Look at you translate French
33,695 parallel translation
That's not an uncommon mistake, to- - to blame others first before you look at yourself and the destruction you caused, but he is trying.
C'est une erreur habituelle, d'en vouloir d'abord aux autres avant de se regarder soi-même et ce qu'on a détruit, mais il essaie.
I look at you... young, pretty...
Je vous regarde... jeune, mignonne.
Well, look at you, big-time lawyer.
Regarde-toi, avocat de premier ordre.
Well, look at you, coming back home.
Regarde-toi, revenir à la maison.
Look at you.
Look at you!
Regarde toi!
Wow, look at you.
Regardez-moi ça.
Would you mind if we went and had a look at your house?
On peut aller voir votre maison?
Look at you being all smart.
T'es sacrément malin.
Okay, your wife is stable now. Time for me to get a look at you.
L'état de votre femme est stable, maintenant à vous d'être examiné.
Oh, look at you, with all the textbook fancy stuff.
Regarde-toi, en train de réciter le règlement et tout.
So, let's have a look at you here.
Voyons voir de plus près.
- Yes, I look at you, I see veal.
- Quand je te regarde, je vois une oie.
Let me look at you.
Look at you!
Look at you! You look...
Look at you, you're sick with fever.
Regarde toi, tu es malade de fièvre.
I'll take a look at my notes from the meetings you mentioned, okay?
Je vais relire mes notes de ces réunions, d'accord?
You guys, look at the dates.
Regardez les dates.
Can you have a look at my "enter" key?
Tu t'y connais?
Will you look at these photos?
Madame, vous pouvez consulter ces photos?
I think you should just, you know... delay your report until I've had a look at the scene.
Vous devriez... attendre pour votre rapport que j'aie examiné la scène de crime.
You want to look at the space, talk to the building manager.
Si l'endroit vous intéresse, parlez au gestionnaire.
Okay. While you're gassing up, let's look at the stock merkins.
Pendant que tu fais le plein, let s look at the stock merkins.
Dr. Lorenson, why don't you take a look at his injuries?
Dr Lorenson, pourquoi n'iriez vous donc pas jeter un œil à ses blessures?
Look at my arm, what do you see?
Regarde mon bras, que vois-tu?
Look at what you're doing right now.
Regarde donc ce que tu es en train de faire.
"Look at those puppy eyes. You hurt his feelings."
"Regardes ces yeux de chiot, tu le blesses."
"Aw, look at those puppy eyes. You hurt his feelings."
"oh, regardes ces yeux de chiot, tu le blesses."
- can you look at Cory?
- Diane, regardez Cory.
Um, Ogle, will you take a look at my chest, because I didn't layer up properly, and I'm afraid that I'm getting frostbite.
Ogle, pouvez-vous regarder ma poitrine, je ne suis pas suffisamment couverte et je crains des engelures.
Hey, you know, I'd be happy to take a look at that frostbite for you once we get back to the rig.
Je serais heureux de jeter un œil sur ces engelures lorsqu'on reviendra à la caserne.
Makes me sick that you can look at me and lie to me like that.
Ça me rend malade que tu me regardes et que tu me mentes comme tu le fais.
You look at that and call me a racist.
Regarde-ça et traite moi de raciste.
" Like, you know, like, look at me.
" Hey, regardez-moi.
You, like, look at a person's face, and if they're smiling, you're fine, and if they're not, then you're sad.
Tu regardes le visage de quelqu'un, et s'il sourit, ça te va, et s'il ne sourit pas, alors tu es triste.
- Look, at least you found the e-mail.
- Regarde si tu as trouvé le mail.
You can't look at a man anymore and assume that his wife shares the same positions, nor can you hold the wife accountable for his actions.
Vous ne pouvez plus regarder un homme et supposer que sa femme partage le même avis, ni la tenir pour responsable de ses actions.
So he comes over and works and, um, usually takes his shirt off after a while, and when you look at a man's 84-year-old body and you see the skin turn red and then sweaty with the work that he's doing
Donc il vient et il travaille et, hum, généralement il enlève sa chemise au bout d'un moment, et quand tu regardes le corps d'un homme de 84 ans et que tu vois la peau devenue rouge
Because if you look back at him, then you did this.
Parce que si tu le regardes, c'est toi qui as fait ça.
I'll be overcome by a wave of kindness, or I'll just - or I'll just figure out a different way to look at it and I'll forgive you and I'll feel good, but instead,
je serai submergée par la gentillesse, ou je - - ou j'arriverai un regarder les choses sous un autre angle et je te pardonnerai et je me sentirai bien, mais au lieu de ça, ce qui se passe c'est que le temps efface les sentiments,
Look at me. If you're gonna be a doctor, I want you to be a good one.
Si tu veux être médecin, je veux que tu sois un bon.
I see the way you look at her.
Je vois comment vous la regardez.
- Not at all. Look, you just need to know I'm good.
Sachez que je suis très douée.
He would say, " Don't you look at me.
Il disait : " Ne me regardez pas.
MUFFLED YELLING Could you just look at the headstock and read it out to me?
Tu peux regarder la tête et lire à voix haute?
0 to 80 in 6.4 seconds, and I brought you pretty firemen to look at.
0 à 80 en 6,4 secondes, et je t'ai amené de beaux pompiers à regarder.
Take a look at my opponent's record as city councilman and you'll see for yourself speech after speech of empty promises and stale ideas.
Regardez le dossier de mon adversaire en tant que maire et vous verrez vous-même discours après discours de promesses non tenues et d'idées éculées.
You willing to give us permission to look at the report?
Vous nous donnez la permission de regarder le rapport?
Things don't look good for you at home.
Les choses n'ont pas l'air bonnes pour vous à la maison.
He wouldn't look askance at me being here with you, eating pizza in our underwear?
Il ne serait pas méfiant s'il me voyait avec toi, mangeant de la pizza en sous-vêtement?
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at you go 18
look at your hair 48
look at you two 82
look at you now 62
look at your hands 27
look at you guys 38
look at you all 18
look at yourselves 32
look at yourself 268
look at you go 18
look at your hair 48
look at you two 82
look at you now 62
look at your hands 27
look at you guys 38
look at you all 18
look at yourselves 32
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at that 4253
look at us 558
look at them 596
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at that 4253
look at us 558
look at them 596
look at it 733
look at my face 104