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What were they like translate French

302 parallel translation
What were they like?
Comment étaient-elles?
What were they like when it all started? The plant, I mean.
Comment était-elle à ses débuts, l'usine?
What were they like?
A quoi ressemblaient-ils?
Come on... tell us. What were they like?
Comment elles étaient?
What were they like?
- Comment ils étaient?
What were they like?
Comment elles étaient, ses lunettes?
- What were they like?
- Comment ils étaient? - Horribles.
What were they like?
Comment étaient-ils?
Tell me about the gloves, what were they like?
Parlez-moi des gants, à quoi ressemblaient-ils?
Doesn't anybody know who they were... or what they look like?
À quoi ressemblaient ces hommes?
People who try to find out what men were like way back before they could read or write.
Nous essayons de découvrir comment vivaient les hommes avant qu'ils ne sachent lire et écrire.
It is as if Nero or, or Caracalla, Cesar or Tiberius would suddenly tell you what they felt. And you could understand exactly what they were like.
Si Néron, Caracalla, César ou Tibère se mettaient à parler, on les comprendrait aussitôt.
I can't imagine what they were like before.
Je ne peux pas imaginer comment c'était avant.
It sounds crazy but that's what they were shaped like.
Oui! On aurait dit des fourmis!
I knew straightaway what they were like.
J'avais jugé ces gens.
what looked like six motorcycle lights. coming toward me. Do you know what they were?
comme six phares de motocyclette se diriger vers moi.
They think back to what they were like at our age.
Ils pensent à ce qu'ils étaient, eux, à notre âge.
I used to pass places like this and wonder what they were like.
Ce genre d'endroit me faisait rêver.
I didn't know what they were like.
Je ne les connaissais pas.
What did they look like? Did they say where they were going?
Ont-ils dit où ils allaient?
I remember what they were like.
Je suis sûr que c'était elle.
I don't know what you think, but I would have liked to see what they were like.
Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais j'aurais voulu voir leur allure.
I would like to ask the team what they would do if they were hitler.
J'aimerais vous poser cette question : Que feriez-vous si vous étiez Hitler? - Gerald?
They forget what it was like when they were children.
Ils oublient qu'ils ont été enfants.
I wonder what they were like.
Je me demande à quoi ils ressemblaient.
We shall be asking many people who knew them what they were really like
Nous verrons qui ils étaient vraiment...
How they were, what they said... whether they were tender and loving whether they had special wishes what their bodies were like, especially their dicks. Whether they were big, bigger than his. That was strangely important.
s'ils parlaient ou étaient tendres, s'ils avaient des désirs, comment étaient leur corps, surtout Ia queue, si elle était plus grande que Ia sienne, ça comptait étrangement pour Iui, comme s'iI avait un problème avec Ia taille des queues.
I might feel like one if that's what they started calling me instead of George. Which I admit is better than that Mr. Lutz crap they were giving me.
Je le serais s'ils m'appelaient papa au lieu de George... qui est quand même préférable au M. Lutz qu'ils me servaient au début.
And those crowns, did she tell you what they were like?
Ces couronnes, elle t'a dit à quoi elles ressemblaient?
But despite what you might have seen on the late show when you were watching what your parents told you not to, they do not walk around like... this!
Mais malgré ce que vous avez peut-être vu tard le soir à la télé quand vous regardiez ce que vos parents vous ont interdit de voir, ils ne se déplacent pas... ainsi!
A week ago, just as when we were zeroing in what looked like a rich vein, we began to notice that they were there, hanging around in the bushes...
Juste au moment où on était tombés sur un filon prometteur, on s'est rendu compte qu'ils nous épiaient.
They cut off her tongue so she wouldn't tell who they were or what they looked like.
Ils lui ont coupé la langue pour l'empêcher de les dénoncer.
What do you mean, didn't know? Who died in a businessman's war because they were too stupid to shoot their superior officers and start a revolution like the Russians.
Morts dans une guerre d'argent, de n'avoir su tuer leur officier et lancer une révolution comme les Russes.
Tes parents et toi.
They were talking about what happened with you and Gilbert Blythe,... and mother said you have a disposition just like Marilla's.
Maman a dit que tu as eu la même réaction que... Marilla. Tu te rends compte?
He Acted Like They Were His Own Kids Instead Of Just What He Got With The Package Deal.
Il les considérait comme ses propres fils, et non comme ce qu'il fallait bien accepter.
Villages in this region were few and far between and I knew well what they were like.
Je connaissais parfaitement le caractère des rares villages de cette région.
True, but compared to what I thought they'd be like, they were superb.
Mais vu ce à quoi je m'attendais, elles étaient superbes.
What if they were planted in your mind like the evidence against me?
Et si on les avait mis dans ton esprit comme ces preuves contre moi?
And the way they always made us feel... like we were the two most important, smartest, most talented, handsomest... and it kills me to think that they look at me and wonder what they did wrong.
Et ils nous ont toujours fait sentir... qu'on était les deux plus importants, plus malins, plus doués, plus beaux... Et ça me tue de penser qu'en me voyant, ils se demandent où ils se sont trompés.
Oh, well, they sure were good... but you know what I really like... is native Florida cooking.
Elles étaient succulentes... mais tu sais, ce que j'aime vraiment... c'est la cuisine floridienne.
Second time, they were jumping like... - What?
- La deuxième, ils sautaient comme...
And this year, well, they're adding a mixed-doubles division, and I thought, well, if you were interested, uh, what the heck, uh, would you like to, uh, partner up with me?
Et cette année, ils ajoutent la catégorie double mixte. J'ai pensé que... si tu étais intéressée... Pourquoi pas!
Did you know what they were like?
Tu sais quel genre de gens c'est?
Nobody really knows what they were doing there, but hell, they stood out like cotton balls.
On ne sait pas ce qu'ils faisaient là, mais ils passaient pas inaperçus.
But in the midnight hour, layin'there, alone, on the hot bed of lust, I'm sure they must've thought what it would be like... to have one of them big, black bucks... their husbands were so desperately afraid of.
Mais à minuit, allongées, seules, sur le lit chaud de la luxure, je suis sûr qu'elles devaient se demander ce que c'était que d'avoir un de ces grands mâles qui effrayaient tant leurs maris.
But what would the world be like if people said whatever they were thinking all the time, whenever it came to them?
A quoi ressemblerait le monde si les gens disaient constamment ce qu'ils pensent, quand bon leur semble?
Termina told me what was in the fish is cocaine... the drug people snort up their noses... like they were pigs... and that turned them into sex maniacs.
Termina m'a dit qu'il y avait de la cocaïne dans le poisson, la drogue que les gens reniflent... comme s'ils étaient des cochons... et qui font d'eux des maniaques sexuels.
Sometimes, I wonder what they were like.
Je me demande souvent comment ils étaient.
His children were beautiful but they made him feel old and seeing me reminded him of what it was like to be young and marriage was a tough trade-off.
J'ai dit : "Superbes enfants." Il a dit que me revoir après tant d'années lui rappelait sa jeunesse et que le mariage n'était que concessions.
You don't know how many times Miles spoke about what the Cardassians did to the prisoners at Setlik lll, what they were like afterwards.
Vous n'imaginez pas combien de fois Miles m'a parlé de ce qu'ils faisaient aux prisonniers sur Setlik III, et dans quel état ils revenaient.

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