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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / How much are they

How much are they translate French

306 parallel translation
How much are they worth?
Ça vaut combien?
- How much are they?
- Combien?
- How much are they?
- Combien ils coûtent?
How much are they paying you for them?
Combien vous paie-t-on?
How much are they?
Combien coûtent-elles?
How much are they in hock for?
La note se monte à combien?
- How much are they?
- Combien ça vaut?
- How much are they paying you?
Vous n'êtes pas à leur solde?
How much are they?
Ça fera combien?
- How much are they a kilo?
- Vous les faites à combien?
How much are they?
Combien en voulez-vous?
- How much are they paying? - Enough money for cigarettes.
Allez, pour payer vos cigarettes.
How much are they wantin'for the license, then?
Combien ils demandent pour cette licence?
How much are they?
- Combien coûtent-ils?
How much are they?
C'est combien?
How much are they paying you?
Qui est votre contact? Je peux vous aider si vous me dites la vérité.
- How much are they paying you?
- Combien vous payent-ils?
How much are they worth?
Ils valent combien? Chers?
How much are they paying you?
Combien vous as t-il payer?
Say, how much are they offering for him?
Dites-moi combien ils offrent?
How much are they?
- Combien ils coûtent?
How much are they paying you?
Combien vous paient-ils?
These are very nice. How much are they?
Ils sont beaux, combien?
How much are they paying you for this cruise?
Combien ils te paient pour cette croisière?
How much are they a pound?
Combien coûtent-ils?
- How much are they worth?
Que valent ces bijoux?
- And how much are they now?
- Vous me les vendez combien?
- How much are they?
- C'est combien?
- How much are they?
- Combien coûtent-ils?
How much are they paying you or is that a big secret?
Combien ils te paient si c'est pas un secret?
How much are they?
Ils coûtent combien?
How much are they paying you, Bennett?
- Combien ils te paient, Bennett?
You can look as much as you like, but don't touch. - How much are they?
Tu peux regarder, mais pas toucher.
How much are they?
Combien coûtent-ils?
Very cool. - How much are they?
- Elles sont à combien?
I'd like one of each How much are they? One of each?
Un de chaque, ça fera combien?
I've never had so much fun in my life. How are they doing inside?
Je ne me suis jamais autant amusée de ma vie!
You ever think how much alike they are?
Vous trouvez pas que c'est pareil?
I wonder how much more it'll take to make them see how wrong they are.
Que leur faut-il encore?
How much longer are they going to leave him out there?
Combien de temps vont-ils encore le laisser là-bas?
How much are they worth?
Leur valeur?
Lots of fellas live and die without ever having to find out How much of a man they are.
Plein de gens vivent et meurent en ignorant à quel point ils sont des hommes.
Have you seen how much they are?
T'as vu à combien ils sont?
They don't realize how much more advanced we are.
Ils ne comprennent pas que nous sommes plus avancés qu'eux.
And how much more are you than they?
Ne valez-vous pas plus qu'eux?
How much longer are they going to keep her here?
Combien de temps vont-ils la garder?
How much longer are they staying, Mr Ian?
Combien de temps restent-ils?
How many men, how many guns how many tanks the enemy are throwing into this. How much fuel are they carrying? And get a move on.
combien d'hommes, combien d'armes, combien de tanks l'ennemi a engagés et de combien de carburant il dispose.
They are of course right in the long run. Which means that we have to tell them how much the equipment costs.
A longue échéance, ils ont raison, mais cela nous oblige dès maintenant à leur chiffrer le matériel.
- You don't know how much they are. - I do.
- Vous connaissez pas les prix.
When people are chasing you with guns you don't stop and ask how much they weigh.
J'avais peur! Si un gars vous poursuit avec un pistolet, vous pensez pas à son poids.

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