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Pick him up translate French

2,444 parallel translation
- Maybe we should pick him up some face wash too.
- On devrait peut-être lui prendre un savon pour le visage aussi.
So let's go pick him up.
Alors, on va l'arrêter?
And what time did you pick him up?
À quelle heure vous l'avez emmené?
You can come pick him up tomorrow morning anytime you like.
Tu peux passer le prendre demain matin, à l'heure que tu veux.
He knew exactly where to stand so that surveillance camera wouldn't pick him up.
Il savait où se placer pour que cette caméra ne le filme pas.
"Right now I just have to switch the tags " and pick him up and bring him to you in the room " and everything would be all right.
Pour l'instant, je dois changer les étiquettes, prendre l'autre bébé pour te l'apporter et tout ira bien.
Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar, that might be a clue.
Si tu l'as ramassé étalé dans un bar, c'est peut-être un indice.
We'll pick him up.
On va le coffrer.
- You can pick him up tomorrow. - Oh, okay.
Tu pourras le récupèrer demain.
He was waiting for someone to pick him up.
Il attendait quelqu'un qui devait le prendre.
Pick him up.
Didn't you want to pick him up - and play with him?
Tu voulais pas le prendre et jouer?
If this Sanskrit guy calls, I want a team on stand by to pick him up.
Si le type au sanskrit appelle, je veux qu'une équipe le cueille.
And have them pick him up.
Et qu'ils le ramasse.
So, come on, pick him up.
Allez, prends-le.
- She is with her boyfriend, I gave her the day off, Look Edith, we're trying to protect Joey here, if you tell us where he is and we'll pick him up.
je lui ai donné sa journée. on pourra l'arrêter sans que personne ne soit blessé.
I'm going down to pick him up.
Je fonce le récupérer.
- He's at soccer practice. And I have to pick him up in an hour.
- A l'entraînement de foot, je dois aller le chercher dans une heure.
Priya, you pick him up from the Airport.
Priya, tu peux aller le chercher à l'aéroport?
Paul's flight was cancelled, so he's stuck in LA and she's going to pick him up.
L'avion de Paul a été annulé, il est coincé à Los Angeles et elle part le chercher.
I'm gonna go and get Matt and pick him up early.
Maintenant, je vais aller chercher Matt. Je vais le prendre plus tôt.
Pick him up.
Prends-le dans tes bras.
You're late to pick him up.
Tu es en retard pour l'école.
I want you to go to London and pick him up.
Tu vas aller le chercher à Londres.
Did you pick him up today?
Tu es allé le chercher aujourd'hui?
Every time something happens in this godforsaken town, you have to pick him up?
À chaque délit dans ce trou, vous l'arrêtez?
Should I pick him up?
C'est lui, ma course?
Pick him up on Sunday at 1 : 00 and bring him back by 6 : 00.
Passe le prendre dimanche à 13 h, et ramène-le avant 18 h.
Want us to go pick him up?
On va le cueillir?
I'll pick him up tomorrow. Yes, I'll be on time.
Je passe le prendre demain Je serai à l ´ heure.
They pick him up on a couple bullshit assault charges.
Ils l'ont coincé pour des voies de fait bidon.
And, uh, they have an affiliate in Phoenix and they wanna come pick him up tomorrow.
Ils ont une antenne à Phoenix et ils veulent venir le chercher.
Pick him up.
So I'm gonna pick him up and take him home, okay?
Alors je vais passer le prendre et l'amener à la maison, OK?
He came by the school two weeks age to pick up a stack of letters the kids wrote to him for his trip.
Il est venu, il y a deux semaines pour prendre des lettres pour son voyage.
I need to know of any signals that you pick up that can lead us to him.
Je dois connaître tous les signaux qui peuvent nous mener à lui.
So all we have to do now is write a prescription and have him pick up the pills.
On n'a plus qu'à... faire une ordonnance et lui faire prendre ses cachets.
Pick up that poop. - You heard him, Brian.
Tu l'as entendu.
Chevy Cigs has got to pick them both up to make this a win for him.
Chevy Cigs doit les renverser toutes les deux pour obtenir la victoire.
If he doesn't show up in the next ten seconds I'm going to make his pick for him.
S'il se pointe pas dans les 10 secondes, je choisis à sa place.
I need you to pick up his labs, and I will get him whatever he needs as soon as I get bailed out.
- Récupère-les. Je le soignerai dès que je sortirai.
They had to pick him up. He didn't turn up for questioning.
Il ne s'est pas présenté.
- You get people to confess to murder all the time and you're telling me that, with these pictures in hand, you can't pick up the phone and call Ally's husband and ask him how she became so severely beaten?
- Des gens vous avouent des meurtres tout le temps, et vous me dites qu'avec ces photos, vous ne pouvez pas appeler le mari d'Ally pour lui demander comment elle a pu être si violemment frappée?
You'll go back to Leningrad for him and pick him up.
Tu iras le chercher à Leningrad.
Parking lot cam footage shows him leaving in a black Ford F-150.
La caméra de surveillance du parking le montre qui s'en va dans un pick-up noir.
Call Lenny. Tell him to come pick these up.
Dis-lui de venir prendre ça.
Oh, I have some dry-cleaning for him to pick-up.
Attendez, ses vêtements sont prêts.
I was talking to a guy by his grill, and I'm not gonna lie to you, the thought flashed through my head while I was talking to him to reach behind him, pick up a hot dog
J'ai parlà © à un type prà ¨ s de son barbecue, et je ne vais pas vous cacher que l'idà © e m'a traversà © l'esprit pendant que je lui parlais, de prendre un hot-dog
I want you to call Mr. Browman, take charge... and call him and ask him to pick you up and get off my goddamn island, now.!
Voulez vous appeler M. Browman, vous appliquez Et sortir de ma putain île maintenant!
So defenders really have to try to be physical with him and they frequently pick up fouls.
Les défenseurs doivent donc être très physiques avec lui, et font des fautes régulièrement.
I need you to assemble a team, pick up an Elaine Al-Zacar from East 117th and take her to him.
J'ai besoin de vous pour rassembler une équipe, récupérer une Elaine Al-Zacar sur la 117e Est et lui amener.

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