Is that your brother translate French
424 parallel translation
According to the law of the realm. Is it of your own free will that you thus depose your brother Richard the Lion-Heart of England?
C'est de plein gré que vous déposez votre frère,
- Did your wife tell you that that guy is her brother?
- Votre femme vous a dit que cet homme est son frère?
The only thing that could embarrass you... would be the lovely things I want to say to him about you – your face, your form – things that a brother is naturally blind to.
Ce qui pourrait vous gêner... serait les choses adorables que je voudrais lui dire à votre sujet... votre face, votre silhouette, les choses auxquelles un frère est aveugle.
I always thought your brother's style of jujitsu was a bit extreme. How is that?
Je croyais que son jiu-jitsu était trop puissant.
Repeat that in court and you'll guarantee your brother is in for five years.
Voilâ, dis ça et ton frêre en prend pour cinq ans.
Do you understand that your brother is shouldering the entire burden of our existence by himself? And you? What do you do?
Tu as entendu, tu as compris Karl-Heinz, que ton frère assume seul le poids de notre existence?
You've heard testimony that you borrowed the sack some time ago from your brother. Is that correct?
Vous avez emprunté ce sac voici quelque temps à votre frère.
And to your knowledge it was never returned to your brother? That is correct.
Et il n'a jamais été rendu?
Because that means that chap you're with is your brother, not your husband.
Parce que celui qui vous accompagne est votre frère, pas votre mari.
Tell your father that the brother's name is Pastin in Marseilles.
Dis à ton père que le nom du frère à Marseille est Pastin.
Tell me, how is that fine fellow, your brother?
Comment va votre frère?
It's forgetting that every fella down here is your brother in Christ!
C'est oublier que chaque gars ici est votre frère dans le Christ!
Laddie, someday you'll get the sense in that heavy skull of yours to conclude that your future brother-in-law is too much man for you.
Mon petit, un jour tu te mettras peut-être dans la tête que ton futur beau-frère est plus fort que toi.
It was meet that we should make merry and be glad for this, your brother, was dead and is alive again. And was lost and is found.
Il fallait bien s'égayer et se réjouir, parce que ton frère était mort et qu'il est revenu à la vie, parce qu'il était perdu et qu'il est retrouvé.
Right outta that mouth I love... like a ventriloquist's dummy your brother is saying good-bye.
Comme un ventriloque se servant de ta bouche, - C'est ton frère qui dit adieu.
It's not that I don't want to, but your brother-in-law is my mate.
C'est pas l'envie qui m'en manque mais ton beau-frère est mon ami.
My brother, your father and myself know what that is.
Mon frère, ton père et moi en sommes passés par là aussi.
That fella'round the corner with a banged-up face is your brother.
Ce type à la face abîmée est votre frère.
People can talk all they want, my brother says that your swordskill is far greater than his.
Les gens peuvent dire ce qu'ils veulent, mon frère affirme que votre habileté au sabre surpasse de loin la sienne.
Well, brother, I assume that you and your charming British wife are now convinced that there is no slavery here.
Et je suppose, cher frère, que ta charmante femme et toi êtes maintenant convaincus qu'il n'y a pas d'esclavage ici.
Your affection for Spock, the fact that your nephew is the last survivor of your brother's family.
L'affection que vous avez pour Spock. Votre neveu, dernier survivant de la famille de votre frère.
When is the last time that you actually saw your deceased brother?
Quand avez-vous vu votre frère pour la dernière fois?
I am concerned that is you are your brother and relatives.
Je suis inquiète car c'est ton frère et vous êtes proches.
Now... you figure that your brother had to walk around the side of the house like this. - Is that right?
Vous pensez que votre frère a dû longer la maison par ici?
Mr. Paris, do you think that your brother is guilty?
M. Paris, croyez-vous votre frère coupable?
Look, baby. You gotta realize that... not every black man is your brother.
Bébé, tu dois comprendre que tous les noirs ne sont pas tes frères.
