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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / What were you thinking

What were you thinking translate French

2,521 parallel translation
What were you thinking, Walt?
Que pensiez-vous, Walt?
What were you thinking?
Pourquoi? A quoi tu penses?
What were you thinking about?
A quoi pensiez vous?
Keith, what were you thinking?
Keith, qu'est-ce qui t'a pris?
Dude, what were you thinking?
Mec, à quoi pensais tu?
What were you thinking?
À quoi tu pensais?
What were you thinking, lying to your dad like that?
A quoi tu pensais en mentant à ton père comme ça?
What were you thinking?
À quoi pensiez-vous?
What were you thinking?
Qu'est-ce qui vous a pris?
What were you thinking?
Diamant, perle.
What were you thinking? !
Tu délires?
- What were you thinking?
A quoi pensais-tu?
Jesus, Glenn, what were you thinking?
A quoi tu pensais?
What were you thinking?
Tu es folle?
What were you thinking?
Tu pensais à quoi?
What were you thinking leaving valuables unattended on your desk?
À quoi vous pensiez en laissant des objets de valeur sur votre bureau? Comme ça?
You know, I should applaud your bravery but I gotta say practically speaking, what were you thinking?
Je devrais saluer votre courage, mais je dois dire, techniquement parlant... C'était quoi ça? Vous avez failli me tuer!
What were you thinking about?
À quoi est-ce que tu penses?
- What were you thinking?
- À quoi tu pensais?
- What were you thinking?
- A quoi tu pensais?
What were you thinking?
Qu'est-ce qui t'a pris?
- What were you thinking?
- Qu'est-ce qui vous a pris?
What were you thinking in there?
Tu pensais à quoi?
Well, what were you thinking?
Mais qu'est-ce qui t'a pris?
What were you thinking?
Vos conclusions?
- What were you thinking?
- Réfléchis!
- What were you thinking?
- Mais à quoi tu pensais?
What were you thinking?
A quoi tu pensais?
Olivia, what were you thinking?
Que se passe-t-il?
What were you thinking?
- À quoi tu pensais?
ERICKSON : What the fuck were you thinking?
A quoi pensais-tu bordel?
And this is what you were thinking about, is it, when we were having sex?
Et c'est à ça que tu pensais pendant qu'on couchait?
If that's what you were thinking, I'm glad.
Si c'est ce que tu croyais, j'en suis ravie.
What the hell were you thinking?
A quoi vous pensiez?
- Hey. I just didn't know what you were thinking, if you wanted him in your room or ours tonight.
En fait, je me demandais ce que tu voulais, si tu préfères l'avoir dans ta chambre
What the fuck were you thinking, bluol?
A quoi pensais-tu bordel?
What the fuck were you thinking?
A quoi pensais-tu hein?
Please tell us all what you were thinking so we may bask in the glorious light of your knowledge.
Racontez nous ce que vous pensiez. Qu'on puisse voir l'étendue de votre connaissance.
What were you thinking for a gown?
Tu as une idée pour la robe?
What on earth were you thinking?
Qu'est-ce qu'il vous a pris?
I just wanted to call you back, touch base with you and hear what you were thinking.
Je te rappelle pour savoir si tu as réfléchi.
Is this what you were thinking about when you were in bed with me?
Lucy... Espèce de malade!
- Is that what you were thinking?
- C'est ce à quoi tu pensais?
Look, your father and I were thinking about what you said, and we want to adopt your cat.
Avec ton père on pensait à ce que t'as dit, et on veut adopter le chat.
Sue, what the hell were you thinking?
Bon sang, à quoi vous pensiez?
Taking the money- - what the fuck were you thinking?
Prendre le fric... Tu pensais quoi?
- What the hell were you thinking?
Mais où avais-tu la tête?
You could have just told us what you were thinking.
Tais-toi, je vais évidemment le faire.
- I think I knew, sir. Then what on earth were you thinking?
- J'étais peut être au courant monsieur.
Michaelangelo Scarlotti. W-what were you thinking?
Tu pensais à quoi?
That's what you were thinking.
Pourtant, c'est ce que tu pensais.

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