Go on through translate French
2,507 parallel translation
- You go on through, Joe.
Installez-vous, Joe!
Go on through, thanks.
Aller à travers, merci.
We wouldn't want Susan to go through another ( WHISPERS ) episode, now, would we?
On ne voudrait pas que Susan ait une autre de ses crises, n'est-ce pas?
Dad, are we allowed to go through here?
On a le droit?
Go find somebody else to drool on. We're through with you!
Trouve d'autres larbins sur qui glavioter!
It's impossible to go through the wet sand without the walls collapsing.
Si on creuse dans le sable mouillé, - les parois s'effondrent.
Donations go through the roof when shit like this happens.
On reçoit plein de donations quand ce genre de merde arrive.
I go through the mission in my mind, and ask, "Okay..." what could go wrong? "And I ask myself," Are we ready to handle that? "
Je m'imagine la mission dans ma tête et je me demande ce qui pourrait mal tourner, si on est vraiment prêts pour ça.
We'll quickly go through, and then we'll come back for the stuff.
- On va traverser. On prendra le matos après.
Here's what we're going to do. We are going to go to the car and get the stuff that we need, go through the tunnel and set up camp, and you are going to drive around and meet us up on the other side, all right?
Nous, on va retourner à la voiture prendre de quoi monter le camp, et tu nous rejoindras là-bas en voiture.
So we go through the tunnel.
On va passer par le tunnel.
No, Joe, you must go to the site through the company Abrackson
Non, Joe, on doit aller au site d'Abraxon près du fleuve.
First thing you need to do is secure your key, take a metal file and go through and start taking those mountains and valleys all the way down to the lowest possible setting on the key.
la première chose à faire c'est sécuriser votre clé, prenez une lime à métaux et allez y prenez ces montagnes et ses vallées pour les raccourcir au plus bas possible sur la clé.
Shall we go through?
On y va?
Go through the roof?
On passe par le toit?
Oprah says that all men go through this first phase of denial with pregnancy... and we can go through it together.
Oprah dit que tous les hommes ont cette 1 ère phase de dénégation de grossesse... et on peut passer à travers ensemble.
If we do find something wrong, we can go in through the nose and repair the damage, nothing too invasive.
S'il y a un problème, on peut passer par le nez pour réparer les lésions.
So many of us go through our days so focused on the goal ahead of us that we forget what's important is right next to us.
Beaucoup d'entre nous avons passé nos jours si focalisé sur notre but à atteindre que nous avons oublié que le plus important est juste derriere nous.
We are going to go through all your reports. And we are going to find something, we are going to find something to bring down the Staffords the right way.
On va examiner tous vos rapports, et on va trouver quelque chose pour faire tomber les Stafford dans les règles.
What up, man? How many times do we gotta go through this?
On va devoir en parler combien de fois?
You need to go on through, go get your stuff. Yeah, one minute, please.
- Et pour l'auto, rien de neuf?
We don't want go through that with Black, again.
- On va pas revivre ça!
Babe, I could go through a whole flowery speech and you could reluctantly forgive me or we could just admit that you have your price.
Chérie, je pourrais te faire tout un discours fleuri, tu pourrais me pardonner à contrecœur ou on pourrait reconnaître que je peux t'acheter.
Be good for you California lads to see what we go through to put bread on your table.
Ça vous fera du bien de voir ce qu'on fait pour mettre... du pain sur votre table.
I just don't want you to go through all this trouble.
La maison est louée, mais on vient de se marier. Je n'ai pas organisé de lune de miel.
So we're just gonna go Through the whole psychoanalytic breakdown?
On va devoir supporter ta crise psychologique?
But wherever we go, We will see the job through.
Mais où qu'on aille, on fera notre boulot.
Well, if we just go through the motions, do you really think it will be?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Même si on ne fait que le b.a.-ba? { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je sais que ce n'est pas ce que vous vouliez.
If we can't go through... we'll go over.
Si on ne peut pas les traverser... nous passerons par-dessus.
But you weren't. Look, you go through enough doors, at some point, you're gonna find a dog on the other side.
À forcer toutes ces portes, on trouve un jour un chien derrière.
I'm going to go over to Amy's and tell her, and I'm sure that once we've talked about it, that we can talk through it, that we can get to where we were before,
Je vais aller le dire à Amy. Et on pourra sûrement dépasser ça en parlant, ça pourra être comme avant.
You go through a couple bottles of whiskey a night, all of a sudden you're an alcoholic.
On boit deux bouteilles le soir et on passe pour une alcoolique.
* the wheels on the bus go round and round * * round and round, round and round * * the wheels on the bus go round and round * * all through the town * * the people on the bus go up and down *
Did it look like that spear was gonna go right through your skull?
On aurait dit que la lance allait nous transpercer la tête, hein?
But we'll go through it faster.
On ira plus vite.
We're going to need to go through this guest list
Faut qu'on voit s'il y a des invités qui ont peur des paons.
You go through there.
On passe par là.
We didn't go through with it.
On n'a pas été jusqu'au bout.
Come on, boss. No need to go through the trouble.
Voyons, patron, il ne fallait pas.
Claudia, go easy. We've all been through a lot.
Calme, on a tous eu une journée mouvementée.
We should go through great sayings and phrases
On devrait passer en revue des grands dictons et voir si Karl...
Go on back through your cat flap.
Retourne par la chatière.
Er, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean we have to go through the... Valley of Death?
Arrêtez-moi si je me trompe, mais ça veut dire qu'on doit traverser la Vallée de la Mort?
We'll just go through the garage, with the -
On va passer par le garage.
Well, I don't know. You hear so many other things That you have to go through at the gates.
On entend tellement de choses sur le moment où on passe ces portes.
We'll cut right through it, go inside, find out the secrets underneath.
On la coupe, on va à l'intérieur, on découvre les secrets qu'il y a en dessous.
Run through it now. Run through it. Let's go!
On ne s'arrête pas, allez!
We have to go through it.
On doit le faire.
Sir. I only want to go through the mail from now on.
Envoyez-moi des courriers, plutôt.
That's illegal, okay? If I tell you to only go through the mail,
Je vous dis qu'on continue par courrier.
And yet we go through our days Having these impossibly surface moments of exchange
Et tous les jours, on a ces moments d'échanges superficiels.
go on 13820
go on then 265
go on now 98
go on in 178
go on home 110
go on ahead 60
go on without me 34
go on up 45
go on inside 28
through 593
go on then 265
go on now 98
go on in 178
go on home 110
go on ahead 60
go on without me 34
go on up 45
go on inside 28
through 593