They all died translate French
385 parallel translation
They all died except Sam
Ils sont tous morts, sauf Sam.
The Spanish had 4,000 native bearers with them from the highlands, but they all died by the time they reached the plains.
Les Espagnols ont eu 4.000 porteurs indigènes avec eux dans les montagnes, mais ils sont tous morts avant qu'ils n ´ aient atteint les plaines.
It seems that they all died... without being disgraceful.
Il semble qu'ils sont tous morts.. sans aucune disgrâce.
They all died of an illness.
Ils crevaient tous d'une maladie.
I used to hide in the forest and tried to raise baby animals, but they all died.
Je partais dans la forêt, je cherchais des petits animaux pour les élever, mais ils mouraient tous.
They all died a few minutes after the peak of our radar tests, right after our atomic plant was operating under full power.
Ils sont morts quelques minutes après l'apogée de nos tests radar, pendant que la puissance atomique était à son maximum.
They all died.
- Ils sont morts.
Well, that's how I was billed in my folks'circus. When they had a circus, before they all died off of the smallpox.
J'ai débuté chez mes parents... quand ils avaient un cirque.
And the turnaround down in the spring, when the crick dried up and they all died!
Et quand la rivière s'est asséchée, tous ces cadavres de bêtes.
They all died at the same moment.
Ils sont tous morts en même temps.
They all died when Orb left the sky and the great cold was on the ground.
Ils sont tous morts quand Orb a quitté le ciel et que le grand froid est venu sur la terre.
I'm sure they all died thinking of you...
Je suis sûr qu'ils sont morts en pensant à toi...
They all died happy. They were praying.
Ils sont tous morts heureux, priant dans la joie.
They all died fighting the Army.
Quatre expéditions ont été décimées ici.
After Melissa's deadly accident... they all died in this Villa by Melissa's hatred.
Après l'accident de Melissa... ils sont tous morts, ici, victimes de sa haine.
Probably an accident, a landing that went wrong and they all died.
Ils ont manqué l'atterrissage et ils ont tous péri.
They all died.
Ils sont tous morts.
They all died on me.
Ils sont tous morts.
Too late, they all died.
Trop tard, ils sont tous morts.
Bones, can you tell me what they all died of?
Bones, pouvez-vous déterminer la cause de leur mort?
And they all died by your hands.
Et ils périrent tous de tes mains.
If you say they all died mysteriously, I'll bloody kill you.
Si vous me dites une mort mystérieuse, je vous tue.
Many failed to... even make it through the first one. They all died.
Par le passé, de nombreux braves n'ont même pas franchi le premier.
And you said they all died.
Vous avez dit qu'ils étaient tous morts.
They all died within a few months, eight years ago.
Ils sont tous morts il y a huit ans.
What? They all died?
Avec Maître Zhuo, les trois sont morts?
They all died but one, and she died later on.
Une seule survécut... pour mourir plus tard.
Since I was seen in the area the night my wife died and I have a police record, and all that, they'd pin it on me for sure.
Je sors d'en faire 5 ans, alors je sors d'en prendre, hein! Alors je me suis dit : " Si jamais on te voit,
Was all right till my mother died buti was only a poor relation, you know and they treated me worse than they dared treat a hired girl.
Avant la mort de ma mère, ça allait mais après... Ils me traitaient plus mal que si j'avais été embauchée.
The kitten who died when I was six, and my great-aunt Matilde... and all those twisted newspaper stories you read about my romances... and why they weren't romances.
Le chaton mort quand j'avais six ans, ma grand-tante Matilde, et tous ces articles mensongers sur mes histoires d'amour qui n'en étaient pas.
All those who, in the past, dug here for gold died without knowing they had uncovered something of far greater value.
Tous ceux qui, par le passé, ont creusé ici pour trouver de l'or sont morts sans savoir qu'ils avaient découvert quelque chose de bien plus précieux.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before? Before my father died?
Alors, parce qu'il vient ici et qu'on les voit ensemble, on se permet de dire qu'elle l'aimait avant la mort de Père?
I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
Mes violettes sont fanées. Mon père est mort.
- No, they've all died strange deaths.
- Des morts bizarres.
They were all running around, bullets flying through the air, so they reckon that he probably died there.
Ce soldat, il a couru au beau milieu des tirs croisés. Peut-être, on dit qu'il a dû mourir.
Seeing her die just now... They died all over again.
La voir mourir, il y a un instant, ça a été comme de les voir tous mourir de nouveau.
- Gee whiz, Pop. Don't you remember after Mama died how they started all that stuff about you can't take care of me, and all?
Tu te souviens pas, après la mort de maman, quand ils ont dit que tu pouvais pas t'occuper de moi et tout ça?
- They've all died.
- Elles sont toutes mortes.
They're from Roviano family, all died in violent deaths...
Les Roviano décédés de mort violente.
Unless they've all died and we're the only survivors.
A moins qu'ils soient tous morts sauf nous.
But that is all that concerns us. How like a woman. Aren't you even interested to know what it was they died for, how they died?
Ca ne t'intéresse pas de savoir pourquoi et comment ils sont morts?
They would have eaten all of their food before they died.
Ils auront mangé tous leurs vivres avant de mourir.
I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
J'aurais voulu vous donner des violettes mais elles se sont toutes fanées quand mon père est mort.
They died on the seven seas, all of them.
Ils sont tous morts sur les sept mers.
All the townspeople died, because they had no weapons to defend themselves.
La population a été décimée. Elle était sans armes.
They came all that way and died.
Ils ont fait tout ce chemin pour mourir.
They all three died by their own hands.
Ils sont morts tous les trois de leur propre main.
Two, all the men have been residents of Peckham... and third, they've all died apparently... I'd like to stress the word "apparently"... by over-exhaustion in the act of sexual intercourse.
Deux, tous les hommes habitaient Peckham et trois, tous sont apparemment morts, et je dis bien "apparemment", d'épuisement au cours d'un rapport sexuel.
♪ So they'll all talk about us when we've died ♪ ♪
Pour qu'on parle de nous une fois morts
So, if all the birds and the beasts died tomorrow, and the world became a desert, when people heard my music they would still know, feel what nature was.
Si tous les oiseaux et les animaux mourraient demain, si le monde devenait un désert, des gens entendant ma musique pourraient encore savoir et sentir ce qu'était la nature.
Many of the prisoners were given no food at all until they died of starvation.
Beaucoup ne recevaient rien à manger, et mouraient de faim.
they all are 95
they all look alike 19
they all do 71
they all look the same 38
they all did 35
they all say that 30
they all were 22
they all die 24
they all 24
died 275
they all look alike 19
they all do 71
they all look the same 38
they all did 35
they all say that 30
they all were 22
they all die 24
they all 24
died 275
died in 24
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they come 53
they have 241
they are cute 16
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they come 53
they have 241
they are cute 16
they said 545
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they don't like me 19
they told me 111
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
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they don't like me 19
they told me 111