Your brother learned that it is easy to leave everything behind when you are 20....
Ton frère a appris qu'à 20 ans, c'est facile de tout quitter...
This confirms that the disease your brother Christian, is hereditary.
Cela confirme que la maladie de votre frère Christian, est héréditaire.
Mr. Shaeffer, you were hired for this job because my niece believes that she is in love with your brother.
M. Shaeffer, vous avez cet emploi parce que ma nièce se croit amoureuse de votre frère.
Your brother thinks that he is in love with my niece.
Votre frère se croit amoureux de ma nièce.
And it is not too long a shot to infer that my brother is the cause of your distress.
Il n'est pas difficile d'en déduire que mon frère en est la cause.
Now that there is room in this corner your father will build a shelf for my needles and threads so that your little brother will not lose what I need, and- -
Maintenant, je vais avoir plein de place dans ce coin. Ton père va pouvoir me construire une étagère où je rangerai mon panier. Comme ça, ton petit frère ne pourra plus jouer avec et risquer de le perdre.
Is that the time to announce that your brother is in Paris?
Je n'allais pas te dire que ton frère était à Paris!
Call your brother, the plumber, that sink upstairs is screwed up.
Appelez votre frère, le plombier, le lavabo d'en haut est detraque.
I got a god son That is, your god brother
J'ai toujours un filleul.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye but pay no attention to the log in your own eye?
Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'oeil de ton frère, et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans le tien?
Try sometime to tell your brother - No, he would never understand... that there are people who have no needs... who are indifferent to money... who dismiss the world's luxuries, who happily allow themselves to be slandered because their conscience is clear
Essayez parfois de dire à votre frère... non, jamais il ne comprendrait... qu'il existe des gens qui n'ont pas de besoins... qui sont indifférents à l'argent... qui rejettent les luxes du monde,
Is that your little brother?
C'est ton petit frère?
Do I tell people that your brother Harry is scared of spoons?
Ai-je révélé que Harry a la phobie des cuillers?
Is it true that your brother wants to sell up?
Il paraît que ton frére veut vendre. Qu'y a-t-il de vrai là-dedans?
Is that any way to talk about your little brother? No, I guess not.
- C'est une façon de parler de ton frère?
My problem is that I hate your younger brother.
Mon problème c'est que je hais ton jeune frère.
Brother,... if your music is the be all to end all, as you state, to ensure that you better get rid of Giant as your manager.
Si la musique est tout pour toi, comme tu dis, tu ferais mieux de ne pas garder Giant comme manager.
Is that for your brother?
C'est pour ton frère?
- Well... this is Al, and he doesn't remember your brother saying that.
- Eh bien... voici Al, et il ne se souvient pas que votre frère ait dit ça.
Your brother Carl has absolutely irrefutable information that Henrik Bergman is still living with that woman.
Ton frère Carl a des informations absolument irréfutables disant que Henrik Bergman vit toujours avec cette femme.
Feel that my home is your home. And call upon me as you would a brother, for any of your needs.
Sentez vous ici comme chez vous... et faites appel à moi comme à un frère... pour n'importe lequel de vos besoins.
That's an offence too, your brother is a minor.
C'est un délit. Ton frère est mineur.
You have of late stood out against your brother and he hath ta'en you newly into his grace where it is impossible you should take true root but by the fair weather that you make yourself.
Vous vous êtes récemment soulevé contre votre frère, il vous a tout nouvellement replacé dans sa faveur et vous ne pourrez y prendre vraiment racine que si vous maintenez le beau temps.
Your brother is Congressman Ludlow, and that's it.
Parce que ton frère est le député Ludlow. C'est la seule raison.
It is the Prime Minister's personal wish that your brother should employ his detective skills, find the Mazarin diamond and return it to White Hall without delay.
Le Premier Ministre en personne sollicite les talents de votre frère pour retrouver le diamant de Mazarin et le restituer au Whitehall au plus vite.
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is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
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is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
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is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that true 1272
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that true 1272