Probably nothing translate French
762 parallel translation
Probably nothing of the sort, but, well, there you are.
Probablement pas, mais enfin, vous, vous êtes ici.
Probably nothing.
Peut-etre rien.
It's a chronic condition and probably nothing serious. But I'd feel better if he went down to Johns Hopkins and had a thorough going-over.
C'est chronique et sûrement rien de sérieux, mais je préférerais qu'il aille à Johns Hopkins se faire examiner minutieusement.
No, it's probably nothing.
Non, ce n'est sans doute rien.
- Probably nothing, just my nerves.
Je suis sur les nerfs.
It's probably nothing'. It's just the kid in there.
Vaut mieux les nausées que les envies, ça coûte moins cher.
Well, it's probably nothing important at all.
- Sûrement pas.
Probably nothing to worry about.
Ce n'est sans doute rien du tout.
Do you know what I gained when I came to Paris? - Probably nothing.
Tu sais ce que j'ai gagné en venant à Paris?
Probably nothing, but we're not going in there... until I'm sure it's safe.
Probablement rien, mais on n'entre pas... avant de vérifier.
It's probably nothing.
Ce n'est sans doute rien.
Hard to tell. Probably nothing.
Difficile à dire.
There's probably nothing to it but we have had reports of paratrooper landings.
Pas de quoi s'inquiéter... mais on nous a signalé l'arrivée de parachutistes.
Probably nothing more than a simple bronze plaque... but the French have indicated they'd be willing... to declare Charlie's grave a French national shrine.
Je veux dire une simple plaque de bronze. Les Français ont l'intention d'en faire un tombeau national.
It's probably nothing serious.
Ce n'est probablement rien de grave.
It's probably nothing serious. You know how Judy worries.
C'est sûrement rien de sérieux, mais Judy s'inquiète.
I don't know, but probably nothing good.
Je ne sais pas, mais sans doute rien de bon.
It is probably nothing
Ca ne doit pas être grave
Some delay in meeting us, probably nothing.
Le docteur a juste un peu de retard.
It's probably nothing serious.
Ce n'est probablement rien.
Probably nothing.
- Rien, sans doute...
It's probably nothing at all, but you never know.
Ce n'est probablement rien du tout, mais sait-on jamais...
His farm probably ain't nothing like as big as he said in his letter.
Sa ferme n'est sûrement pas aussi grosse qu'il le dit.
Probably they've got nothing on.
Ils doivent être très brillants!
And probably a good-for-nothing, unemployed husband.
Et un vaurien sans emploi pour mari.
We've known all along that we're probably the most good-for-nothing bunch of kids who were ever raised, but it didn't bother us much until we found out that Pop knew it too.
Nous savions que nous étions des minables. Ça ne nous gênait pas, jusqu'à ce que papa le sache.
Nothing serious, probably, but I want to investigate quietly for 30 days.
Rien de bien grave, certainement, mais mieux vaut laisser passer 30 jours.
"Speak to me." About nothing, probably.
- Me parler pour ne rien dire, naturellement!
If you're willing to put the strain on your people, probably for nothing.
Si vous tenez à mettre la pression sur vos hommes pour rien.
Nothing, probably.
Ce n'est sûrement rien.
It's nothing like that. They'll probably ask you some questions about last night.
Ils te poseront des questions sur la nuit dernière.
You probably wouldn't make something out of nothing just to be important. Mister, what are we here for?
Je suis sûr que vous ne cherchez pas à vous faire valoir.
Probably nothing would have happened had it not been for those jewels... lf only they weren't the ones he gave me for our wedding.
- Il me les a donnés au lendemain de notre mariage.
Probably it's not your fault. You had mediocre directors, unsuitable stories, you learned nothing.
Ce n'est sûrement pas votre faute, mais vous avez joué dans des films médiocres et vous n'avez rien appris.
Probably nothing.
Sans doute rien.
Probably just a routine operation, nothing to do with our boys at all.
Sûrement un exercice. Rien à voir avec nous.
It'll probably come to nothing.
Probablement pas.
He probably thought nothing would ever become of us
Il a dû penser qu'on n'avait plus rien à faire ensemble.
Probably because you're a good for nothing.
Sans doute parce que tu es un bon à rien.
If I waited ten days, I could get your theatre for nothing and probably your house as well. That's frankness.
Dans 10 jours, votre spectacle sera à qui veut bien le prendre.
If it hadn't been for Clarence, that's the old man, starting the sawmill, there'd probably be nothing but trees where I'm standing right now.
S'il n'y avait pas eu Clarence, c'est le vieil homme, au départ de la scierie, il n'y aurait rien d'autre que des arbres là où nous sommes.
It's nothing, probably a cat.
Rien, un chat.
He probably already 100 years. Long about it had heard nothing.
Il y a une paye que j'ai pas eu de ses nouvelles.
It can create something out of nothing... and that's probably what happened.
Ça peut créer quelque chose à partir de rien du tout. Et c'est peut-être ce qui s'est passé.
Nothing, probably.
Rien du tout, sans doute.
He probably did, but nothing he ever fixes stays fixed.
Et tu sais, ses réparations...
I don't know how many fans you have. You probably got millions, but ain't nothing, nobody who's more faithful than I am.
Vous devez avoir des milliers d'admirateurs, mais pas d'aussi fervent que moi.
Well, it's probably nothing important.
- Ce n'est sans doute rien.
Probably not, unless you want to work for nothing.
Sûrement pas à moins que vous ne vouliez travailler pour rien.
Men of College, now, you chaps are probably thinking... there's nothing much an old soldier like me can teach you.
Chers élèves, vous pensez... qu'un vieux soldat n'a rien à vous apprendre.
Nothing, he is probably a mythomaniac.
Rien, probablement un mythomane.
nothing 25771
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
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nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
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nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
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nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
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nothing to worry about 339
nothing's changed 230
nothing happens 85
nothing has changed 127
nothing fancy 88
nothing will happen 77
nothing so far 85
nothing serious 268
nothing like that 311
nothing here 109
nothing's changed 230
nothing happens 85
nothing has changed 127
nothing fancy 88
nothing will happen 77
nothing so far 85
nothing serious 268
nothing like that 311
nothing here 109