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Throw him out translate French

521 parallel translation
- Throw him out.
- Sortez-le.
Don't throw him out.
Ne le jette pas dehors.
I said, don't throw him out.
- Le jette pas dehors.
Throw him out, somebody.!
Que quelqu'un le jette dehors!
Throw him out.!
Jetez-le dehors!
And throw him out. - Wait a minute.
Jetez-le dehors.
- Throw him out. Throw him out.
Jetez-le dehors!
- Not until I throw him out.
- Pas avant que je l'aie jeté dehors.
- I'm gonna throw him out.
- Je vais le jeter dehors.
We may need your help to throw him out.
II faudra l'expulser.
Throw him out!
Jetez-les dehors!
( IN DEEP VOICE ) Want me to throw him out?
Tu veux que je le sorte de là?
Throw him out.
Tom, sors-le.
All right, Lee. Throw him out.
- Bon, Lee, sors-le.
- No, just throw him out in the street.
Non, jetez-le simplement dehors.
Throw him out.
Faites-le sortir.
Oh, throw him out.
Faites-le sortir.
Don't throw him out, shoot him down.
Ne le renvoyez pas, abattez-le.
- Throw him out!
- Dehors!
He was here once before, and I told the boss about it, and the boss said if he comes back, to throw him out.
Il est déjà passé, je l'ai dit au patron qui m'a dit de le virer s'il revenait.
Throw him out. We need to keep this thing smart. Tell these monkeys if they sit on their hands, I'll chop them off.
Dis-leur d'applaudir ou ils se retrouveront manchots.
Throw him out!
- Mettez-le dehors.
Go on. Throw him out on the street.
Jetez-le à la rue, les gars.
- Throw him out.
- Virez-le.
You can't throw him out.
Ne le chassez pas!
- Throw him out.
- Sortez-le!
But I wonder you didn't throw him out there and then.
Vous auriez dû le faire tout de suite.
- Throw him out, Delaney.
- Virez-les!
Why don't you throw him out? We don't hit a batter like that.
Faites-le sortir, on ne frappe pas les gens comme ça.
- Shall I tell them to throw him out? - No, I'll see him.
- On le met à la porte?
You'd think they'd throw him out of the courts.
On l'a pourtant jamais radié.
Throw him out!
Jette-le dehors!
- Do you want me to throw him out?
Dois-je le mettre dehors?
We can't very well throw him out now, can we?
Vous n'avez rien vu? Non, je n'ai pas vu qui c'est.
Only the last time he was there, he talk very bad about Mr. John Carter, so I throw him out.
Mais à sa dernière visite, il a dit beaucoup de mal de M. John Carter, alors je l'ai jeté dehors.
Shall I throw him out?
Dois-je le jeter dehors?
"If there has, throw him out, without making a noise."
Si tel est le cas, mettez-le À la porte sans faire de bruit
Throw him out. Throw him out.
Jetez-le dehors.
Shall I throw him out?
Je le jette dehors?
Throw him out in the alley. If he shows up again here at the casino, kill him like a dog.
Virez-le, et s'il revient, abattez-le comme un chien.
Now throw him out.
Et fiche-le dehors!
You break out, then Ledbetter gets blamed and they throw him out.
Si tu t'évades, Ledbetter sera renvoyé.
They throw him out.
I ain't gonna give him a chance to throw me out of a window.
Je ne le laisserai pas m'éjecter d'une fenêtre.
Throw that idiot... Throw that idiot a rope and help him out of there.
Lance un câble à cet idiot et aide-le à sortir de là.
Put him out? I'll snap his spine and throw him off the train!
Sors-le ou je lui tords le cou et le jette du train.
Let him throw me out, Lily.
Laisse, Lily.
Say, look, show him how you throw them out in the aisle.
Montre-leur comment tu les balances hors du ring.
You know, darling, I wasn't going to throw you out. Just him.
Ma chérie, je ne t'aurais pas virée, juste lui.
Throw him in the boat and let's get out of here.
Mettez-le dans le bateau et partons d'ici.
- Oh, Momma. He ate so much, my mother wanted to throw him straight out of the house.
Il mangeait tant que ma mère voulait le jeter dehors.

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