They know each other translate French
615 parallel translation
- did they know each other?
- ils se connaissaient?
They know each other well.
Ils se connaissent bien.
Aside from the weirdo and the nymphomaniac, they barely know each other
À part l'hermaphrodite puis la nymphomane, ils se connaissent à peine.
They get to know each other.
Puis ils tissent des liens.
You know, if some people saw us like this, they might think that we were... that we liked each other.
Si quelqu'un nous voyait... il pourrait penser... qu'on s'aime bien.
I don't know, except they can't live without each other.
Pourquoi? Peut-être ne peuvent-elles pas vivre séparées.
Well, you know, I think when people dance well together it's because they're sympathetic to each other.
Je pense que quand deux personnes dansent bien ensemble, c'est parce qu'elles éprouvent une sympathie réciproque.
I don't know how they live with each other!
On se demande comment ils peuvent vivre ensemble.
Now, it's perfectly all right for a couple of strangers to get married, But they've got to know each other before they get a divorce.
Il est possible que deux parfaits inconnus se marient, mais ils doivent tous les deux savoir pourquoi ils veulent divorcer.
It's all right for strangers to get married, But people really should know each other before they get...
C'est normal pour des inconnus de se marier, mais les gens doivent se connaître avant de...
You know, they use them to signal each other.
Elles les utilisent comme un signal pour se retrouver.
But the general idea is that they try to get us all confused and scared and sore at each other and then before you know it, clamp, the handcuffs are on us.
Ils sèment la confusion dans les esprits, ils nous font peur et nous divisent. Et tout à coup, on se retrouve avec des chaînes.
Why, Edie, they did know each other in Australia.
- Ils se connaissaient donc en Australie.
But they don't even know each other, do they, or more than casually?
Mais ils ne se connaissent même pas, ou à peine.
I wonder if they'll ever meet and know each other.
Je me demande s'ils se connaîtront un jour.
What is it that makes a man and woman know it or the men and women in the world they belong to each other?
Qu'est-ce qui fait qu'un homme et une femme savent que parmi tous les autres, ils sont faits pour être ensemble?
The rich dislike the poor. The poor dislike the rich. It's because they don't know each other.
Le riche n'aime pas le pauvre Ie pauvre n'aime pas le riche parce qu'ils ne se connaissent pas.
They don't even know each other, but they share the same room. It's cheaper that way.
Ils partagent un toit, sans se connaître, c'est moins cher.
But they never really got to know each other.
Mais ils n'apprirent pas à se connaître.
Walter has never seen him before But when the fight is over They will know a lot about each other
Walter ne l'a jamais vus auparavant mais quand le combat seras terminé ils en sauront beaucoup l'un sur l'autre.
When that baby is born, they'll know that you and I were seeing each other long before the killing.
Est-ce que je dois te faire un dessin?
They're playing it like they don't know each other, but it's an old act any cop could spot, so I listened.
Ils prétendent ne pas se connaître, mais j'ai ouvert grand les oreilles.
- Did they seem to know each other?
Ils se connaissent?
Well, ma'am, when two people, down deep in their hearts, know they really hate each other, that's the only thing that matters.
Quand deux personnes savent qu'elles se détestent, ça suffit.
It can also happen like this - two people meet each other and right away they know. I love you, Milly.
Mais deux personnes peuvent se rencontrer et tout de suite savoir... qu'ils sont fait l'un pour l'autre.
It is inhabited by beings that seem to be intelligent, but they do not know what they want and enjoy destroying each other.
Il est habité par des êtres qui semblent être intelligents, mais ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils veulent et adorent se détruire entre eux.
I don't know, but they ought to invent a way that you don't have children..... unless you care for each other, cos kids know the difference.
Je ne sais pas mais ils devraient faire en sorte qu'on ne puisse pas avoir d'enfants sauf si on s'aime, car les enfants voient la différence.
But they had pretended not to know each other.
Ils avaient fait semblant de ne pas se connaître.
