them.
- 30 ou 40.
How did you happen to count them?
Pourquoi les avoir comptés?
If I do, count them.
Non. S'il y en a, comptez-les.
Just count them.
Ce que vous voulez.
You can count them.
Tu peux compter.
- After I count them.
- Minute.
Would you care to count them?
Aimeriez-vous les compter?
Charley, you count them.
Compte, Charley.
Count them.
If I may, Monsignore, I'd like to count them.
Si vous permettez, Monseigneur, je vais compter.
So many we could we couldn't count them all
Il y en avaient tant qu'on ne pouvaient tous les reconnaitre...
You could almost count them.
On pourrait les compter.
Then you count them all.
Puis, vous les comptez tous.
Count them.
- Je peux...
Come on, Count. Now, you show them.
Venez comte, et montrez-nous
When I told them last night that unless you were on the ticket, they could count me out, I learned a number of things that I never knew before.
Lorsque j'ai dit que je vous voulais à mes côtés, ou que je ne me présenterais pas, j'ai appris un certain nombre de choses que j'ignorais.
- Well, forget to count about four of them.
- Oublie d'en compter quatre.
The count must be holding them. Yes, as hostages, of course.
- Il tient les familles.
But they didn't count on Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who will find the stamps that are hidden here, and take them away first.
Sherlock Holmes et Dr Watson. Les timbres sont cachés ici. Sous notre nez!
Wait for them and make them count.
On les attend et on s'en occupe.
You expect your patrons to believe that the skeleton you show them is really that of Count Dracula?
Pensez-vous qu'ils croient que le squelette que vous leur montrez... est bien celui du comte Dracula?
One of them's a coffin containing the remains of the original Count Dracula. And the other's the body of the Frankenstein Monster.
Il y a un cercueil contenant la dépouille du comte Dracula... et l'autre caisse contient le corps de Frankenstein.
Make every one of them count.
Fais en sorte que chacun compte.
Tell them to stand by to count off for firing.
Prêt pour le compte à rebour.
I don't count how many times I believed them...
Je ne sais plus combien de fois j'ai cru en eux.
Count them in this space alone.
Rien qu'ici... 2, 3, 4, 5 et une autre, là-bas.
That's what you do with horses when you buy them, isn't it? You count their teeth.
C'est ce que vous faites avec les chevaux quand vous les achetez.
- Tell them to make every bullet count.
- Que chaque balle porte!
Twelve perfect things, count them with us.
Douze choses parfaites.
Can anyone expect them to do the count is what I expect you to do!
Peu importe ce qu'ils font, mais toi que vas-tu faire?
Line them up and count noses.

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