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I believe in him translate French

379 parallel translation
I believe in him.
Je crois en lui.
Before I take a man into this bank and extend credit to anyone, I satisfy myself on one thing, do I believe in him?
Avant d'accepter un client ou de proroger un prêt à quiconque, je ne me pose qu'une question :
- Because with all my heart I believe in him.
- Car je crois en lui de tout mon cœur.
I believe in him as I never believe in another human being.
Je n'avais jamais autant cru en quelqu'un.
Because I believe in Him and in what He commanded.
Je crois en Lui et en Ses commandements.
And I believe in him.
Et moi, je crois en Iui.
Not yet, but I think I believe in him, Harry, in Father Doonan.
Pas vraiment. Mais je crois en lui, Harry, - le Père Doonan.
Besides, I believe in him as a metaphysical image, not some stupid, sticky-fingered goop.
Je croyais qu'il était une image métaphysique, mais pas un stupide voleur!
I believe in him - and I'm just trying to create - the opportunities for Ron, to do the kind of things he wants to do.
Et j'essaie juste de lui créer des occasions de faire le genre de choses qu'il veut faire.
But I believe in Him.
Et pourtant je crois en Lui.
I don't say I believe in him, mind.
Je n'ai pas dit que je le crois.
Even though I can't believe in him, I will respect him.
Même si je ne crois en lui, je le respecterai.
You will not believe me, but Nicholaus means so little in my life that when you ask me about him, I forget.
Vous ne me croirez pas, mais Nicholaus signifie si peu pour moi que lorsque vous m'avez posé la question, je l'avais oublié.
I even believe you have the courage to save him... by giving me the right to go in your place.
Vous le sauverez... en m'envoyant à votre place.
That my father instilled life into a dead man is perfectly true. But I'm also convinced that stories of this creature have been so greatly exaggerated in the telling and the retelling, that the simple folk of this neighborhood now believe him to have been the most fiendish monster that ever walked this earth.
II est vrai que mon père a donné la vie à un mort, mais... je suis convaincu que les histoires de cette créature... ont été rapportées avec une grande exagération... et maintenant, les habitants de ce village croient qu'il a été... le monstre le plus vil à fouler le sol de cette Terre.
- It isn't that... but I don't believe we'd have much chance against him in the jungle.
Non, ce n'est pas ça.
- I'll always believe in him.
- Je croirai toujours en lui.
I believe I can hide him in the car.
Je peux le cacher dans la voiture.
I know in your heart you want to believe him innocent.
Je sais que dans votre cœur, vous voulez croire à son innocence.
He didn't believe it was all I had, so he began pushing me around and this gentleman ran in and knocked him down.
Il m'a pris 15 dollars, ensuite il m'a agressée. Monsieur m'a alors défendue.
Then I've got to believe in him...
Alors je dois croire en lui...
A reporter's invention! I don't believe in Garou-Garou, you see, I don't believe in him.
Je n'y crois pas, à Garou-Garou.
Sir, men in rage strike those that wish them best, yet surely cassio i believe received from him that fled some strange dignity, which patience could not pass.
Enragé, un homme frappe l'être le plus cher, mais Cassio a dû subir du fuyard un outrage excessif qu'il ne pouvait supporter.
I believe that my God could no more renounce me than I could renounce Him because something of my God is in everyone who breathes.
Mon dieu ne pourrait pas plus renoncer à moi que moi à Lui car mon dieu est dans tout ce qui vit.
Believe it or not, Captain, I had never seen him before in my life, and if I ever had, I never would have married him.
Croyez-le ou non, je ne l'avais jamais vu de ma vie... et si je l'avais vu, je ne l'aurais jamais épousé.
Believe me, you're not gonna like him any better than I do, but that's the way it is in this man's army.
Ça ne vous plaira pas plus qu'à moi, mais c'est comme ça, dans cette armée.
I want too much to believe it. What difference could a change in him mean to you?
Quelle conséquence cela a-t-il pour toi?
I didn't believe in them any more than you do, until I'd known him a while.
Je n'y croyais pas plus que vous avant de l'avoir connu quelques temps.
And you believe in me and in him, from whom I was sent.
Vous avez foi en moi et en Celui qui m'a envoyé.
I swear I believe that boy has nigger blood in him somewhere.
Secoue-toi un peu!
- I believe you, but... you could pretend he was in a state that caused him to lose his head.