You know, the problem is, they usually marry each other, which naturally causes a great deal... The elopement of Jocelyn Jordan, daughter of Senator Thomas Jordan, and Korean war hero Raymond Shaw, stepson of Senator John Iselin.
Le hic, c'est qu'en général ils s'épousent, ce qui cause la fuite de Jocelyn Jordan, fille du sénateur Thomas Jordan et du héros de Corée et beau-fils du sénateur John Iselin, Raymond Shaw.
Two people shouldn't know each other too well if they want to fall in love.
A-t-on besoin de se conna? tre pour s'aimer?
They didn't know each other at all.
Ils ne se connaissaient pas.
I'm sure you all know the story of the two Englishmen cast away on a desert island who never spoke to each other, because they hadn't been introduced.
Vous connaissez certainement l'histoire de ces deux Anglais sur une île déserte qui ne se parlaient jamais parce qu'on ne les avait pas présentés.
Contact is made only in writing. That's why we don't know our adversaries. Because, in point of fact, they don't know each other.
Les contacts se font uniquement par écrit, voilà pourquoi nous ne connaissons pas nos adversaires, parce que en réalité ils ne se connaissent pas entre eux.
I know the Arab leaders hate each other more than they hate you.
Les Arabes se détestent encore plus entre eux.
If you must know, they're still crazy about each other.
Ils sont encore fous l'un de l'autre.
- Do they know about each other?
- Elles se connaissent?
In the course of the centuries, they`ll learn to know each other better... just as we shall.
Et au cours des siècles ils apprendront à mieux se connaître, tout comme nous...
And if they know what lies in store for them... and they still want each other enough to accept it... I think it's plain as anything that they love each other very much.
Et s'ils savent ce qui les attend, et que malgré tout... ils se désirent suffisamment l'un l'autre pour l'accepter... je pense qu'il est parfaitement clair, qu'ils s'aiment beaucoup.
But now I know how they feel about each other.
Mais maintenant, je sais ce qu'ils ressentent l'un pour l'autre.
Let's leave these two alone, so they have time to get to know each other.
Laissons-les en tete-a-tete. Qu'ils fassent connaissance.
Boss, you know the way they feel about each other.
Patron, vous connaissez leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre.
- You mean, they don't know each other?
- Ils ne se connaissent pas?
It's been my experience that the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.
Les préjudices qu'on nourrit à l'égard des autres disparaissent une fois qu'on se connaît mieux.
"I think MurieI and Claude... have some feeling for each other... but they don't know it yet."
"Je crois que muriel et Claude " ont peut-être déjà un sentiment l'un pour l'autre, mais qu'iIs ne Ie savent pas encore. "
Once they get to know each other, they fall in love, then they make love. Foreplay!
Après, on devient amoureux et on fait l'amour.
As I've written you, Frank Burns and Hot Lips have been an item over here... ever since they both laid their beady little eyes on each other. They think no one's wise, but the only one over here... who doesn't know about their romance is General MacArthur's pipe stuffer.
Elle semble calme et détachée, mais son petit cœur de GI bat la chamade car elle sent la présence de son partenaire habituel, une soupe au lait de première.
They didn't even know each other.
Ils ne se connaissaient même pas.
Mr. Green, you know, my mama saved her life. They used to live next door to each other. My mama put out the flames.
Mr Green, vous savez que ma mère lui a sauvé la vie, elles habitaient des appartements contigus, ma mère a éteint les flammes
In Hong Kong they all know each other.
A Hong-Kong, tout le monde nous connaît.
But no, I found out they barely know each other.
Or, pas du tout. Ils se connaissent à peine.
- They don't even know each other.
- mais ils ne se connaissent même pas.
they know nothing 26
they know 270
they know everything 44
they know me 35
they know what they're doing 42
they know we're here 46
they know it 24
they know that 44
they know you 16
each other 54
they know 270
they know everything 44
they know me 35
they know what they're doing 42
they know we're here 46
they know it 24
they know that 44
they know you 16
each other 54
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they told me 111
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
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they did 777
they told me 111