Six of one translate French
755 parallel translation
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
Of the other six, Only one has a structure large enough to get that stolen helicopter Out of view and under construction.
Des 6 autres seul un a une structure assez large pour garder l'hélico volé hors de vue, sous un bâtiment.
Makes possession of one punishable by a six-month jail sentence.
En posséder un est passible de six mois de prison.
Why, that's one of the six brave lads that Flint killed and laid their bones right in a line with the treasure.
C'est un des six hommes que Flint a tués et il a disposé leurs os en ligne droite jusqu'au trésor.
When you were about six... the day your school books fell out of your hand? They fell on one of the kittens.
Ie jour où tes livres sont tombés sur un chaton.
You get one out of six for taking care of them. Oh!
Tu prends soin de six, tu en reçois un.
But would you have me marry a man who boasts only of his fine bottom lands, his three horses, six cows, 10 pigs, and treats me like one of his livestock?
Veux-tu vraiment que j'épouse un homme pour ses terres fertiles de ses chevaux, ses vaches et ses cochons, et qui me traite comme du bétail?
One thousand six hundred and nineteen head of prime Texas steer.
1619 têtes du meilleur bétail du Texas!
You know, if you told anybody we'd been living like this just down the hall for six months, neither one of us ever given the other one a thought,
Si on disait à quiconque que nous vivons comme ça en nous croisant dans l'entrée depuis six mois, sans qu'aucun de nous n'accorde une seule pensée à l'autre,
6 candles... one for each decade of a wonderful life.
Six bougies, une par décennie d'une vie merveilleuse.
Most of the Elliotts we checked on are older men... but the one that comes nearest the description you gave me... is 28 years old, six feet tall, black hair and, uh —
La plupart des Elliott que nous avons trouvés sont des hommes plus âgés... mais celui qui s'approche le plus de la description que vous m'avez donnée... a 28 ans, mesure 1 m 80, a les cheveux noirs et —
I'm happy that he didn't stay here a week. Otherwise he would have ruined six performances instead of one.
Heureusement qu'il s'en va, il aurait tout saboté!
J'ai une couturière qui a fait cette robe en six semaines avec ce nouvel accessoire de machine à coudre.
But the murderer had to be one of you.
Et pourtant l'assassin était un de vous six.
Six little Indian boys playing with a hive a bumblebee stung one of them and then there were five.
"Six petits Indiens jouèrent avec une ruche. " Un bourdon piqua l'un d'eux, il n'en resta que cinq.
But in a fog like the one that's coming up, your fiance won't see any better with six pairs of spectacles than with one.
Mais avec un tel brouillard, il ne verrait pas mieux même avec six paires de lunettes.
When one makes this Spell he reverently stands and clenches his teeth thirty-six times. Then, with the thumb of his right hand he draws five vertical lines, four horizontal ones and then shouts :
Lorsqu'on les prononce, il faut se lever solennellement, faire claquer ses dents 36 fois, dessiner du pouce droit quatre lignes verticales et cinq horizontales.
De Cantel is one of the oldest and noblest names in France. I've been told that the family has completely died out and since no protest has yet been entered, one may assume that in six months more the name will be legally mine.
Une des plus nobles familles de France, et dont la lignée est complètement éteinte, et dans 6 mois, je porterai leur nom.
You don't seriously mean to pick up your option? Three million dollars on stock that has a market value of one million, six.
Vous ne pensiez pas sérieusement récupérer... vos options alors que le marché s'arrête à 1,6 million
- A thousand men go searching for gold. After six months one of them's lucky. One out of the thousand.
- Sur 1 000 gus qui cherchent, au bout de 6 mois, y a un veinard.
But the major-domo then takes $ 3 from each one of us for himself and $ 6 for our meals.
Mais le mayordomo prend trois dollars pour lui et six dollars pour nos repas.
You only completed one out of every six you threw.
Tu n'as complété qu'une passe sur 6.
One of them contained six bottles of whisky.
Elles contenaient six bouteilles de whisky.
Take any six of them, my wife included throw them up in the air. The one who sticks to the ceiling, I like.
Prenez-en six, n'importe lesquelles, y compris ma femme, jetez-les en l'air, celle qui reste collée au plafond sera la bonne.
One punch, six pushes, two kicks, lots of hollerin', no decision.
Un coup, six impacts, deux ruades, des cris et match nul.
World's champion swimmer, holder of records from one hundredyards to twenty-six miles.
Championne du monde de natation, détentrice des records depuis le 100 mètres jusqu'aux 40 km, voici Mlle Annette Kellerman.
Six cans of "c" rations. One coffee pot.
6 boîtes de rations C. Une cafetière.
