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Super cool translate French

3,374 parallel translation
And I just wanna say, well, I... I just think it's so darn cool that, you know, you're as close to them as you are.
Et je voudrais juste dire, je... je pense que c'est super cool que, tu sais, tu sois aussi proche d'eux.
This was super cool of you, dad.
C'était super cool de ta part, papa.
Well, I'm a super cool dad.
Bien, je suis un super papa cool.
Okay, normally, that would sound super fun...
Okay, en temps normal, ça aurait pu être super cool...
That is very cool.
C'est super cool.
He's gonna support my motion at the city council meeting tomorrow, and he gave me a really cool dental mirror to check out my molars.
Il va soutenir ma motion à la réunion de demain pour le conseil municipal, et il m'a donné un miroir à bouche super cool pour vérifier mes molaires.
'Cause it's really cool.
C'est super cool. USA!
Luckily, this super cool campus cop got us out.
Heureusement, un policier du campus super cool nous a aidés à sortir.
He seems super-cool.
Il a l'air super cool.
Luckily, dreadlocks are super cool, and I can pull them off.
Heureusement, les dreadlocks sont très cool, et je peux les enlever.
Your dad is gonna be overseeing the construction of a super-cool, huge building in west Berkeley.
Ton père va superviser la construction d'un énorme super cool immeuble dans Berkeley ouest.
I know I looked super cool on the outside, but on the inside, I was terrified.
Je sais bien que j'avais l'air super cool vu de l'extérieur mais à l'intérieur, j'étais terrifié.
Sophia wanted to talk to a super cool boyfriend to find out what a good adult relationship should look like.
Sophia voulait parler à un petit ami super cool pour comprendre ce à quoi ressemble une bonne relation adulte.
You're a pretty cool guy.
T'es vraiment un mec super cool.
Totally rad.
Super cool.
Isn't this, like, the coolest?
Ce n'est pas un endroit super cool?
- Like you're so cool.
Tu te crois super cool.
Ace cool, huh?
Super cool, non?
Super cool. Yeah.
Cool, c'est le mot.
That's pretty cool.
C'est super cool.
His organization is super cool.
Son organisation est géniale.
It looks cool doing it.
C'est super cool.
Look, this is... this is really, really weird, Mm-hmm. But the four of us had a lot of history between us, so I just want to say... it's cool you came to see our show.
Bon, c'est super bizarre, mais tous les quatre, on a un passé, alors, je voulais dire... merci d'être là.
That was so freakin'cool.
C'était super génial.
Oh, great. Good to see you!
ah super, c'est cool de te voir!
Cool, awesome.
Cool, super.
Cool car!
Super caisse!
Oh, cool.
Oh, cool. Two spots opened up.
Super, deux places se sont libérées.
Cool place.
Super endroit.
Here's one that gives you a cool'70s moustache.
Y'en a un qui te fais des super moustaches des années 70.
Hey, you know, it was really cool meeting you the other night.
Tu sais, c'était super de te voir.
That would be so cool.
- Ça serait super.
Change everything about ourselves until we are super-cool. Step one : The end.
Étape une : changez tout en nous jusqu'à ce que nous soyons super-cool.
" See my cool cupcake shop?
Tu vois ma super boutique de cupcakes?
Nuna, you are indeed a very cool person.
Nuna, tu es vraiment super.
The other schools have such cool-looking uniforms.
Les autres écoles ont toutes des uniformes super classe!
Look at these cool costumes!
Super costumes!
And, well, Elka, I had this really cool, really fun idea that I thought you would love.
Tu vois, Elka, j'ai eu une super idée etje pense que tu l'aimeras.
- Cool. - Yep.
- Super.
Cool band.
Super, le groupe.
- You said this was going to be cool!
- Tu as dit que ce serait super!
Oh, cool title.
Oh, super titre.
There's this awesome record store on Main and Ivy. You would love it. It's so cool.
Y avait une super boutique de disques avant, t'aurais adorer, c'était trop cool!
- I'm cool.
With gadgets and weapons and cool cars. The whole deal.
Gadgets, armes, super voitures, la totale!
Very cool.
C'est super.
Cool. Let's do something fun.
Super, faisons un truc sympa.
- Cool.
- Super.
It's so cool.
C'est super.

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