Look at this thing translate French
397 parallel translation
- How do you look at this thing?
C'est dans quel sens?
Now, corporal, let's look at this thing logically.
Bon, caporal, soyons logiques.
Well, let's all look at this thing rationally, shall we?
Examinons cela de façon rationnelle, voulez-vous?
Regardez ce truc!
Take a look at this thing.
Non mais regardez-moi ça!
I mean, surely you and I can look at this thing in a mature way?
Conduisons-nous en adultes.
Look at this thing.
Regardez moi ça...
Come on, Potter. Let's have another look at this thing.
Retournons jeter un coup d'œil.
Let's take a look at this thing.
Jetons un oeil là-dessus.
- No. Look at this thing. "We still remember."
"Regrets éternels." Tu parles!
Look at this thing that I am and learn the meaning of love.
Regardez cette chose que je suis devenue et apprenez ce qu'aimer signifie.
Now, let's take a look at this thing.
Maintenant, nous allons jeter un oeil à cette chose.
I'm as sentimental as the next man... but we're grownup people... and if you look at this thing realistically...
Comme tout le monde, j'ai des sentiments, mais nous sommes des adultes... et si analysons le côté réaliste des choses...
I'll get some coffee, and we'll... look at this thing some other time.
Je vous prendrai un café, et je me pencherai sur cette affaire un autre jour.
You mind driving? I want to take a closer look at this thing.
Prenez le volant, je veux examiner ce pétard.
Hey, Captain, let's look at this thing.
Capitaine, réfléchissons.
You can say 3 months if you choose To look at this thing on its most negative level.
Vous pouvez décider de trois mois... si vous préférez voir le coté négatif.
Jesus, look at this thing!
Bon sang, regarde ce truc!
Look at this thing over here.
Regarde donc ce truc là...
Look at this thing you gave me.
Regarde ce que tu m'as donné.
Here, take a look at this thing.
Jette donc un coup d'œil.
You ever look at this thing?
Vous l'avez bien regardée?
Would you look at this thing over here?
Regardez-moi ça.
- Look at this thing.
Matez-moi ça!
Look, I know that you are mad at me and that you don't really like to do this sort of thing, but can't you just cover for me?
Ecoute, je sais que tu es fâché contre moi et que tu ne veux pas vraiment faire ce genre de choses, mais vous ne pouvez pas me couvrir?
Look at this little thing.
Regarde-moi ça.
They may have started this thing as a gag, but after taking one look... at those million-dollar debutantes tonight... I realized I can give them cards in spades and still come out on top.
Au départ, j'ai pris ça comme un jeu, mais après avoir vu tous ces milliardaires ce soir j'ai réalisé que je les valais largement.
Don't look at me, this thing ain't my idea.
- Ce n'était pas mon idée.
Vicky, I'd only be too glad to have you look at this thing.
- Montrez-le moi.
Look, fellas, I'm not very good at this sort of thing.
Écoutez, les gars, je ne suis pas très doué pour ce genre de choses.
- Look at this sweet thing!
- D'où il sortent?
- We'll just go and look at it. This is the most important thing that's happened in the history of the world.
Chérie, c'est la chose la plus importante qui soit arrivée dans l'histoire de humanité
Look at this innocent thing.
Regardez cette bête innocente.
Ooh, we have a facility for this type of thing at the embassy. Look, Mr. Borb, before we go any further with this,
Dans mon pays, on apprend à respecter les lois!
No wonder this thing died! Look at the kind of stuff it ate.
semble en transe pour ce monologue.
Well, the way we look at it, it's our job to do this thing the way you want it done.
Notre travail, c'est d'exécuter vos volontés.
Look at this thing.
Regardez-moi ça.
Look at this damn thing.
Lis ça.
Look at this ol'thing!
Comment ça va? Regardez-moi ce cheval! Hé!
Honey, just look at this little baby thing.
Chéri, regarde ce petit bébé.
Look at the size of this thing!
La taille de ce truc!
I hope you took a good look at the real thing, cos from now on, this is all you get.
J'espère que vous avez bien regardé le vrai là-haut... car à partir de maintenant, c'est tout ce que vous aurez.
- Look at this black thing with the tiger.
- Regarde ce truc noir, avec le tigre.
Just think, someday we might look back at all this... and not remember a thing.
Un jour, on essaiera peut - tre de se souvenir de a, et on ne se rappellera de rien.
This essay was a perfectly unexciting and routine thing up until the point of taking a look at the damage we had been done, that was kinda a little bit hard to realize, it was kinda inconceivable as to what we were looking at there.
Comme je l'ai dit, c'était un travail parfaitement banal. Puis où on a regardé les dommages causés. C'était...
Take a look at this thing! How did that happen?
Comment ça a pu arriver?
Look at this funny thing I've found.
Regardez cette drôle de chose que je l'ai trouvée.
She... you'll laugh when you look at this poor thing huddled in front of the fire and hear me say that it was for my good looks that Nancy loved me.
Vous allez rire... de voir ce pauvre homme recroquevillé devant le feu... et de m'entendre dire... que c'est parce que j'étais beau que Nancy... m'aimait.
I bet, in a year, he'll look back at this whole thing and laugh.
Je parie que dans un an, toute cette histoire le fera rire.
Look at this horrible thing.
Regarde comme c'est horrible.
We're rounding up all the scientists for you in the lab, sir... but I think you better take a look at this other... this other thing first.
On a rassemblé les techniciens, mais venez d'abord voir ce truc.
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look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558