Looking around translate French
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He figured if you found any amount of money, you'd be satisfied. You'd stop looking around and just go home.
Il savait que quel que soit le montant, vous seriez contents, et vous arrêteriez de fouiller partout, et vous rentreriez chez vous.
# They've been looking around a lot #
# Ils ont beaucoup regardé autour d'eux #
Well, I was on my way out. And then I started looking around the hotel.
Et bien, j'étais en train de sortir et puis j'ai regardé autour de l'hôtel.
He kept looking around like he was hiding from someone.
Il regardait aux alentours, comme s'il se cachait de quelqu'un.
So I'm looking around Meadowlands and I'm thinking, it's like every day's a holiday here.
Donc je regardais sur Meadowlands et je me suis dit, c'est des vacances tout les jours ici.
Looking around that yard, I knew I was in trouble.
En observant cette cour, je savais que j'avais des ennuis.
I see it just looking around the room.
Je n'ai qu'à regarder autour de moi pour le savoir.
Look, there's a couple of officers from the presidio here looking around.
Il y a deux officiers d'état qui fouillent les environs.
Because as I'm looking around, I'm reminded that our victim was bound and gagged, clearly something you like to do.
Parce que je me rappelle que notre victime a été ligottée et baillonnée, ce qui est clairement ce que vous adorez faire.
Oh, Nick just got a call... and he's looking around.
Nick vient d'avoirun appel, et il regarde autour de lui.
And on the last one, I went in to do the voiceover narration and I was looking around for somebody the room was there and the mike was set up but there was nobody around.
Pour le dernier enregistrement, je suis arrivé et je cherchais les autres. La pièce était vide, le micro prêt, mais il n'y avait personne.
There were a lot of people on Blade Runner, looking around, watching you know, because it was taking a long time to shoot it, and it...
Il y avait du monde sur Blade Runner qui regardait, observait parce qu'on prenait du temps à filmer.
Just looking around.
On jette juste un oeil.
We been looking around here for hours following dead girl, - and now we're lost.
On cherche partout depuis des heures en suivant la morte, et maintenant, on est perdus.
In fact, I was thinking maybe it's time for me to start looking around.
Je pensais qu'il était peut-être temps que je commence à chercher ailleurs.
Do you think I should keep looking around?
Je devrais chercher ailleurs, ou...
I was looking around there earlier.
Je cherchais autour de moi, plus tôt.
All of the people in the outfield are all looking around and...
Sauf que les autres joueurs ne sont pas concentrés.
While you look around in cyberspace I need to be looking around at my new job that you, clever friend, are going to get me.
Cherche sur la toile. Moi, je dois chercher un boulot. Et toi qui es malin, tu vas m'arranger ça.
We was just looking around.
On faisait que regarder.
Because here you are sniffing around, looking for clues... and I was actually beginning to fall for you.
Parce que tu es là, à renifler partout, à chercher des indices et en réalité, j'étais en train de tomber amoureuse de toi.
I've been driving around all night looking for you.
J'ai conduit dans le quartier toute la nuit à ta recherche.
And they bomb around looking for very simple things in order to get to a goal.
Ils se promènent et cherchent des trucs.
Hers. And, um- - and so, you know, I was walking around kind of looking at our set.
Pas le mien, le sien.
You're looking to bring their world down around their ears.
Vous cherchez à faire tomber leur monde.
He's running around looking for a bathroom.
Il court à la recherche de toilettes.
I'm on the outside looking in, and this bitch is jerking you around.
Je peux être objectif, moi. Vu de l'extérieur, je te le dis cette salope te fait marcher.
- Excuse me? Do they drive around in the middle of the night looking for people to help?
Est-ce qu'ils circulent la nuit pour aider les gens?
She says she thinks I'm just playing around, I'm not looking for something serious.
Elle dit que je ne fais que m'amuser avec elle et qu'elle cherche du sérieux.
Flying high in the air Looking around
Elle regarda...
I guess you're about the best-looking gal We've seen around here in a long time.
Vous êtes la plus jolie fille qu'on ait pu voir par-ici. James Dean dans "Géant" 1956
I Was Snoopin'Around His Office Looking For Clues, And He Was Not Amused.
J'ai fouiné autour de son bureau à la recherche d'indices, et ça l'a pas fait rire.
I see why the organization wants an eye on you and had me go around looking for you.
Je comprends que l'Organisation te surveille.
You're looking a little rough around the edges.
Tu as l'air un peu abimé sur les bords.
Michael Deeley and Ridley were walking around and I was standing with Larry Paull like this, you know terrified and walking around looking at the drawings and as if we had left the room he looked at Michael and he said, "Well, you know it's never really all what you want, is it?"
Michael Deeley et Ridley faisaient le tour et j'attendais avec Larry Paull comme ça, terrifié, alors qu'il regardait les dessins, et comme si nous avions quitté la pièce, il a regardé Michael et a dit : "Tu sais, ce n'est jamais comme on veut."
Well, let's say we were looking for the death cap around here.
Bien, disons que nous cherchons des amanites, dans le coin.
Right, so we're looking for a suspect with a bullet hole up around his shoulder.
Exact, alors on recherche un suspect avec un trou de balle à l'épaule.
We drove around looking for Mom until sunrise.
Nous avons roulé à la recherche de maman jusqu'au lever du jour.
We drove around looking for her until we got a call from a hotel. Why did she take a room?
Vendredi soir j'ai assuré la 1 re garde à la fête.
I'm looking for any calls made in the area around 11 : 30 at night.
Je cherche les appels passés dans cette zone vers 23h30.
We've been circling around, looking for an ion correlater.
Pourquoi, t'as regardé dans un miroir? J'ai la tête qui tourne.
Your robber was moving his hand around, looking for specific safe deposit boxes in the dark.
Le voleur déplace ses mains, cherchant des coffres précis dans le noir.
We ran around looking for you.
Tu t'inquiètes de rien!
Bleeding around the heart could mean botched biopsy when Cole was looking for the...
L'hémorragie autour du coeur indique une biopsie bâclée quand Cole cherchait...
How can I move money around with the CIA looking over my shoulder?
Comment me faire de l'argent avec la CIA dans les pattes?
I remember when you used to run around looking like that.
Il n'y a pas si longtemps, tu étais comme elles.
It's bullshit, the whole thing. It's Kenneth Starr all over again except I'm running around looking for the blue dress.
C'est de la merde. sauf que c'est moi qui cours partout pour trouver la robe bleue.
Don't suppose he's got any relatives that's gonna come poking around looking for him.
Comme si personne dans sa famille n'allait s'enquérir de son sort.
You looking to just go hiking, or bopping around town, or...
C'est pour faire de la randonnée, pour marcher en ville ou...
- l've been here... I've been stomping around for 45 minutes looking for you.
- J'étais ici... Ça fait 45 minutes que je te cherche.
I'm looking for a male, brown hair, he's around this tall, sometimes seen with a hand up his ass.
Je cherche un homme aux cheveux bruns, grand comme ça, qui aime se faire sodomiser.
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
looking 1024
lookin 41
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
looking 1024
lookin 41
lookie 51
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looking forward to it 92
looking sharp 44
looking at you 61
looking guy 114
looking for something 96
looking for you 158
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looking forward to it 92
looking sharp 44
looking at you 61
looking guy 114
looking for something 96
looking for you 158