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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / What were they doing

What were they doing translate French

789 parallel translation
- What were they doing at the club?
- Qu'ont-ils fait au Club?
What were they doing there?
- Que faisaient-ils là-bas?
What were they doing, telling you funny stories?
Que vous racontaient-ils donc?
- What were they doing?
- Que faisaient-ils?
What were they doing?
Que faisaient-elles?
What were they doing?
SARA : Que faisaient-ils?
Well, what were they doing?
Que faisaient-ils?
Mrs., when you found out who they were, what were they doing?
Madame, quand vous avez su que c'était eux, qu'étaient-ils en train de faire?
But what were they doing there?
Mais que faisaient-ils là-bas?
What were they doing to him?
Que lui faisait-on?
What were they doing blasting at the 93 level?
Qu'est-ce qui leur a pris de dynamiter?
What were they doing at 93 level?
- Que faisaient-ils?
Fuck you! What were they doing back there?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils foutaient derrière?
What were they doing? !
Que faisaient-ils là, derrière?
- What were they doing in my house?
Que faisaient-ils chez moi?
- What were they doing here tonight?
- Qu'est-ce qu'ils faisaient ici?
What in the world were they doing?
Que faisaient-ils ici?
Unless they can explain what they were doing there.
À moins qu'ils m'expliquent ce qu'ils faisaient là.
Perhaps Mr. Anthony P. Kirby himself can explain what they were doing there.
Mais peut-être M. Kirby lui-même peut-il me donner une explication?
For cat's sake, I thought they were cops. I know what I'm doing...
Je croyais que c'étaient des flics.
What would your boys be doing if they were in?
Tes petits protégés feraient quoi, eux?
Yes, but I couldn't stand watching what they were doing to you.
Oui, mais je ne pouvais pas endurer de voir ce qu'ils te faisaient.
They told me one day, they said if anything happen to them I mustn't be unhappy because they were doing what they wanted to do...
Un jour, ils m'ont dit que s'il leur arrivait quelque chose, je ne devrais pas être triste parce qu'ils faisaient ce qu'ils voulaient faire, et que si...
And it was a happy experience because as show people, we respected and admired them for what they were doing.
Une expérience merveilleuse. Nous avons pour eux une profonde admiration.
Look, this is exactly what they were doing.
On a été témoins tous les deux. Ils faisaient exactement ça.
I wondered what they were doing sitting there so close to my door.
Je me suis demandé ce qu'ils faisaient près de ma chambre.
What good were they doing sitting here?
- Á quoi ces vivres servaient ici?
Find out what they were doing.
Trouvez qui c'était.
So that's what they were doing.
C'est donc ça qu'ils faisaient... Vous n'avez pas secouru le pilote.
Yeah, those people on the Mayflower knew what they were doing.
Les gens du Mayflower savaient ce qu'ils faisaient.
30 years ago, people were alarmed at what they thought Jazz was doing to the country.
Il y a 30 ans, les gens était inquiets de ce que le jazz fesait au pays.
They had no idea what they were doing.
Ils n'étaient au courant de rien.
They'll see that we knew exactly what we were doing all the time.
Ils verront bientôt qu'on savait très bien ce qu'on faisait.
Tell me everything you saw there : Who was there, what they were doing, and what you did.
Tu vas me dire tout ce que tu as vu au Parc Paolino, s'il y avait des gens, ce qu'ils faisaient, et surtout ce que toi, tu y as fait.
You know what they were doing?
Tu sais ce qu'ils faisaient? - Quoi?
I'll bet that's what they were doing tonight, as a matter of fact.
Je parie que c'est ce qu'elles ont fait ce soir.
AYDAN : What were they doing here?
Que faisaient-elles là?
According to their life-prolongation plan, what they thought they were doing, a person would age only one month for every 100 years of real time.
D'après leur projet de prolongation de vie, ils pensaient pouvoir faire en sorte qu'une personne vieillirait d'un mois tous les cents ans en temps réel.
What were they doing?
- En faisant quoi?
Miss Lincoln, what kind of work did your employers say they were doing here?
Mademoiselle Lincoln... Quel genre de travail faisaient vos employeurs?
- Yes, and they are the very same people... who said your husband and I were evil... because they didn't understand what we were doing.
- Et ce sont les mêmes... qui nous ont calomniés... parce qu'ils ne comprenaient pas.
- Of what they were doing.
- De ce qu'ils faisaient.
They'll want to know what you were doing with him.
Ils voudront savoir ce que tu faisais avec lui.
and pretty soon they were pushing all the things on the table, and I didn't know what they were doing.
J'ai gagné la partie.
As soon as I saw them, of course... I realized what they were doing.
Et dès que je les ai vus, bien sûr... j'ai réalisé ce qu'iIs faisaient.
What the hell were they doing there?
C'est vraiment des tordus...
The work was hard, but it was great fun. Because the people you worked with really knew what they were doing.
Le travail était dur mais passionnant car chacun était maître dans sa branche.
So tell me what they were doing.
Dites-moi ce qu'ils faisaient.
You could see people on the shore, but not what they were doing.
On voyait les gens sur le rivage mais on ne distinguait pas ce qu'ils faisaient.
Which also explains what they were doing this far from home. What do you mean?
Ca explique aussi ce qu'ils faisaient aussi loin de sa maison
Tell us... when you joined the Carbineers... what were you told they'd be doing?
Dites-nous... quand vous vous êtes engagé dans les Carabiniers, que vous a-t-on dit que vous feriez?

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