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Translate.vc / English → French / [ J ] / Just forget it

Just forget it translate French

2,003 parallel translation
Just forget it, okay?
Laissez tomber, Vic.
Just forget it.
Laisse tomber.
Hey, hey. Just forget it, all right?
Dean, Dean, eh, eh, doucement, ok?
just forget it.
n'en parlons plus.
Can we just forget it ever happened?
Pourrions-nous oublier que c'est jamais arrivé?
- Just forget it. It doesn't matter.
- Laisse tomber, c'est sans importance.
Just forget it, okay?
Laisse tomber, ok?
listen, what happened this morning- - i don't know, man, can you just give me the benefit of the doubt and just forget it?
À propos de ce qui s'est passé ce matin... Est-ce que tu pourrais me donner le bénéfice du doute et oublier tout ça?
No, let's just forget it.
Non, laisse tomber.
Just forget it, Eric, you've told everybody.
Oublie ça, Eric. Tu as prévenu tout le monde.
Just forget it.
Oublie ça.
All right. Just forget it.
All right? Just forget it.
Oublie ça.
You know what? It was probably just a hallucination caused by, you know, brain cells dying. Just forget it.
Tu sais quoi?
- Let's just forget it.
- Laissons tomber.
- Come on, just forget it.
- Laisse tomber.
Mr Smith, everything I told you, just forget it.
M. Smith, oubliez tout ce que je vous ai dis.
It's been a while, but there's certain things you just never forget.
Ça fait un moment mais il y a des choses que tu n'oublies pas...
Well, forget it. You just heard everything I have to say.
Vous avez entendu tout ce que j'avais à dire.
Just forget about it.
Laissez tomber.
Just... forget it.
C'est... laissez tomber.
So then, if you believe that in my mind I was not cheating on you, do you think you can forget what those vipers said today, put it behind you and just come home with me?
Alors si tu crois que, dans ma tête, je ne te trompais pas, pourras-tu oublier ce que ces vipères ont dit et rentrer à la maison avec moi?
Just forget about it.
Oublie juste ça.
Forget it. I'll just - - I'll see you tomorrow.
J'allais dire la même chose à propos de Dan.
I was just being... forget it.
Je l'avais... oublier.
Because I just want to forget about it, okay?
Parce que je veux tout oublier.
Let's just forget aboot it, okay guys?
Oublions ça, d'accord les gars?
- Just forget about it.
- Laissez tomber.
- That just... forget it.
- C'est juste... laisse tomber.
Just forget about it, please, okay?
Oublie tout ça, s'il te plait, d'accord?
Just forget about it, Earl.
Oublie ça, Earl.
Just... forget it.
Non, non. Oublie ça.
Let's just forget about it.
Laisse tomber.
Forget about it all and just forget about everything.
Oublie ce petit détail. Oublie tout, même.
Can we just forget about it?
On peut oublier tout ça?
Just move on and forget all about it. Understand?
Il faut tourner la page et tout oublier, tu comprends?
One day it's his aunt, or his cousin, or they just forget.
Un jour c'est une tante ou une cousine, ou ils oublient.
Mr. Sullivan, it might be best if we both just forget about what happened.
M. Sullivan, ce serait bien si on oubliait ce qui s'est passé.
And that money you owe me, just forget about it.
Et bien, l'argent que tu me dois, simplement on l'oublie.
Even if it's just for a second to help you forget all this.
Même si c'est juste une seconde pour te faire oublier tout ça.
It's what you just sent me out to get. How could I forget to...
Tu me l'avais demandé... hé, viens par ici.
You want to just shut the door and forget it?
Tu veux fermer la porte et oublier ça?
Just forget about it.
Oublie ça.
It's just a part of my life I want to forget.
C'est juste une partie de ma vie que je veux oublier.
I'm just gonna have to forgive and forget, and... whatever it is, you don't owe us an explanation.
Il va falloir que je pardonne et que j'oublie, et... peu importe ce que c'est, tu ne nous dois aucune explication.
Yesterday, when I put my arms around you, I thought I could just forget about everything you did, but it's not that easy.
Hier, quand j'ai mis mes bras autour de toi, je pensais pouvoir juste oublier à propos de tout ce que tu as fait, mais ce n'est pas aussi simple.
Oh, it's just a text message. " Forget the cashews.
Oh, c'est juste un texto.
Dude, Just forget about it, okay?
Elle est intelligente, elle est drôle. Mec, oublie ça, tu veux?
You go to the Pro Buy party with Walter tonight and just forget about it.
Tu vas à la fête Pro Buy avec Walter ce soir alors oublie tout ça.
Just forget about it, all right?
Laissez tomber, d'accord?
Well, it's just like riding a bike, you never forget.
C'est comme le vélo, ça ne s'oublie pas.

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