In those six miles there's probably thousand of guys and every one of them was taught to shoot at uniforms like this.
Dans ces six milles il y a au moins des milliers de gars et chacun est entraîné pour tirer sur des uniformes comme ceux-là!
No one who knows about it except the six of us here, my wife and daughter.
Personne n'est au courant sauf nous six, ma femme et ma fille.
Six months or so ago, I fell in love with one of'em
Depuis six mois, j'aime l'une d'elles.
Just about time for one of his miracles.
Six heures du matin... L'heure où il accomplit des miracles.
Each one of those six boxes contains half a million dollars in gold.
Chacun de ces coffres contient 500000 dollars en or.
I know working one of these clubs you hear this all the time but I haven't talked to a woman for almost six months.
Je sais qu'on doit constamment vous demander ça au Foyer... mais je n'ai pas parlé à une femme depuis six mois.
He's had three pounds of my best pippins. Let's see, that's one in six... he's at it again.
Il m'a bouffe 3 livres de reinettes.
One minor concussion, two cases of the common cold... and six canceled appointments.
Une commotion mineure, deux cas de grippe, et six rendez-vous annulés.
Fourteen thousand, one hundred and sixty-five shares... certainly not enough to win out over our total of... one million, six hundred thousand.
Quatorze mille 165 voix... Certainement pas assez pour contrer le total de.. Un million, 600 mille.
Six years out of 10 I been in one can or another.
Sur dix ans, j'en ai passé 6 au trou.
If six Chinamen get off a train at Las Vegas, and two of them are found floating facedown in a goldfish bowl their only identification, two telephone numbers one, Plaza 0-0000 and the other, Columbus 0-1492 what time did the train get to Palm Springs?
Mais il y a un piège. 6 hommes descendent du train á Las Vegas. On en retrouve deux flottant entre deux eaux dans un aquarium.
Butler was the one who told me - six months ago, the day my wife was murdered - that the four of you, you came straight from my ranch past his place.
C'est Butler qui m'a dit il y a six mois, quand ma femme a été assassinée, que vous étiez tous les quatre passés devant chez lui en venant de mon ranch.
But it seems as if six centuries passed before a rescue ship arrived... For today, of all my crew, Edward carruthers of the United States space command, am the only one alive.
Mais il aurait pu se passer six siècles avant l'arrivée du vaisseau de secours car aujourd'hui, de tout mon équipage c'est moi, Edward Carruthers, colonel de la flotte spatiale américaine, qui seul ai survécu.
If you was the first skipper of the "Sea Tiger"... And you was the one that had to give the order to send her to the junkyard at nine this AM... What would you be doing at six?
Comme premier commandant du "Sea Tiger", si tu devais l'envoyer à la ferraille à 9 heures, qu'est-ce que tu ferais à 6 heures?
Is he one of them?
Fabrizio. C'est l'un des six.
Look at that. Make half a dozen, six, seven sandwiches out of one measly piece of bread.
Maintenant, ils vous font une douzaine de sandwichs avec une minable tranche de pain!
And my mama tied me up with a length of clothesline and said, " I'm gonna keep you this way until you learn one thing :
Je suis allé à la banque. J'ai retiré tout mon argent. Six cent cinquante dollars.
I can't unteach her six years of pity if you can't stand up to one tantrum.
Je ne peux pas dezvãþ mille ans, sauf si rezistaþi ses caprices.
Why, there's one, two... three, four, five, six of'em.
Un, deux... Il y en a six.
A mob of six million people, and every one of them a stranger.
Six millions d'habitants et tous des inconnus.
Your very sensitive girl guzzled her way through six cases of Scotch... and slugged two studio cops. Not to mention one or two other less savory items of publicity... before we got that so-called epic in the can.
Cette fille sensible a descendu six caisses de scotch et frappé deux policiers du studio, pour ne pas parler du reste, le temps qu'on ait bouclé ce navet.
I'd like to meet the joker who makes them line up in bunches of six then not another one for half an hour.
Les guérisseurs?
Which one of you two's coming out of my house at six in the morning?
Lequel de vous deux sort de chez moi à 6 h du matin?
Well, one minute the music will be just as sweet as honey-drip, and as soon as you figured you were catching on to the tune of it, it would skedaddle six ways to Sunday and become solemn with holiness.
À un moment, la musique est douce comme un rayon de miel, et dès qu'on croit suivre le rythme, elle s'endimanche et devient solennelle.
six of them 17
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more day 57
one more chance 34
one more hour 17
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more minute 37
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one more day 57
one more chance 34
one more hour 17
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more minute 37
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one game 29
one point 33
one week 142
one and two 35
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one game 29
one point 33
one week 142