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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We should probably go

We should probably go translate French

226 parallel translation
We should probably go, right?
Il faudrait que j'y aille.
We should probably go.
On devrait s'en aller.
We should probably go with a celebrity anyway.
De toute façon, il vaut mieux qu'on ait une vedette.
Yeah, you know, Josh, I think the admiral has a lot of work to do, so we should probably go ahead.
Oui. Josh, je crois que l'amiral a beaucoup à faire. On devrait le laisser.
Ahh... yeah... So I guess we should probably go ahead and have a little talk, hmm?
Nous allons devoir avoir une petite discussion.
I think we should probably go back and get checked out, huh?
On ferait mieux de rentrer se faire examiner.
Okay, Phoebe. We should probably go back now.
On devrait y retourner.
We should probably go.
On devrait y aller.
Yeah. We should probably go in.
On ferait mieux de rentrer.
We should probably go.
Insulter. On y va?
I figured since I made raspberry waffles yesterday that we should probably go low carb, Officer Belly.
J'ai fait des gaufres aux framboises hier, donc aujourd'hui, à la diète, l'agent Bidounet.
C'mon, Jack, we should probably go too I'll walk you.
Jack on devrait y aller aussi. Je vais t'accompagner. C'est bon.
Uh, mom, we- - we should probably go.
Maman on... On devrait y aller.
- Yeah, we should probably go too, so...
- Ouais, on devrait y aller aussi...
Yeah, we should probably go bail Tim out.
Ouais, on devrait probablement aller faire libérer Tim.
We should probably go right to the dance.
On devrait aller directement au bal.
- You know what, we should probably go check on them.
Allons voir ce qu'ils font. Passez devant.
We should probably go if we're gonna catch that...
On devrait y aller si on ne veut pas rater...
Listen, we should probably go with Sheriff Brackett on this one.
Appelle-moi shérif pour l'instant.
We should probably go home, huh?
On devrait probablement rentrer à la maison, hein?
We should probably go now so...
On doit y aller maintenant...
We should probably go, huh?
On devrait partir.
Well, we should probably go.
Bon, on ferait mieux d'y aller.
We should probably go to sleep now.
On devrait probablement dormir maintenant.
We should probably go. IMAX movies have previews?
On devrait y aller si on ne veut pas rater le film.
We should probably go, too.
Nous devrions partir nous aussi.
Honey, we should probably go to sleep, you know... leave these two alone.
On devrait peut-être aller se coucher et les laisser tranquilles.
Oh, we should probably go.
On devrait y aller.
We should probably go.
On ferait mieux de repartir.
Well, we should probably go.
Bien, on devrait y aller.
- so we should probably go.
- On va devoir y aller.
Think we should probably go ahead and get the car out of here as soon as possible.
Je pense qu'on devrait évacuer la voiture le plus vite possible.
Murray, I think we should probably go home.
Murray, on devrait probablement rentrer.
We should be wrapped up here. About three or four more hours, we'll probably get into Willard's end. I guess you can go over there and meet the national guard.
On en a pour 3 heures pour rejoindre la garde nationale à Willard, vous devriez prendre les devants pour avoir des renseignements.
Uh, I think we should probably let him go.
Je crois qu'on peut le libérer.
We should probably wait on the cardiac enzymes before letting you go.
Nous attendons les enzymes cardiaques pour vous laisser partir.
Oh, well, I think we probably should let Lisa go.
Je pense plutôt qu'on devrait la laisser rentrer chez elle.
We've got 16 more ads to sell. We should go to the big stores first. - They'll probably buy more space.
Il nous reste 16 espaces à vendre, faisons les grands magasins d'abord, ils achètent plus d'espaces.
We should probably just go. Sophia, let's go.
Sophia, allons-nous-en.
We're gonna go after Sykes, so you should probably orb Susan out of here, just to be safe.
On va retrouver Sykes. Téléporte Susan pour la mettre en sécurité.
We probably should go for the oldest singer we can find!
On devrait choisir le plus vieux!
We should really probably go over and say hello
D'où il sort ça?
We should probably just go.
On devrait s'en aller. Je suis désolé.
Yeah, we should probably all go.
Oui, on devrait tous partir.
Uh, we should go, uh, your mom is probably waiting for us.
ta mère nous attend probablement.
We should probably just go home.
Non, rentrons, il y a des restes d'hier.
No, I-I... we've got a big anniversary tomorrow, so I should probably go home and wrap her gift. That's okay.
Bon ok.
Before we go in there, you should probably know something about Veronica Mars.
Avant de rentrer là dedans, vous devriez savoir quelque chose à propos de Veronica Mars.
We should probably just go.
Nous devrions y aller.
We should probably talk about how we're not gonna talk,'cause I don't think we should just go right into it.
On devrait probablement parler de comment on ne va pas parler, parce que je ne pense pas qu'on doive se précipiter directement là-dedans.
I'm worried you'll like him more... if he's your son, which he probably isn't, but we should iron this out now because we'll probably have to go down this road again sometime.
J'ai peur que tu l'aimes plus... si c'est ton fils, ce qui, n'est probablement pas le cas but we should iron this out now parce qu'on va probablement prendre cette route encore et encore

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