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Is that a deal translate French

853 parallel translation
Is that a deal?
Marché conclu?
- Is that a deal?
- C'est compris?
Is that a deal?
Ca marche?
- Is that a deal?
- Marché conclu?
Is that a deal?
C'est d'accord?
The point of this Adams thing is that Lamb takes a great deal of pride in his judgment of men, and everybody thinks this is a great joke on the old man.
Le problème dans cette histoire avec Adams, c'est que Lamb est fier de sa capacité à juger les hommes, et tout le monde se moque du vieil homme.
- I'm thinking that a man in the ground is easier to deal with than a man standing up.
- Un homme à terre, c'est plus facile.. .. à arranger qu'un homme debout.
A deal between you guys is a deal, just like it was on paper. - That's me, Rocky.
Marché conclu, comme sur papier.
I should say that he does a great deal of his visiting on foot because the iron fellow is worn down.
Il marche beaucoup. - Le bout de la canne est usé.
- Is that such a big deal?
- N'est-ce pas une bonne affaire?
Regardless of what I think of you I believe that anybody who works with you and doesn't get a great deal out of it, is just plain dumb.
Independamment de ce que je pense de vous, je crois que l'on s'enrichit a votre contact.
You've gotta realize this is a business deal that went wrong.
Sachez que c'est un marché qui s'est mal passé.
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Votre affection compte beaucoup pour moi, et maintenant que l'occasion est passée et ne reviendra pas, je tiens à vous dire combien aurait signifier à mes yeux devenir maire, ou secrétaire municipal, ou assistant secrétaire, ou ramasseur d'animaux
All that I possess... and I possess a great deal... all that is mine, I lay at your feet.
- Rassurez-vous, un autre homme est né à cause de vous. Un homme qui met sa vie entre vos mains.
I always feel that the way to deal with a problem is, first of all.. To ascertain whether the problem exists.
Avant de s'attaquer à un problème, il faut d'abord en vérifier l'existence.
That is still a great deal of money, Doctor.
Ça demeure beaucoup d'argent.
That is a great deal of money.
C'est beaucoup d'argent.
The doctors will tell you that his majesty is a great deal sicker than either you or he realizes.
Les médecins vous diront que Sa Majesté est beaucoup trop malade que vous et lui-même se rend compte.
You made a great deal. I'll bet that blonde is yours, now that you have a car.
Je parie que la Fée Blonde sera à toi, tu as l'auto.
That is a great deal.
Vous êtes modeste.
And that your manager is trying to do a deal With both of them behind your back?
Et que ton gérant négocie avec eux derrière ton dos?
That is a damn distrustful way to start off a deal.
C'est comme ça que tu passes un contrat?
I tell you, she has a personal interest in this man. That is why she urges us to deal with him.
C'est l'homme qui l'intéresse, c'est pour ça qu'elle veut traiter!
But there is a great deal of difference between that and an important piece of serious music.
Mais on est encore loin... d'une œuvre musicale sérieuse.
That's the deal of a lifetime. That's our living. What is all this?
C'est l'affaire de ta vie. c'est quoi, ça?
That is a rather unexpected complication, but I'm sure we can deal with this.
- Pas trop mal. Juste une petite carie, autant s'en occuper maintenant.
The thing for you to remember is that we made a deal.
Souviens-toi. Nous avions conclu un marché.
The maddening thing is he included a blank check - in the deal. - Well, how did that happen?
que votre Rockefeller vous en fasse un autre.
He can just claim he made the deal to get information for a client. He can always claim that Lord Chelford... is his client in this case.
Il peut affirmer avoir été contraint de signer ce contrat... et que c'était le seul moyen pour obtenir des informations essentielles... pour son client Lord Chelford.
Wait, a minute, how about the pad? Is that going to be part of the deal?
Emballez-les et envoyez-les par la poste.
Consequently, I think that a good, sure instinct is worth a great deal more.
Par conséquent, un vrai et bon instinct vaut beaucoup plus.
That bull is a thing that might tickle him a good deal.
Le taureau va bien l'amuser.
I talked to a police-lieutenant friend of mine and he says that Madame Zolta is a member of a ring that's swindling people in a real-estate deal.
J'ai parlé à un ami policier et il a dit qu'elle est fichée pour escroquerie foncière.
It seems that she softens up her clients by telling them somebody is going to come along with a fantastic real-estate deal.
Elle amadoue ses clients en leur disant qu'on va leur proposer un bon prix pour un terrain.
She said to tell you that she will make sure the tracking-station deal is signed.
Elle m'a dit de te dire que le contrat sera conclu.
Brother Cicillo, we can not make a thing : we will say to San Francisco that the deal is not made, so better look for others.
Frère Cicillo, pourquoi on n'irait pas dire à Saint-François qu'on fait pas l'affaire, qu'il cherche ailleurs.
Those two men that the Lieutenant is questioning, they are around a great deal.
Les deux hommes que le lieutenant interroge, ils sont souvent là.
Don't forget, gentlemen, that we have to deal with a patient who is placed on the surgery bed
L'armée est au pouvoir.
This is a deal that I've been waiting for for a long time. It's big.
Ça fait longtemps que j'attends un gros coup.
One is not worth that much but altogether they're a good deal.
Les primes sont faibles, mais additionnées...
Is that a deal?
Ladies and gentlemen, we've just received word that the president has called a meeting of his cabinet to deal with the sudden epidemic of murder which has seized the eastern third of this nation. The meeting is scheduled to convene within the hour.
Mesdames et messieurs nous apprenons à l'instant que le Président vient de réunir son cabinet, pour prendre les mesures nécessaires afin de régler cette crise.
You had a great deal of evidence, except that of the chief witness. The one who should be the real subject of this investigation is kept locked away and in isolation.
La personne qui devrait être interrogée a été mise en isolement.
Now, that's not such a bad deal, but what is it that you want me to do?
Ce n'est pas une si mauvaise affaire, mais que voulez-vous que je fasse?
Tell him that the deal with Ike is off. Tell him I know that Ike's been talking about the deal,
Dites-lui que le marché avec Ike est rompu, que je sais que Ike en a parlé,
Is it true that one time, an american business man was made believe that... A certain girl was the daughter of another business man... Who had a deal to close with him?
Est-il vrai qu'on a fait croire à un homme d'affaires américain qu'une fille était la fille d'un entrepreneur connu qui voulait faire affaire avec lui?
So you feel that, just as you feel there'a reason for going on through the course this is the same way to try and deal with what you feel is wrong with the system in America?
De même que vous sentez qu'il y a... encore une raison pour continuer le parcours, vous pensez qu'il faut essayer de vous occuper de ce qui ne va pas dans le système en Amérique?
The only thing that's keeping you alive right now is you got to be fit enough to go tell that black punk in Harlem that he's got 24 hours to deal or he's got a dead daughter!
Tu es en vie uniquement pour aller dire à ce minable de Harlem qu'il a 24 heures. Après, sa fille sera morte.
And believe me, I'm going to be one guy that's Going to be talking around here because this is a dirty deal. Thanks, Frank.
Crois moi, je vais parler de ça dans le coin, parceque c'est un tour de cochon.
That's a good deal. It is.
C'est une bonne affaire.
Please realise that this is an excellent deal, the ships will land at the Dutch colony of New Holland at the mouth of the river piloted by Hudson in which you navigate like in a vast sea.
C'est une très bonne affaire. Les navires vont en Nouvelle Hollande, sur le fleuve parcouru par Hudson où on navigue comme sur la mer.

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