- Je n'en doute pas, mais... vous pourriez prétendre qu'il était sujet à des crises au cours desquelles il perdait complètement la tête.
Why, Honor, I do believe you're in love with him.
- Je crois que tu es amoureuse de lui.
If you don't return him, I'll never believe in you again!
Si vous ne me le rendez pas, je ne vous prierai plus.
I myself believe that nothing is impossible, at least in spirit so, after discussing it with his mother, we let him study at a dojo in Ichigaya Yarai, under
Je comprenais très bien ses intentions. D'un commun accord avec sa mère, nous l'avons inscrit dans un dojo.
I thought Mr. Smith would strike him, and he doesn't believe in violence, only love.
J'ai cru que M. Smith allait le frapper, lui qui ne croit pas en la violence, mais en l'amour.
This is Mr Crothers. You met him this morning in the bathroom, I believe.
Vous l'avez vu ce matin dans la salle de bains.
And, man, I don't even believe in him, you know. But, I mean, it doesn't matter.
Je ne crois même pas en Dieu, mais ça ne fait rien.
Never I believe in all my whole life... I would meet him, and he would go, "Bang, pardner!"
Jamais je n'ai osé croire dans toute ma vie que je le rencontrerais, et qu'il me ferait "Bang mon pote!"
Look, I told him, I believe in marriage.
Et on s'est marié. Mais il y a une raison...
He boasts that he's created the most powerful explosive in the universe and I believe him.
Il se vante d'avoir fabriqué l'explosif le plus puissant de l'univers et je le crois.
And I-I looked up at him, and in my nakedness, I... you may not believe this...
Je l'ai regardé, et toute vulnérable que j'étais, je...
Time was apart the wind to fly away and I caught on him butter why to stay oh why to stay but he be gone for all that I could say for all that I could say that he be gone for all that I could say for all that I could say... time. I believe in, believe in, believe in... love... And with your eyelids closed continue to look upward...
Et avec vos paupières fermées continuez de regarder vers le haut...
I could tell him some bad stories on Helga, and make sure Hans believe in them.
Je pourrais lui dire quelques mauvaises histoires sur Helga, Et crois-moi qu'Hans les croira.
Tell him we have reason to believe that Dillinger is in the Biograph Theater at present and that I'm taking appropriate action without aid of local police.
Dis-lui qu'on a des raisons de croire que Dillinger est au cinéma Biographe en ce moment et que je lais le nécessaire à l'insu de la police locale.
Charles lives with his family here in Chicago, and I told him how you were talking about the Diablero, and - well, now, mind you, I don't believe any of this - but Charles insisted that I get in touch with you.
Charles vit avec sa famille ici, à Chicago, je lui ai dit que vous m'aviez parlé du Diablero, et, maintenant, notez bien que je n'y crois pas, mais Charles a insisté pour que je vous contacte.
And Tex kicked him in the head and the body didn't move very much, and I believe it was dead at the time.
Je crois qu'il était déjà mort.
If Himmler lives in such a world of fantasy he must believe that he, too, is the reincarnation of some great German I asked him about that, but he replied defensively :
C'est une malédiction inhérente à la grandeur que de devoir marcher sur des cadavres pour créer une vie nouvelle.
He showed us a room in the garage where he said he stayed, and I didn't really believe him, of course, but why the act?
Il nous a montré une chambre au garage, où il vivait, paraît-il. Je ne l'ai pas cru, bien sûr, mais pourquoi cette comédie?
But in order to leave him I had to believe it was the only thing I could do and that it was the best thing for him.
Pour pouvoir le quitter... je devais être sûre que c'était la seule chose à faire... et que ça valait mieux pour lui.
I believe in the new kind of Jesus... - the one that can't waste his blood redeeming people with it...'cause he's all man and ain't not any God in him.
Je crois en un nouveau genre de Jésus. Un qui ne perd pas son sang pour la rédemption des gens parce qu'il est tout à fait homme et n'a pas de Dieu en lui.
When I was with Spender, and he was telling me about his plan to kill everyone who came here in order to save this planet, I remember telling him I couldn't believe it was he saying those things.
Quand j'étais avec Spender et qu'il me disait que pour sauver cette planète il tuerait tous ceux qui viendraient, je lui ai dit que je ne croyais pas que c'était lui qui parlait ainsi.

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